Friday, February 28, 2025

FBA Freedman History Month and Freedmen Benefits

On this last day of nationally observed Black History Month for 2025, reflect on whether we as FBA should pivot. FBA Freedmen History Month WOULD prevent our history from being blurred, rewritten or erased. Before anyone tries to complain, go protest Caribbean American History Month. Haitians have one too! Other groups are able to have their own, and then act like it's such a foreign concept that we seek such a thing as well.

Doesn't this sound familiar? I've mentioned the hypocrisy before in a number of ways. One of which is related to the Congressional Black Caucus, Haitian Caucus, and the Caribbean Caucus. I don't recall anyone else who pointed out this, but it gives justification for us to have a Congressional Freedmen Caucus as I mentioned on twitter. This is the reason why (I used AI to lay this out):

They get something specific for their ethnic group AND they get to come over to ours and eat? That's exactly what this is and it leaves us neglected by the people meant to represent us. That's why I made up a potluck scenario years ago so that you can visualize how fucked up this one way coalition is. They show up and glut up all our food, leave full and take plates homes and shit for their families. They don't bring anything, we're left cleaning up and with less resources. Does that motivate you to throw another potluck or make you want to protect your resources and only allow certain people to come around who bring something to the table? I mentioned this and pushed that we draw a line in the sand because of this. Their Caucus looks out specifically for them, ours is spread thin to help EVERYONE! So I'd rather replace the CBC with an CFC (Congressional Freedmen Caucus) or have a CFC in addition to the CBC because we can't trust them to address the legislative concerns of Black Americans. We're usually the ones neglected by the CBC. The same CBC that's full of non-FBA people.

They win, while we struggle with this fucked up setup.

We saw it years ago, and I'm not a fan of one way loyalty, even among us. If you have a nasty habit of things being all about you then anything related to teamwork will fall to the side. I give Professor Black Truth props because he doesn't take and not give. You can apply that anywhere, from the internet to the streets, synergy keeps things moving and circulating the right way among FBA Freedmen, just watch out for snakes.

Less snakes would be able to slither among us and get their hands on tangibles meant for our betterment, while they safeguard any and everything related to their people if we dive deeper into delineation in various sectors. We're at this point because this one way loyalty shit has to go. It doesn't mean we hate anyone or that would mean they hate us because we're actually the one's having non-FBA people taking from us, giving nothing, and maintaining a barrier between lineage so no one can get theirs. That's some strategically sneaky shit that, but two can play that game. The game doesn't hurt us, because we weren't getting anything out of it in the first place.

It's that time, and we can use the likes of Donald Trump to try and get more of these things in place. This would've been a great month to make that move, but we can utilize his words shared during the Black History Month event to get even more motion. Why? Because he was honoring FBA Freedmen.

Being more specific about what we support, because snakes are specific about what they support, would allow us as FBA Freedmen to benefit instead of everything being taken by people. All these gains, and Tariq Nasheed pointed out how snakes have been given the leadership role in a number of places over funds established by FBA Freedmen and they've been selfishly making sure that ONLY their lineage get the funding. Is that some fucked up shit or is that some really fucked up shit? I saw a mammy crying about us sitting on the couch and saying our ancestors would want us to fight, basically sounding slow as hell, meanwhile too many of the people we could help, work against us. Capes Off!

I would rather FBA children win, these God Damned Opps aren't thinking about them unless it's something negative. What do we look like running D for them while they're running an offensive against us and our betterment?

For those who disagree, answer this, why don't you want to save food for your children to eat?

If a fund is laser focused on helping non-FBA people and we can't get anything, but they're in our face asking for donations to contribute to non-FBA stuff, fuck them. That mainly goes to those who don't contribute a damn thing to us. And don't let them lie and claim they were riding for us to get reparations, you can look at Tweets I put out a number of times that these people are paid to study reparations. I don't want them playing in our face, getting another bag to eat good, get our support, and then deny us what we're owed. But let's get back to the topic of funding.

