Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Emmanuel Acho is an anti-Black American Opp

This Nigerian flag waving fuckboy with limited knowledge about the Black Americans he cosplays for the sake of blending in, spends his time speaking about us for the sake of butter biscuits his handlers toss in his bowl.

When he speaks on Black people being anti-Semitic, is he talking about Nigerians directly? Jamaicans? Haitians? Kenyans? The North Sentinel Islanders? Hell no, he's talking about Black Americans. You can expose who they're talking about because when you mention specific groups, they'll get specific and mention us to get the target off of their people.

Black Americans aren't known for sitting around barbershops talking about Jewish people. You won't find us sitting around talking about them at Beauty salons, the workplace, at home, on the road, the gym, restaurants, basketball courts, construction sites, planes, trains, or automobiles.

Why? Because we aren't thinking about them like that, but we find these weird conversations pop up talking about us because White Supremacy uses anti-Black American people both in and outside of their community to go after us. There are plenty of examples, and we have to start going after the enemies among us speaking ILL about us, and these people speaking on us. We can apply enough pressure on the individuals who open their mouth to make sure that they run and hide. Look at that dried up bitch, Julianna MarguLIES. She didn't go after ANY other community, she went after us, the legendary Black Americans to try and demonize for not getting in between somebody else's fight. She doesn't stand up to try and thwart anything that prevents us from getting our tangibles does she? Do any of these people who speak on us in a nasty way ride for us and our betterment? Does she check Kathy Hochul to make her fight for tangibles for Black Americans in New York? If no, who is this bitch to say anything as if we owe her something?

Why aren't they speaking on these White Supremacists with this swastikas'? What does that say? You can listen to a Tariq live and listen to White people act as if they're clever and request that he go on their show and also try to speak down on Jewish people. Even when they don't have a show, they'll try to speak down on Jewish people and even speak on the differences between them and how they aren't White like them. Tariq, like most of us, aren't speaking on Jewish people, but how many people speak on us including members of the Jewish community? You can do the research and mark off the number of times which side mentions who. The evidence would be obvious. We don't use them for talking points for our benefit, we don't compare them unless we're pointing out the BS of how the U.S. pumps out money to Israel, and gives money to survivors and their descendants from the Holocaust. And we don't just go at anyone just because they're Jewish, if someone comes out the side of their neck, we're Black American, folding up is not part of our culture. In other words, don't let your GOD Damned mouth write a check that your ass can't cash.

What's even crazier is the fact that it isn't going to help you the people taking shots. That isn't going to increase our desire to ride for them, and it makes people like Emmanuel Acho a bigger OPP. He shouldn't be the only one to feel the heat, his supporters need the same energy also. You wouldn't be cool with your enemies people on the street, and his people are no exception. Neither are Julianna's people, but she can't blend in like these lying ass tethers. Snakes like this dude always seem to make their platform about race, but that's for the sake of them running D for White Supremacy.

His whole anti-Black American campaign needs to be put on front street to get his overgrown tap dancing ass to sit down somewhere. The need to be concerned with how they're making their family name mud out here. They can't want around like Obumseli's family until after he gets stabbed up by his anti-Black lover who made out with the damn dog in his blood. They need to be after their coon family members. If they're posted up with these snakes, they're cool with it. It's not like they don't watch them on TV, because families will gather around to see family on TV in many cases. Don't play with these people, they need to feel the heat, and so do their family members. We need to know who their family members are so that they can't slither comfortably around us. He could possibly employ a family member or a friend to head something and he's the owner. They could run for office, and it will help us to know what's up.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Twitter is playing games as usual

They know that they can't suspend accounts for every tweet, and so they will act like there was some sort of error when you try to post. I know I'm not the only one experiencing this now that I'm back on Twitter.

I'm only back on Twitter because I put them in a position based on evidence that they blocked my access for less than filthy anti-Black serpents who posted far worst. My information was based on something that actually occurred, and they don't block the new organizations. They don't even block someone posting videos of them having sex, the focus is trying to prevent us from making it hard for these demons to slither.

The latest excuse was "You are over the daily limit for sending Tweets", when the last one I sent was 23 hours after I attempted to send my lasted tweet. Nothing listed below applies to me, and if they're playing with your account too then you know it has nothing to do with an actual message limit.

