Friday, September 6, 2024

Are you struggling for no reason?

We already know how them folks aim to keep us at a disadvantage financially, so that we don't have the means to wield wealth in ways that would aid us in defending ourselves against White Supremacy. At the same time, there are some Black American men and women sitting on houses that their parents left them and playing stupid with a generational stepping stone to wealth. Don't go online complaining about how hard it is out here when everyone wasn't blessed with a house or other assets. There are a number of Sistas and Brothas figuring out how they're going to cover the funeral expenses of their parents who didn't care enough about them to at least spare them their final costs.

It doesn't matter how you feel about doing house work and keeping the property up. Life takes work to make it through one day to the next, and if you have a home that takes some elbow grease but it has the ability to spare you the need to pay rent and all you have to pay are the property taxes, you're a fool.

If you don't want to stay there, the least you can do is prevent it from falling into disrepair. All you would be asking for from that point are fines from the city. Why not rent it out? Why not try to use it for AirBnB purposes? I bring this up because I know a few people who are stuck on stupid. They have homes to call their own, but refuse to. One of which is a struggling single mother.

She wouldn't have to struggle as much with rent off the table, but she won't move into her mothers home. The repairs don't prevent her from living in the home, and repairs can be done over time. She has a job, and money can be saved up from the rent she no longer has to pay. That would allow her to do something nice with that property, and a number of blessed Black Americans who are too foolish to realize the blessings they have on their hands are playing themselves as well.

If this is you, stop. If you're tired of struggling, acknowledge the assets you have if you're in this type of situation. Don't sit up and complain about how much more work you have when living in a home compared to an apartment when there are services out there that can assist you too. Make it make sense, especially with a child. Our children can't afford to have foolish parents who lack the willingness to build and make sure they're left with something. If you leave your children with nothing, you've failed them, and I'm not talking about a TV or a furniture set, unless that furniture is worth some money and can help them financially.

If you're making $4000 to $5000/month without rent, how would that impact your life if you're a good steward with your money? You can put money in savings, set things up even to a degree where you can get a smaller place if you desire and rent out your inherited home. You can continue to obtain properties from there if you desire and ultimately decrease the need to work an hourly job that potentially has you stressed out. That opens the door to home school, that opens the door to being more active in your child's education if you lack the time now. You'd have the time to show your child how to hustle smarter and teach them the importance of income-generating assets. Don't sleep on property you have the ability to take advantage of, and the same can be done if you have siblings. Work together and get that green.

Wise up and don't struggle if you don't have too.

Friday, August 23, 2024

They love to support fake people like Kamala Harris

This isn't for the people who simply don't know. The devil's favorite game is deception, but to stand with the devil and play along is something we can't tolerate. This can apply to a number of situations, but the people standing with Kamala trying to push her to victory in her trojan horse with "FBA" painted on the side of it, they need to be fed with a long handled spoon. They need to know that they messed up, they need to know that consequences will follow. I just tweeted this:


If they're expecting for you to be honest with them, they need to be treated like a joke. They're going hard in the paint for someone being a fake-FBA, just like Michael Eric Dyson going above and beyond for her. He tried to tie her in with FBA women because someone pronounce her name a certain way. Keep it real with people like this for what?

That's like a woman having a whole mask on, a wig, and everything else. What would it look like for her to expect for you to keep it real and she looks like the Baraka underneath all that?

That's like a man with platform shoes and a fake D expecting you to treat that like his real height and size. What sense would it make if he got mad at you for not keeping it real with him?

They want us to apply the world of make believe to our real life, including the highly protected millionaire, Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama's set for life, they have secret service paid to protect them for life, those are all tangibles that they were given when Black people came out in droves to support them. She's telling you that hope is coming back. It's important to have hope, but never accept hope being dealt to you by someone who uses it to exploit you. Politicians and Pastors are really good at that and the depend on you being gullible. They try to make demands of you, but what moves are they making to impact the Black American community while they get your votes, time, donations, tithes, and offerings?

Your child can't eat hope, and neither can you. You can't pay bills with hope. Them folks won't accept hope as a child support payment or for anything else for that matter, Kamala's husband wouldn't approve of hope as compensation for holocaust survivors but they want to play with your life. I've heard at least two White people mention that we should receive Reparations, and both were on the other side of the aisle. I'm not on either side because they're both wings on the same bird just like I said years ago, but the party can't be the focus, it has to be the policies. If our focus was policy, these Black politician would've gotten a side eye long ago.