That money is better off going to Freedmen Funds-Only. Why? Because we win when the funding is laser focused on us:

When it comes to contribution, I posted awhile back about us eating off of the people who pop up in our neighborhood to open up shop to eat off us. There has to be an understanding there and respect. Keep it respectful, keep things focused on business, and lets get this money. If they can open a gas station, they can let us use that lot to wash cars, sell BBQ, and other stuff that doesn't step on the toes of what they have to sell. Don't be bashful either, get that money if the door is open to it.

If its a green zone for us, it's a green zone for them. One hand washes the other. If it's a red zone for us to make money, it needs to be a red zone to spend money.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

If you're empty handed, you're trippin: Setting the tone

This isn't me taking direct aim at this chick, but don't let someone talk you out of arming yourself with something. If they don't even know the laws about what they can or can't carry, how can they tell you what you can't carry? She was focused on being right, despite being wrong and either she was just being foolish or she possibly doesn't want us to be armed like that. I don't know her to assume one way or the other.

In NYC you can't carry a pistol, but you can carry pepper spray and other tools of defense. 

What can you carry in your location? If you don't know, you have the power of the internet and AI at your finger tips. Find out and keep it tucked until needed!

White Supremacists and their minions are trying to go hard in the paint against us, and while being registered to vote matters to show who we've supported or didn't support, street level we have to protect ourselves. If the chances of them getting hurt or killed increases if they mess with us, what do you think they'll do? They'd have no choice but to think twice and fear is going to override most of the time because these demons fear consequences. Self defense is something you have a right to practice, but also play it smart and stop trying to roam everywhere. There are children out here who aren't under the umbrella of a parent or guardian because they need a break. Now your child is a soft target.

If you're grown and going to places like Backwood, USA out of curiosity because you feel that hate should've died out years ago, you run the risk of fucking around and finding out. Despite having a tool, why increase the chance of having to use it?

We have to be more disciplined financially too, these other groups bank on Foundational Black Americans. Switch up, stop going broke on that bullshit. If you're spending thousands on your hair, but you need rides everywhere, that's a problem.

Even on the grassroots level, respect other Brothas and Sistas. There are people who feel like they're too big to show respect, some just take talking points. How does that help the grassroots? That only helps you. This goes right back to the crab in the barrel mentality or simply not wanting someone else to do better than you.

I can go on and on, but one way you can help Black Americans right now for free is to like and subscribe to one today. Replace your favorite non-FBA youtubers with a Black one if there's an alternative or have as many FBA channels you sub too in that genre.

Be safe, wise up, and thrive!

Friday, November 8, 2024

The Betterment of FBA is the Only way!

The Black Grassroots is starting to hear something different from some of these Black feminists, bleeding hearts in the community, and team blue no matter who. It's good to see that more of you APPEAR to be understanding now. To hell with a party, it's about 👉🏾The BETTERMENT of FBA!

How many of us have been saying this for the longest? Pointing out all this BS they're trying to do for everyone else. How long? This is nothing new, some of you just haven't come to this side yet. You had to experience enough for yourself to say that you've had enough.

High grocery bills, high prices at the pump, these people are playing with rent. All these things occurring that you have to take on financially with limited resources, but other groups have breathing room because their groups leaders actually advocate for them AND they get help from the Black Caucus. The same caucus that some of us have pointed out awhile ago for being a waste of space for Black Americans. We're expected to have a Black people for Everyone else mentality while they have their group mentality? Only a fool would accept that.

Focus on what will help us benefit as Foundational Black Americans, because these other groups don't give a damn about us. I'm glad some of you see that now, but you have to remember that. You can't lose sight of it because you know what the deal is. Write down a reminder of who you're riding for and the shit you won't be riding for anymore.