It's no mystery to some of us that Twitter and many of these other tech companies are team White Supremacy, but if you didn't know, now you know.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Black History Monthly

There are a number of Black businesses with great products and services, but they only get the time of day during Black History Month by some? Make that make sense. I can't speak on the ones who need to step it up, but I know of great businesses because I grew up around them, I shopped at them. That's what we knew, even if it was the corner store, it was Black owned. We went to the people who BBQ, the people who fried fish, the Jamaican spots, and all that growing up.

Make an effort on a monthly basis to support Black businesses, and I have to offend some of you, because I'd rather you take those tithes and bless a Black-owned business than a Church that keeps you docile. There are a number of these churches who have the doors wide open for lying ass politicians, and will be some of the first ones to pop up to tell you to stand down.

You got power in your pocket and you don't even know it a lot of the time. That dollar might not seem like much, but what can a dollar from 1,000 people do? What about 5,000? 10,000? 20,000? 100,000? 500,000? 1,000,000? Do you see where I'm going with this?

You can go online and put in #BlackHistoryMonth but what's that really doing if you don't list a business? Will a hashtag keep the doors open?

Black History Month is too short, and we don't need the permission of demons to learn history and continue to make history with the greatness we possess. Am I wrong?

Tithe into the community. How many of these pastor's are going to the local members of government that they rub elbows with at these galas they're INVITED to in order to usher our support in someone's direction who doesn't have our best interest at heart? Some of these pastor's live next door to these people, thanks to your tithes.

I'm not saying they should be hurting, but its a God Damned shame if they're able to live good and don't act in a way that's in the best interest of their congregation at least. A lil function at the Church during the holidays won't suggest laws be put in place for our betterment by way of the people some of these Pastor's go golfing with. Passing out turkey's won't help bring us any closer to the reparations we're owed so that we can buy our own turkey if we choose to do so.

It's not even just about the pastors, so I'll get off them. Look at these non-Black businesses, who use that money for generational wealth. They aren't doing any of the things I mentioned, so should they get first dibs at the money in your purse or pocket? They're really at you females, because they take advantage of the emotional spending some of you do. They want you to hate a dude that will tell you, Baby we don't need that shit, let's go open a business like the Turkey Leg Hut.

It's still beside me why a woman I know did think to stand with her man and assist him in starting a business when that's her area of expertise. Wanting to feel like you're above your man won't change that fact that you're working under a non-Black man who can cut you off at anytime. That's a more private matter with someone that's close, but it's an example. Use your skills to your advantage and DO NOT work against our betterment.

This structural formula of melanin t-shirt was created by an FBA brotha from Fort Myers.

The Hidden History Museum is definitely another thing to support. They're still taking donations also. I highly recommend this, especially if you donated and will have your name listed in the museum for contributing. Let your family know what you did in the name of Black history.

Baby Fu is another another FBA owned business that uses cashapp to give clothing for children. What can a collection of dollar bills do for their initiative? $BabyFu

There are many others, like Black hair salons too that you can find on Naturally Curly. I'm not telling you to go natural, but if you go that route I'd applaud it. Beware of some of these people because they're everything except Black until it's time to get your money then magically they're a Sista of color that specializes in ethnic hair. No, go for a Black hair stylist, so they can eat too. Only wear a bonnet outside if you're going to get your hair done, let that be the thing it represents.

There are so many other things you're able to support, so while you're on your computer or phone, look them up. If you get the urge to check their paper work, I'm not mad at you, as long as you make that effort to check the paper work of non-Black businesses. I certainly can't forget Black content creators, this doesn't even cost you a dime to hit a damn like button at least. The likes help with the algorithm and increases the chance of views, but it's not just that, it's the money that comes with it. We won't like all the same Black content creators, but that's okay, just hit the damn like buttons to support them.

By the way, if you or your teen are willing to drop a super chat on a non-Black person's youtube live, you're able to do so on a Black channel. Are you willing to end your boycott against Black owned businesses? If so, prove it through your actions and your money. For the Black business owners out there, keep it in the family and make sure the person you pass it on to, does the same. If they don't know how to handle business, hiring someone to fill that position makes more sense than selling if the money is truly there or has a way to increase.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Passport Bros

 Not everyone with a passport is a Passport Bro, but at the same time there are bigger fish to fry than trying to figure out what the fuck someone is going to do with a passport.