They're wielding Blackness against our Betterment when it comes to Kamala. Don't fall for it, they know how we're moving and that's why they have "Black American" listed on that frauds website. She's not one of us, but she doesn't have to be because the policies are the focus here. Jim "The Coon" Clyburn is FBA and he's on that side against us, just like Michelle Obama, Steve Harvey, and others. So getting someone in there who looks like us means nothing unless they've proven themselves to an asset.

They can't be Brothas, Sistas, AND ENEMIES. By the way, I heard Swollen Martin call us OPPs for standing up for our betterment. He wants to make us look like the villains, but we're on the right side of our betterment. We're OPPs against anti-FBA who stand against our reparations and other tangibles, they're OPPs against US getting our reparations and other tangibles. So he can use the word, but it's a double edge sword and we're holding the handle.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Symbolic Chills Don't Pay Bills

Trying to march to the drum of what feels good, won't help any Black American. We already know that chasing what feels good has left a number of people in the community in a number of situations: 

Pregnant with babies because it feels better without a condom

Left with STDs 

On Child Support

Stuck with a crazy baby momma or baby daddy

Stuck with doing time because it felt good to do drugs or drink and end up in a situation

No longer here because if felt good to do drugs or drink and end up in a situation that claimed their life

The list goes on. So chasing what feels good isn't always a good idea. We can enjoy ourselves, but you have people out here trying to get you in feel good mode about Kamala Harris. It's time to get down to business just like these other community. 

Rickey Smiley aka Bernice Jenkins swears he has a point about this women and why we should vote for her. It's nothing I haven't heard before, and it's nothing that will change our position in this country. His female co-host piggy backed off what the other male host said by saying, if Kamala wins, she could be sworn in by Ketanji Brown Jackson on MLK Day. Then said, "Does that not give you chills?". Think about that.

What's that supposed to mean? 

Kamala didn't say she was going to do ANYTHING for us, they haven't began to do anything for us in good faith to make us feel more confident in supporting them either. 

Chills don't pay NO damn bills or provide cooked meals. 

Neither does all that God Damned dancing, a hip hop holiday, a Juneteenth holiday for non-FBA to benefit from financially, attending an HBCU like non-Black people continue to do in growing numbers, or a politicians favorite FBA cuisine. By the way, if you heard the reference between Kamala and Rachel Dolezal, I started calling her Kamala Dolezal before that kicked off because she's acting like she's an FBA woman. I don't care what other type of Black she might pull from for her personal exploits, if she isn't FBA it's still offensive for her to sit up and try to NOW call herself a Black American woman. Be Jamaican American, be African American, they pulled Black American out so her trojan horse ass could infiltrate. 

The craziest part is that there are Black people buying into this shit when they heard this woman represent who she was in the past and it didn't match up. They're down to be fooled, and warming up to her because she allegedly cooked greens after washing them in a damn bathtub where you wash your ass next to the toilet. Where they do that at? You know damn well we don't do no shit like that. Big momma would slap fie out somebody trying to put greens in a tub, especially in her house or if she found out that's how they were washed and they were brought in that kitchen. That's nasty. I don't relate, but culturally, I've seen Indians do things outside, rats climbing all on the damn food, people standing all in the pans or cutting meat with their toenail. So she aligns with that, but let's be real about the food, when did she start making greens? It's more of that BS.

So she claims she can make greens and Black American culture. That's fine, but the buck stops with trying to exploit it or US, and that doesn't mean that someone automatically gets love. The White Supremacists love the food our people cooked for them on the damn plantation, does that mean we need to love and praise them for it? Hell no. Wooing you to the ballot box for free, only works for suckers, and snakes like Rickey are part of these fraternities who usually don't give a damn about Foundational Black Americans.

You got a member of one sorority who would swear in the member of another sorority according to Rickey Smiley, who thought that was deep. Then followed up asking, "What's wrong with ya'll?" Sounding just like Bernice Jenkins, this man can't break out of that character or he needs some work done. 

To hell with that though, who gives a damn what sorority they're apart of? Do you?