If you're still saying Black Women, like Black Children and Black Men don't exist, you still have more work to do. Be careful of who you're following too, because a number of these women pushing anti-Black male rhetoric are either trying to appeal to you sexually, working on behalf of them folks, or they have a full blown accent slithering their way to our country bringing that toxic mindset they developed in their country. I can understand immigrant women having smoke for their men if they have rape capitals, can just beat and murder women and girls in the street, incest is normal for them, and babies not knowing their fathers is the norm. Shit, you already see how that influx of Black immigrants impacted our community, and look who ended up in government pulling strings against our betterment.

We can't even rep Black like that anymore because of what they've done. If these people can sit back comfortably and let a demon give them a few dollars so they can take over native land or their beaches and treat their people like shit, can they be trusted to ride for us?

There are riders, and it's all good with them. It's respect, but we aren't moving blindly because it's only beneficial to see things as clear as possible. Blindly embracing everything Black has resulted in what I've mentioned years ago, people coming into what was supposed to be a pot luck hosted by Foundational Black Americans and these other groups walking out with all these plates. If they don't bring a damn thing, what sense does it make to host for everyone when you can actually benefit more with like minded FBA?

How many of these people fought to say they weren't like us, until the time came that they could slither in like a GOD Damned serpent to benefit off of us? It's easy to smile when they want something, just like these other groups. So don't get wrapped up in someone just being Black, looking Black, or being a Black woman.

That Black person could be a tether like Myron Gaines. That Black looking person could be Kamala Harris or Angelique Lee. That Black woman could be Candace Owens.

You are looking at these other groups with more of a side eye now, so that's a good thing but don't forget these snake. Lineage first, you can be cool with individuals on the outside, and some of you are in relationships with non-FBA people. So just be careful, don't be used as a resource if that person isn't coming through equally or more so for you. Remember, FBA built this country and fought enough to open the door for people around the world to eat well. It's time for those FBA efforts to benefit us and us alone, we've done enough them and they haven't done enough to deserve our help.

This also applies to some FBA men who think these non-FBA men are our brothers because feminists exist, especially on the non-Black side. Only a fool would believe that or someone desperate to be accepted by them. In dating spaces using their rhetoric and pushing their filthy demonic definition of woke, which is completely wrong. A demon gets their hands on something and it won't remain clean unless you point out what they're attempting to do. Remember your history and remember who these people are, despite demons like Ron DeSantis trying to hide or twist that history. Ron, Vivek Ramaswamy, and the rest of these demons who may have a fake Black friend as cover for their anti-Black racism. There are a lot of immigrants jumping in trying to blur the lines like Myron, but you already know what he thinks about Black Americans. Know how to move around thy enemies and don't trick yourself into believe they are your friends. Business is business, use them for our betterment, and keep your soul intact.

Now take and apply this to the politicians. To hell with a political party, what are we getting out of the deal? We would be employing them and ensuring that they can eat, but for what? It's not for us to suffer while everyone and their mammy can live well. If they don't come to the table speaking with some sense about what we're getting and not some BS about saving Democracy, they can go.

Reparations for Foundational Black Americans.

Tangibles for Foundational Black Americans.

An Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill would cover other groups in the diaspora, but how many of these people are fighting for that? So our fight has to be for Foundational Black Americans to receive a hate crime bill to protect our lineage. It would still benefit them because anti-Black demons would be much more hesitant to attack. Either they ride or get left to the side.

The betterment of FBA is the only way, especially when you're dealing with selfish ass people and anti-FBA minions of White Supremacy. No love lost when it comes to business, we just work with those willing to benefit from working with us when we don't have the resources or the right cogs in place to make something happen ourselves. Get better about protecting your children too, small children should never be out here roaming around alone and if teens have time to run the street they have time to do something that can build their future. A child under your roof needs to be required to let you know where they're going and where they are. We've seen too many examples of these demons getting access to Black children because their parents didn't do what they needed to do to prevent that child from slipping.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Open your eyes: Vote with Logic

Kamala and her team of anti-Black American minions have been working tirelessly for the powers that be. The people pulling the strings that affect your life on a daily basis. You have the power to determine whether she can affect your life after the election or not, and that includes your local politicians and others in your local government (i.e. Judges).