The only problem I have is the energy surrounding it. It went from Black men traveling to some shit where certain Black women are taking shots and certain Black men are taking shots at each other. There are even some men out here concerned with what another grown ass Black man is doing with his passport. That smells like something, maybe some of ya'll swing that way but if you don't it just doesn't make sense to me. At least some females could be coming from a place where it involves them feeling a certain way about men they like traveling and possibly meeting women outside the country. I don't protest who gets with who as long as they don't turn on us.

If there are Black men, just like Black women going out to other countries taking advantage of businesses and life that these God Damned serpents can't sabotage, it is what it is. What that means is that there's a chance for you to be able to go to other locations where Black Americans are getting things popping and give you the chance to breathe easier. Tariq never claimed to be a passport bro, he travels, and he makes business moves in other countries and that's his business. I know a cat who just left the country to work a contract and he took some brothas with him who weren't going in the right direction on the street. I can't knock that.

And lets not act like the no goods aren't getting the love a lot more often while the good Brothas left high and dry.

That said, the ones running their mouth going back and forth with these females aren't helping themselves, and the females aren't hurting themselves either. The devil's kin want you talking crazy to one another, and before Black men were targeted for traveling, it was some other shit targeting Black men that still exists. Let's not forget the propaganda that Oprah pushed, feminism, street harassment, and all that nonsense. Sistas and Brothas shut that shit down and point at the enemy taking all this shit in for their enjoyment.

It's so commonplace to have this type of smoke, they got Old Spice commercials of a Black man and woman always going at it over some men's body products. If those are for men, why do they got a sista trying to constantly take them for her personal use? Don't miss that. Why is she desperately trying to smell like a damn man?

They also have a game out here called, Death Loop, where a Black male takes on a Black female character where they're constantly fighting and trying to kill each other. That's a damn game they have out here.

It's not just about the females, there are some female supporters and men who rep the title of Passport Bro and they're blending arguments with White men. I don't respect that at all, just like I don't respect the Black women and men who blindly represent feminism. 

You don't have the same fight as them, some of you want to find comradery with people who stand in opposition against your betterment but you're fighting for them and trying to defend them from Becky? Bill & Becky enslaved our ancestors. Bill & Becky call the cops in hopes to get us locked up, harmed, or knocked off. Are you openly placing yourself in the same boat with the devil's kin?

To hell with that, if you choose to make moves nationally or globally, just make sure you maintain a mindset of FBA first (Black second). No matter where you go, these people have their betterment in mind, and we have to do the same.

Friday, December 16, 2022

What's More Important: Your Child's Future or a Political Party?

Clearly some people don't understand, and there are a lot of silly females out here carrying a torch for the Democrats along with dudes like Swollen Martin. Protect Black women by doing what, voting against our economic interest? They're using them like attack dogs, along with the simps that follow the females just incase they can vuck after voting. They got these fools among us all figured out, and they have them fighting with a certain hierarchy in mind:

non-Black minorities
Self Preservation
Black children to the extent that they serve a purpose for the things above, nothing else.
Black men to the extent that we serve a purpose for the things above, nothing else.

Tangibles for Black People aren't even on this list because the Devil's kin are against it, and so they fight against it too.

Look where the children fall in that, and tell me I'm lying when you take a look at the coons and coonettes out here doing the most for agendas that don't even put their biological baby's first. The baby's come up in the conversation when it comes to things that benefit the anti-Black attack dogs and the agendas they're passionate about. That's usually something on the lines of abortion, trying to trap a dude, get child support, income tax, competing with other females, and taking pictures of the baby to get likes and views so that people know that she has a pretty baby.

These enemies are out here going hard in the paint for the Democrats. They're fighting for money for themselves and positions for themselves, they're not pushing for tangibles for the community, but they want your support to raise their profile in the eyes of Zaddy.

Tariq pointed out a campaign Latosha Brown was pushing a few years back, and probably still is. I mentioned this Mammy before because I just didn't trust her, and you can clearly see the moves she makes are for Zaddy. The Collard Green Caucus? Look at the way the corn meal package looks, look at the way the bag of black eyes peas looks. What vibe do you get? This isn't the reason I bring this up though.

They try to push food on us to come out and get a free meal like the homeless. How many of you would need to go line up if we had the tangibles we're owed, especially Reparations for Foundationals? They aren't trying to feed you and your family because they give a damn about you, this is all for a political party, and for those of you willing to vote for a plate of food, you'll find yourself depending on them to serve you again and again if the Democrats have it their way.