The other male host said, but ya'll mad she's not mentioning Reparations as if their resume will benefit us. He took shots at what we're owed, sounding like a whole OPP. Anyone taking shots at our reparations, is basically saying, "Fuck your babies, fuck your family, and fuck your future."

I'm tired of Black Americans being used for everyone else's gain, and this will not sway me in another direction. If you know better, this symbolic bullshit better not sway you in their direction. I'm in the center asking who has what for my vote this time around, I don't care if they have a rap battle or a damn breakdance competition in hopes that we vote for the winner. How does it benefit FBA? If it doesn't, fuck em, until they come with something tangible. Period!

Listen to these clowns, and we know they get taken care of tangibly:

The last time Steven Harvey spoke about that alley oop for Kamala, he slipped up and mentioned that he got the hook up on a connect. So they will tell us everything so they can eat, they don't give a damn if YOUR BABIES can't, the same BABIES they want YOU to Kill Off through Abortion. Reproductive rights my ass, it's abortion, which is the termination of pregnancy. I understand that there are reasons for it at times, especially rape, but to maintain the mission the Negro Project, I'm against that. That's like taking poison, rebranding it as candy and pushing it as a good thing.

Squad Up In 2024 and Beyond

It's been a minute since the last post. I've posted more frequently on Twitter after gaining access, but more of my focus has been in Future Prep.

While we move in as much of a collective group of on-code FBA as possible, remember to create solid support circles of likeminded FBA in your local area. It's valuable and keeps the anti-FBA and trolls out. 

Also, utilize non-FBA if they prove useful for access to certain areas where you're out of reach, but only to a degree because some of them rock a certain way and you can't put yourself in a position where you're desperate enough to jump when they say jump. We have to march to our drum, not theirs, and the direction where we're march or the fact that we're doing so is nothing they need to be aware of. 

If you can get the hook up on property because they know somebody that knows somebody, make that move as long as your soul isn't for sale to make that happen. You can show appreciation to that person by compensating them for their time, and that will leave the door open for them to be utilized in the future as needed for your betterment. You aren't getting over on them, no crimes were committed, it's just legit business that helps us move forward. Get your hands on a home that's reasonably priced, that's a place to stay and land that you can utilize in creative ways that can impact the community for the better. You can use your drive way for mechanic work and do that full time, you can hire someone to help you too. That's good money, just keep it honest about what you can do and fair with pricing.

If it's property for business, that's a Black American business that can get our support and hire more FBA than not. Other communities do the same, and we need to eat too.

Locally, you can put those tithes to better use.
Locally, you can find out who the local politicians are.
Locally, you can put in requests for repairs on streets and other resources.

Keep the circle locked away and keep it on the low because a number of people can't wait to be snakes. Don't confuse protecting your circle with letting someone know who they can reach out to if they're tired potholes in the area tearing up their car, kids getting hurt out there falling or flipping off bikes, risking spinal cord injury, and all that. It's not the same, the circle knows that the circle exists, and you move forward together to enhance stability and bless the community in strategic ways.

You see what's going on out here, it's essential to squad up and keep some things silent to avoid sabotage beyond the overall collective mission. Everything isn't meant to be seen and known by the masses, sometimes that's how things get messed up. That's like a party getting out of control because more people show up than expected, including snakes. Next thing you know, something happens that was probably cooked up by an Opp, and them folks show up. So, since we don't know who's who, create your own FBA squad of on-code people you've vetted so you can move forward.

Benefitting collectively is still the goal by way of Reparations and other Tangibles, but on a smaller scale you need to work more frequently with people tied to you to tighten up your day to day lives. To hell with trying to be the one, that girl, or dat dude. Squad up.

It's a shame when you see a number of people in the community feeling forced to sell their homes so it isn't taken. If you have a circle, an emergency plan could've been put in place to get some of those rooms rented out. I understand not wanting to be on top of each other, but if you're in a position where you're about to take a loss, get over that pride. There are migos out here living how many to a house? Most of them will have cars too. This isn't new to FBA, but we would usually have family move in through hard times when they lose their house, but you can also do the same if someone needs to save their house and you need a place to stay. It's easier when you're tight like that.

Don't forget why you're in this position. These people playing in your face while other groups benefit, mean you no earthly good and you DO NOT want to replicate Skid Row. I'd rather replicate Black Wall Street, so we have to squad up. 