This woman openly changes her voice up. This grown ass woman, sitting up playing in your face. You see how her and her team have no problem doing for others, while the most she's willing to do for us is toss some crumbs off the table of others and figures you'll be dumb enough to deem it good enough.

There are Black men and women who are non-FBA and FBA crashing out over this woman. Being in a sorority, knowing FBA music, and more importantly claiming to know our history didn't stop this bitch from fucking over Black men and women. Claiming to love Black this, Black that, didn't stop a Black woman's life from being turned upside down because her daughter had medical issues. Her cold blooded approach to truancy caused that woman and her daughter to go through hell, so much so that little Black girl with special needs ended up having a damn stroke. That's on Kamala's list of "accomplishments", and she isn't the only one, but the sad reality is, some of you know this.

It has zero to do with Trump, and has everything to do with how this woman is moving and has moved. Black men were denied their freedom in the name of getting more prison labor out of them. Imagine that were someone you're related too. You have to think of it in that sense. This bitch doesn't care about you. I still come across Black people who see her and continue to say "Black woman" and feel like it's an obligation to ride. Brandon Johnson is shitting all over Black Chicago right now because some of our people felt like they had to ride. He was doing all he could for illegals and other non-Black American communities, even allowing a Latino member of the local government to start feeling himself to the point where he physically blocked a Black woman from entering chambers to stop her from voting. He didn't want the people to vote against their sanctuary city status because of how it would affect migrants. Again, a number of people riding for this woman know about all this. This dude is actually Black but his agenda didn't have Black Chicago's best interest at heart, but a woman who resembles us and didn't genuinely come up with a plan to impact our lives for the better is supposed to?

Just like I said on Twitter/X, Indians have skin tones that resemble ours, but that doesn't make them us. That woman is Indian and Irish, and she's a descendant of slave owners. I'm not saying that would make her automatically be anti-FBA or work against us, but what does her track record say? Get past her look and LOOK at what she's done. She could be Wesley Snipes cousin and it wouldn't matter because she has been on opp shit for far too long.

A number of you really don't seem to understand where we are in this society on an economic level. Those that do and continue to support, are foolish because you can't get better unless you fight and demand better. I've posted a number of times an image of an adorable little Black girl and Kamala, asking who's future matters more to you. That's a real question.

Look at all the homeless Black people out here, and the growing number are Black women. Too many have a child or children going through it with them. Did you know that over 100,000 students lived in extended-stat hotels in 2022 according to the department of education? This is a slightly better form of homelessness, but it's still considered homeless under federal law. Trust me, I know know people dealing with this shit, and they can't just stay in those hotels because after a certain number of days they have to move around. I was talking with a Sista the other day who bought a crockpot from Walmart so she could have warm food for her son to eat for dinner while she was at her new job. I couldn't tell you where the daddy is, but generally a small percentage of men have kids by multiple women. That needs to end also and should not be promoted because there is only one man to go around which adds to the list of reasons some Black children don't have a father around. Good game doesn't make a Good father.


Did you know that in some Atlanta-area counties about 40% of homeless students living in an extended-stay situation or hotels that allow for long term occupancy? You know how some of these places are too, no kitchen, they can't really play outside because a number of these locations have people sitting outside drinking, on drugs, tricks going in and out. It's a mess. This particular article is from October 15, 2024!

What type of solutions is Kamala presenting to Black women with children are being evicted at higher rates than other people. It's not a game that we should be out here playing because someone is trying to package herself as the fun one. She doesn't ride for us, she rides for illegals and you can see it. There are illegals here in Orlando living in some nice ass spots, over in greater Universal, Hunter's Creek and all that because they're given the greenlight to opportunity. They're given the jobs quicker, they don't even have to speak English. They got Latina chicks working drive thru windows here who don't speak and the excuse managers have given me is that they don't speak English. If they know how to greet in Spanish, they need to do that then instead of just looking like they're stuck on stupid, but I highly advice Black men, women, parents to get up on her A-Game. If you work at a place, aim to be that person on the register that makes more instead of being on that hot ass grill because the manager feels like a Latina is prettier and should be working the window. A Sista had to deal with that awhile back with a Mexican manager trying to get her and other Black employees to clean under grills instead of rotating.