They want us dependent and desperate, and for those of you who would try and argue this down, think about the food deserts out here. Are they getting food to majority Black neighborhoods of a certain income level? Don't look at initiatives like this and think they're good, they know the position too many Black people are in and their hunger against them.

Do you want your children to be in a position where they have to stand in a line at the local church of Democratic agendas, or do you want them in a position where they can afford to feed their children by way of the fighting you did for your child's future today? 

Stop playing with these God Damned Demons and their minions. Stop looking for angles to justify bullshit they try to pull to keep us down. There's nothing to justify. Just like on-code FBA who agreed to draw a line in the sand when it comes to non-FBA by way of a show and prove requirement, I want to see a line being drawn among within to make sure no one's trying to turn the other cheek when it comes to enemies. Forgiving people killing your family members is slave minded move.

Justifying them openly trying to starve out Foundational Black Americans, and trying to give a counter argument against our betterment is something that only an enemy would do. Watch your mouth and your actions. It doesn't matter how you try to justify it, that would officially make you an enemy. That's someone speaking from a cursed tongue, and I want nothing but the worse for them because they're working against Black children.

Look at your Black children if you have any, think of your nieces and nephews, lil cousins, and then think about the snakes out here trying to stand in the way of their well being. They see no issue with non-Black people getting tangibles, but they draw the line at your children and yourself, they instead want to pass a plate of food to you in exchange for you to continue the good foolish fight of making gains for every other group. Are you cool with that? Look at this shit.

If a certain law is out there that you want to swat down because it can affect you locally, I wouldn't object. What I will say is that, you don't have to complete the ballot in full to do that in some areas. If a full ballot is required, you can just fill in a blank space and write your name or someone else you might like to see in that position. 

Don't take a pic with one of those stickers because it could influence others and they may just fill it out not knowing what is what or who is who. Black Voters Matter talks about voter education but you know it's off code. You can educate the voters you know about why it's important to vote a certain way if they're going to vote at all. Like if there were going to be a new law in Florida where trash is collected every 2 weeks, vote that down without filling out the rest of the ballot, unless you have a particular judge you want outta there. That's the voter education. Know what to vote for, know what to vote against, know who to support and who not to vote for, and what to simply leave alone.

You have people like Marcel Dixon out here, Judge Olu Stevens, and others who might be on-code that should be making themselves known if they want support. When we move a certain way, we progress. When we follow the trail our enemy wants us on, it either has us walking in circles or over a cliff.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The United States Supports Slavery

You're aware of the 13th Amendment, and no matter how the Government wants to act as if their hands are clean, this Nation supports slavery to the fullest. Connect the dots.

You know that Black Americans are continuously monitored, over policed, harmed, and locked up disproportionately while coons and conniving members of other groups claim we're in the same boat. It's a complete lie because they aren't in the same position as us at all, America pours money on them when they may have been wronged while fighting against our Reparations.

Why would they deny us our Reparations as Foundational Black American people? That's because they want to keep us down, they want us in a position where we need to rely on them. As I've said before, our dependency is their generation wealth and the same applies to non-Black minorities. Who would want us up? The Government eats off of our inability to cover repairs as small as tail lights and things like that. If you can't afford a tail light because you have to get food, how are you going to pay a ticket? If you can't pay for lawncare, how are you going to cover a fine?

They have all sorts of ways to get you caught up, even if you come from a family that can breathe easier than most in terms of finances. Think about it, if you get put in a position where you're falsely accused and the police intentionally sit on the evidence, you could find yourself doing some serious time. Having money doesn't stop these anti-Black DEMONS from tossing something into your vehicle or act like they found something they actually planted somewhere.

It can be a crime out of desperation, like stealing a pack of meat, selling something or being set up. These demons are looking to trip us up no matter how you slice it. If they can't kill you in the womb to use for vaccinations and other unknown tests, they try to kill you to get your organs, try to take you out to keep our numbers down, try to fill their lower level staffing numbers with positions no one else wants to do, fill their athletic rosters with players doing what no one else can do, or lock you up in order to keep prison manufacturing going strong with Black men.

People went crazy during quarantine and even with mask mandates didn't they? Imagine being locked up for decades for something you didn't do or something that didn't deserve a hefty sentence.