Note: I didn't say anything about hating non-FBA Black people, but we have to focus on what benefits us. We can't carry the diaspora on our back anymore.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Emmanuel Acho is an anti-Black American Opp

This Nigerian flag waving fuckboy with limited knowledge about the Black Americans he cosplays for the sake of blending in, spends his time speaking about us for the sake of butter biscuits his handlers toss in his bowl.

When he speaks on Black people being anti-Semitic, is he talking about Nigerians directly? Jamaicans? Haitians? Kenyans? The North Sentinel Islanders? Hell no, he's talking about Black Americans. You can expose who they're talking about because when you mention specific groups, they'll get specific and mention us to get the target off of their people.

Black Americans aren't known for sitting around barbershops talking about Jewish people. You won't find us sitting around talking about them at Beauty salons, the workplace, at home, on the road, the gym, restaurants, basketball courts, construction sites, planes, trains, or automobiles.

Why? Because we aren't thinking about them like that, but we find these weird conversations pop up talking about us because White Supremacy uses anti-Black American people both in and outside of their community to go after us. There are plenty of examples, and we have to start going after the enemies among us speaking ILL about us, and these people speaking on us. We can apply enough pressure on the individuals who open their mouth to make sure that they run and hide. Look at that dried up bitch, Julianna MarguLIES. She didn't go after ANY other community, she went after us, the legendary Black Americans to try and demonize for not getting in between somebody else's fight. She doesn't stand up to try and thwart anything that prevents us from getting our tangibles does she? Do any of these people who speak on us in a nasty way ride for us and our betterment? Does she check Kathy Hochul to make her fight for tangibles for Black Americans in New York? If no, who is this bitch to say anything as if we owe her something?

Why aren't they speaking on these White Supremacists with this swastikas'? What does that say? You can listen to a Tariq live and listen to White people act as if they're clever and request that he go on their show and also try to speak down on Jewish people. Even when they don't have a show, they'll try to speak down on Jewish people and even speak on the differences between them and how they aren't White like them. Tariq, like most of us, aren't speaking on Jewish people, but how many people speak on us including members of the Jewish community? You can do the research and mark off the number of times which side mentions who. The evidence would be obvious. We don't use them for talking points for our benefit, we don't compare them unless we're pointing out the BS of how the U.S. pumps out money to Israel, and gives money to survivors and their descendants from the Holocaust. And we don't just go at anyone just because they're Jewish, if someone comes out the side of their neck, we're Black American, folding up is not part of our culture. In other words, don't let your GOD Damned mouth write a check that your ass can't cash.

What's even crazier is the fact that it isn't going to help you the people taking shots. That isn't going to increase our desire to ride for them, and it makes people like Emmanuel Acho a bigger OPP. He shouldn't be the only one to feel the heat, his supporters need the same energy also. You wouldn't be cool with your enemies people on the street, and his people are no exception. Neither are Julianna's people, but she can't blend in like these lying ass tethers. Snakes like this dude always seem to make their platform about race, but that's for the sake of them running D for White Supremacy.

His whole anti-Black American campaign needs to be put on front street to get his overgrown tap dancing ass to sit down somewhere. The need to be concerned with how they're making their family name mud out here. They can't want around like Obumseli's family until after he gets stabbed up by his anti-Black lover who made out with the damn dog in his blood. They need to be after their coon family members. If they're posted up with these snakes, they're cool with it. It's not like they don't watch them on TV, because families will gather around to see family on TV in many cases. Don't play with these people, they need to feel the heat, and so do their family members. We need to know who their family members are so that they can't slither comfortably around us. He could possibly employ a family member or a friend to head something and he's the owner. They could run for office, and it will help us to know what's up.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Twitter is playing games as usual

They know that they can't suspend accounts for every tweet, and so they will act like there was some sort of error when you try to post. I know I'm not the only one experiencing this now that I'm back on Twitter.

I'm only back on Twitter because I put them in a position based on evidence that they blocked my access for less than filthy anti-Black serpents who posted far worst. My information was based on something that actually occurred, and they don't block the new organizations. They don't even block someone posting videos of them having sex, the focus is trying to prevent us from making it hard for these demons to slither.

The latest excuse was "You are over the daily limit for sending Tweets", when the last one I sent was 23 hours after I attempted to send my lasted tweet. Nothing listed below applies to me, and if they're playing with your account too then you know it has nothing to do with an actual message limit.