Make sure that if you are tithing, hold your Church accountable. If they aren't doing for you, those tithes are nothing but a waste in their collection plate when they could better serve YOU in the hands of a true pro-FBA grassroots organization. If there isn't one in your area, organize one, even if it's for your specific area. Squad up! Those tithes could impact the neighborhood by way of Black businesses. These are things beyond Government that can help soften the blow of Government, and it would remove a level of stress and desperation. They want us on our last dollar willing to do anything, and that's a problem.

The last place money needs to go is to an off-code church, especially if you barely have a pot to piss in and back door to throw it out of. We need you well so that we can have as many healthy members of our community possible to better combat the bullshit being served up by these snakes on all sides. If they're in a panic, it's not because they fear Donald Trump, they're concerned that they don't have control of our generation and future generations that may be influenced by us. They owe our people, it's not our job to just go out and vote if they don't have something on the table for us. If someone locally has a track record of doing right, cool, but they have to prove themselves time and time again because a one off won't keep you from being at risk of going homeless. Vote with Logic for your kids, to hell with what's trendy.

According to Kazuri Taylor, "It's hard to do homework in a car and in the hotel." There's no doubt in my mind that it's uncomfortable. I can understand if they were already homeless before Biden & Harris got into office, but if not, think about what a potential vote did to them. Do you want to be priced out and replaced so that you can't make a way? These aren't scare tactics, I'm trying to get some of our people to think because these people are trying to fast track citizenship for illegals to change their life for the better when too many of ours are barely holding on or at the mercy of others just to eat. Do your research, budget, spend wisely, get a roommate if needed, get a savings account and save for the long haul, put time into personal growth, be smart with your assets, soak up game from the Black media, close your mouth if it's not beneficial, speak up when necessary.

Also, don't forget the amount of money Biden & Harris have spent so far and how it greatly exceeded what could've been Reparations for Black Americans to better our situation. The people who lack the ability to negotiate are the ones who usually end up with the bad deal. It's time to level up.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Are you struggling for no reason?

We already know how them folks aim to keep us at a disadvantage financially, so that we don't have the means to wield wealth in ways that would aid us in defending ourselves against White Supremacy. At the same time, there are some Black American men and women sitting on houses that their parents left them and playing stupid with a generational stepping stone to wealth. Don't go online complaining about how hard it is out here when everyone wasn't blessed with a house or other assets. There are a number of Sistas and Brothas figuring out how they're going to cover the funeral expenses of their parents who didn't care enough about them to at least spare them their final costs.

It doesn't matter how you feel about doing house work and keeping the property up. Life takes work to make it through one day to the next, and if you have a home that takes some elbow grease but it has the ability to spare you the need to pay rent and all you have to pay are the property taxes, you're a fool.

If you don't want to stay there, the least you can do is prevent it from falling into disrepair. All you would be asking for from that point are fines from the city. Why not rent it out? Why not try to use it for AirBnB purposes? I bring this up because I know a few people who are stuck on stupid. They have homes to call their own, but refuse to. One of which is a struggling single mother.

She wouldn't have to struggle as much with rent off the table, but she won't move into her mothers home. The repairs don't prevent her from living in the home, and repairs can be done over time. She has a job, and money can be saved up from the rent she no longer has to pay. That would allow her to do something nice with that property, and a number of blessed Black Americans who are too foolish to realize the blessings they have on their hands are playing themselves as well.

If this is you, stop. If you're tired of struggling, acknowledge the assets you have if you're in this type of situation. Don't sit up and complain about how much more work you have when living in a home compared to an apartment when there are services out there that can assist you too. Make it make sense, especially with a child. Our children can't afford to have foolish parents who lack the willingness to build and make sure they're left with something. If you leave your children with nothing, you've failed them, and I'm not talking about a TV or a furniture set, unless that furniture is worth some money and can help them financially.

If you're making $4000 to $5000/month without rent, how would that impact your life if you're a good steward with your money? You can put money in savings, set things up even to a degree where you can get a smaller place if you desire and rent out your inherited home. You can continue to obtain properties from there if you desire and ultimately decrease the need to work an hourly job that potentially has you stressed out. That opens the door to home school, that opens the door to being more active in your child's education if you lack the time now. You'd have the time to show your child how to hustle smarter and teach them the importance of income-generating assets. Don't sleep on property you have the ability to take advantage of, and the same can be done if you have siblings. Work together and get that green.

Wise up and don't struggle if you don't have too.

Friday, August 23, 2024

They love to support fake people like Kamala Harris

This isn't for the people who simply don't know. The devil's favorite game is deception, but to stand with the devil and play along is something we can't tolerate. This can apply to a number of situations, but the people standing with Kamala trying to push her to victory in her trojan horse with "FBA" painted on the side of it, they need to be fed with a long handled spoon. They need to know that they messed up, they need to know that consequences will follow. I just tweeted this:


If they're expecting for you to be honest with them, they need to be treated like a joke. They're going hard in the paint for someone being a fake-FBA, just like Michael Eric Dyson going above and beyond for her. He tried to tie her in with FBA women because someone pronounce her name a certain way. Keep it real with people like this for what?

That's like a woman having a whole mask on, a wig, and everything else. What would it look like for her to expect for you to keep it real and she looks like the Baraka underneath all that?

That's like a man with platform shoes and a fake D expecting you to treat that like his real height and size. What sense would it make if he got mad at you for not keeping it real with him?

They want us to apply the world of make believe to our real life, including the highly protected millionaire, Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama's set for life, they have secret service paid to protect them for life, those are all tangibles that they were given when Black people came out in droves to support them. She's telling you that hope is coming back. It's important to have hope, but never accept hope being dealt to you by someone who uses it to exploit you. Politicians and Pastors are really good at that and the depend on you being gullible. They try to make demands of you, but what moves are they making to impact the Black American community while they get your votes, time, donations, tithes, and offerings?

Your child can't eat hope, and neither can you. You can't pay bills with hope. Them folks won't accept hope as a child support payment or for anything else for that matter, Kamala's husband wouldn't approve of hope as compensation for holocaust survivors but they want to play with your life. I've heard at least two White people mention that we should receive Reparations, and both were on the other side of the aisle. I'm not on either side because they're both wings on the same bird just like I said years ago, but the party can't be the focus, it has to be the policies. If our focus was policy, these Black politician would've gotten a side eye long ago.

They're wielding Blackness against our Betterment when it comes to Kamala. Don't fall for it, they know how we're moving and that's why they have "Black American" listed on that frauds website. She's not one of us, but she doesn't have to be because the policies are the focus here. Jim "The Coon" Clyburn is FBA and he's on that side against us, just like Michelle Obama, Steve Harvey, and others. So getting someone in there who looks like us means nothing unless they've proven themselves to an asset.

They can't be Brothas, Sistas, AND ENEMIES. By the way, I heard Swollen Martin call us OPPs for standing up for our betterment. He wants to make us look like the villains, but we're on the right side of our betterment. We're OPPs against anti-FBA who stand against our reparations and other tangibles, they're OPPs against US getting our reparations and other tangibles. So he can use the word, but it's a double edge sword and we're holding the handle.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Symbolic Chills Don't Pay Bills

Trying to march to the drum of what feels good, won't help any Black American. We already know that chasing what feels good has left a number of people in the community in a number of situations: 

Pregnant with babies because it feels better without a condom

Left with STDs 

On Child Support

Stuck with a crazy baby momma or baby daddy

Stuck with doing time because it felt good to do drugs or drink and end up in a situation

No longer here because if felt good to do drugs or drink and end up in a situation that claimed their life

The list goes on. So chasing what feels good isn't always a good idea. We can enjoy ourselves, but you have people out here trying to get you in feel good mode about Kamala Harris. It's time to get down to business just like these other community. 