It's no mystery to some of us that Twitter and many of these other tech companies are team White Supremacy, but if you didn't know, now you know.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Black History Monthly

There are a number of Black businesses with great products and services, but they only get the time of day during Black History Month by some? Make that make sense. I can't speak on the ones who need to step it up, but I know of great businesses because I grew up around them, I shopped at them. That's what we knew, even if it was the corner store, it was Black owned. We went to the people who BBQ, the people who fried fish, the Jamaican spots, and all that growing up.

Make an effort on a monthly basis to support Black businesses, and I have to offend some of you, because I'd rather you take those tithes and bless a Black-owned business than a Church that keeps you docile. There are a number of these churches who have the doors wide open for lying ass politicians, and will be some of the first ones to pop up to tell you to stand down.

You got power in your pocket and you don't even know it a lot of the time. That dollar might not seem like much, but what can a dollar from 1,000 people do? What about 5,000? 10,000? 20,000? 100,000? 500,000? 1,000,000? Do you see where I'm going with this?

You can go online and put in #BlackHistoryMonth but what's that really doing if you don't list a business? Will a hashtag keep the doors open?

Black History Month is too short, and we don't need the permission of demons to learn history and continue to make history with the greatness we possess. Am I wrong?

Tithe into the community. How many of these pastor's are going to the local members of government that they rub elbows with at these galas they're INVITED to in order to usher our support in someone's direction who doesn't have our best interest at heart? Some of these pastor's live next door to these people, thanks to your tithes.

I'm not saying they should be hurting, but its a God Damned shame if they're able to live good and don't act in a way that's in the best interest of their congregation at least. A lil function at the Church during the holidays won't suggest laws be put in place for our betterment by way of the people some of these Pastor's go golfing with. Passing out turkey's won't help bring us any closer to the reparations we're owed so that we can buy our own turkey if we choose to do so.

It's not even just about the pastors, so I'll get off them. Look at these non-Black businesses, who use that money for generational wealth. They aren't doing any of the things I mentioned, so should they get first dibs at the money in your purse or pocket? They're really at you females, because they take advantage of the emotional spending some of you do. They want you to hate a dude that will tell you, Baby we don't need that shit, let's go open a business like the Turkey Leg Hut.

It's still beside me why a woman I know did think to stand with her man and assist him in starting a business when that's her area of expertise. Wanting to feel like you're above your man won't change that fact that you're working under a non-Black man who can cut you off at anytime. That's a more private matter with someone that's close, but it's an example. Use your skills to your advantage and DO NOT work against our betterment.

This structural formula of melanin t-shirt was created by an FBA brotha from Fort Myers.

The Hidden History Museum is definitely another thing to support. They're still taking donations also. I highly recommend this, especially if you donated and will have your name listed in the museum for contributing. Let your family know what you did in the name of Black history.

Baby Fu is another another FBA owned business that uses cashapp to give clothing for children. What can a collection of dollar bills do for their initiative? $BabyFu

There are many others, like Black hair salons too that you can find on Naturally Curly. I'm not telling you to go natural, but if you go that route I'd applaud it. Beware of some of these people because they're everything except Black until it's time to get your money then magically they're a Sista of color that specializes in ethnic hair. No, go for a Black hair stylist, so they can eat too. Only wear a bonnet outside if you're going to get your hair done, let that be the thing it represents.

There are so many other things you're able to support, so while you're on your computer or phone, look them up. If you get the urge to check their paper work, I'm not mad at you, as long as you make that effort to check the paper work of non-Black businesses. I certainly can't forget Black content creators, this doesn't even cost you a dime to hit a damn like button at least. The likes help with the algorithm and increases the chance of views, but it's not just that, it's the money that comes with it. We won't like all the same Black content creators, but that's okay, just hit the damn like buttons to support them.

By the way, if you or your teen are willing to drop a super chat on a non-Black person's youtube live, you're able to do so on a Black channel. Are you willing to end your boycott against Black owned businesses? If so, prove it through your actions and your money. For the Black business owners out there, keep it in the family and make sure the person you pass it on to, does the same. If they don't know how to handle business, hiring someone to fill that position makes more sense than selling if the money is truly there or has a way to increase.