Rickey Smiley aka Bernice Jenkins swears he has a point about this women and why we should vote for her. It's nothing I haven't heard before, and it's nothing that will change our position in this country. His female co-host piggy backed off what the other male host said by saying, if Kamala wins, she could be sworn in by Ketanji Brown Jackson on MLK Day. Then said, "Does that not give you chills?". Think about that.

What's that supposed to mean? 

Kamala didn't say she was going to do ANYTHING for us, they haven't began to do anything for us in good faith to make us feel more confident in supporting them either. 

Chills don't pay NO damn bills or provide cooked meals. 

Neither does all that God Damned dancing, a hip hop holiday, a Juneteenth holiday for non-FBA to benefit from financially, attending an HBCU like non-Black people continue to do in growing numbers, or a politicians favorite FBA cuisine. By the way, if you heard the reference between Kamala and Rachel Dolezal, I started calling her Kamala Dolezal before that kicked off because she's acting like she's an FBA woman. I don't care what other type of Black she might pull from for her personal exploits, if she isn't FBA it's still offensive for her to sit up and try to NOW call herself a Black American woman. Be Jamaican American, be African American, they pulled Black American out so her trojan horse ass could infiltrate. 

The craziest part is that there are Black people buying into this shit when they heard this woman represent who she was in the past and it didn't match up. They're down to be fooled, and warming up to her because she allegedly cooked greens after washing them in a damn bathtub where you wash your ass next to the toilet. Where they do that at? You know damn well we don't do no shit like that. Big momma would slap fie out somebody trying to put greens in a tub, especially in her house or if she found out that's how they were washed and they were brought in that kitchen. That's nasty. I don't relate, but culturally, I've seen Indians do things outside, rats climbing all on the damn food, people standing all in the pans or cutting meat with their toenail. So she aligns with that, but let's be real about the food, when did she start making greens? It's more of that BS.

So she claims she can make greens and Black American culture. That's fine, but the buck stops with trying to exploit it or US, and that doesn't mean that someone automatically gets love. The White Supremacists love the food our people cooked for them on the damn plantation, does that mean we need to love and praise them for it? Hell no. Wooing you to the ballot box for free, only works for suckers, and snakes like Rickey are part of these fraternities who usually don't give a damn about Foundational Black Americans.

You got a member of one sorority who would swear in the member of another sorority according to Rickey Smiley, who thought that was deep. Then followed up asking, "What's wrong with ya'll?" Sounding just like Bernice Jenkins, this man can't break out of that character or he needs some work done. 

To hell with that though, who gives a damn what sorority they're apart of? Do you?

The other male host said, but ya'll mad she's not mentioning Reparations as if their resume will benefit us. He took shots at what we're owed, sounding like a whole OPP. Anyone taking shots at our reparations, is basically saying, "Fuck your babies, fuck your family, and fuck your future."

I'm tired of Black Americans being used for everyone else's gain, and this will not sway me in another direction. If you know better, this symbolic bullshit better not sway you in their direction. I'm in the center asking who has what for my vote this time around, I don't care if they have a rap battle or a damn breakdance competition in hopes that we vote for the winner. How does it benefit FBA? If it doesn't, fuck em, until they come with something tangible. Period!

Listen to these clowns, and we know they get taken care of tangibly:

The last time Steven Harvey spoke about that alley oop for Kamala, he slipped up and mentioned that he got the hook up on a connect. So they will tell us everything so they can eat, they don't give a damn if YOUR BABIES can't, the same BABIES they want YOU to Kill Off through Abortion. Reproductive rights my ass, it's abortion, which is the termination of pregnancy. I understand that there are reasons for it at times, especially rape, but to maintain the mission the Negro Project, I'm against that. That's like taking poison, rebranding it as candy and pushing it as a good thing.