Don't sit up and believe that the Government doesn't benefit from slavery. Unicor wouldn't be a thing if they didn't believe in it, and with Black people locked up the most, you already know what it is. The same applies to the people who own stock in private prisons.

Who's smiling in your face claiming they're against mass incarceration, while benefitting from Black people being locked up for little to literally nothing?

Don't look at "...correctional program..." and think that they're helping these people. Look at Black men released from prison decades later and have to start life over in a world that is completely different from they one they were snatched out of. This isn't just some talking point, know what's up and act accordingly. If certain things are worth taking a chance for, leave that shit alone. 

Don't target other Black people unless they're coons, target anti-Black initiatives. There's a lot of unnecessary hate out there for Brothas and Sistas truly doing good or trying to do good. 

  • A Brotha had this rusty ass Black dude try to steal money from a CashApp he uses to help Black children. The no good knew what the initiative was for, but it didn't detour him for his devilment.
  • A Sista opened her own beauty supply because she didn't like the treatment Black women were getting at some of these non-Black stores and she caught some no good Black women on camera breaking in her store stealing.
  • You do for some of these enemies among us, and they hate or even harm you as a result. Look at what happened to Shanquella Robinson.
  • Cythia G pushes for the abortion of Black baby boys, and has a number of anti-Black men haters marching behind her. Even though if someone aborted her baby daddy, she wouldn't have a baby.
  • The Turkey Leg Hut is constantly under attack by enemies among us who hate that they have a standard for dress codes. One of those enemies took her stank ass up there and walked through the restaurant naked in front of families. That's men, women, and children. She didn't care.
  • Deion Sanders went to Jackson State and fought for the betterment of those athletes while getting robbed by decision makers at the school and students. So, I have nothing bad to say about this Brotha making the move he did. He went from paying for things out of pocket and making less, to going to a school where he will be coaching his son and making more money. Deion's passion doesn't just stop at the school he works for. The Brotha I spoke of above who helps Black children, was someone that Deion made a positive impact on as a child. Deion blessed a program that he was a part of in the community and all the children received his shoes as well. I don't know if that's the reason he gives back today, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were.

When it comes to the enemies among us, they focus on trying to harm people who look like them. Obama's against our Reparations, it doesn't matter if he looks like us. Kamala's against our betterment, and even worked against incarcerated Black people who deserved to be released

They can't be Brothas, Sistas, and ENEMIES. I will keep saying this because it holds true, we can't get anywhere with an enemy and our Legendary Sistas, Harriet Tubman knew this as well. Do you?

Don't go at the people trying, support the people trying. Flush out the ones attacking our betterment. It's hard for them to be trojan horses when we know that they're enemies. Also, check out some of the previous posts because there is a lot of information that doesn't have an expiration date.

***You can apply this to anti-Black people whether you're FBA or otherwise, remember how we got to the point of waving our flag as well. It wasn't because of those standing with us, it was because of those acting like enemies among us, like Obama and others. We're down to work with those who stand with us, and we oppose those who work against us. It gets no simpler than that. We hate to see anti-Black people taking advantage of Black people outside of the U.S. just as much as we hate seeing it within, so imagine how we feel seeing people who look like us attacking us while praising colonizers who hate them. Obumseli is a prime example, don't be like him.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Something to highlight: We are not in the same boat with non-Black people

We have nothing to do with the White population being so high (according to, but they're mad at the wrong ones if they're looking at us. So stay strapped regardless, just in case someone wants to express themselves in a way that requires you to defend yourself. There are a number of ways as to why they're sabotaging themselves by investing so much energy and time into trying to fuck us over, and I continue to pray nothing but the worst on our anti-Black enemies.

Aside from that, you see the thousands of Black people topping the charts. Please believe me when I say these aren't just homeless Black men and women, children are dealing with this shit too. That's certainly an issue that we have to start combating, but it requires a lot of BS to greatly decrease and ultimately cease. 

Another big reason for this post is the difference in homelessness when you compare our group to the non-Black "People of color" community. We're not one in the same, see that and accept it. They aren't doing as bad because they're held up to avoid being in our position as a group, and on top of that, they use us for their gains to make sure they don't end up in our position. You have dummies among us leading some Black people to believe that we're all in the same boat out here, but these people are lying to you. This includes the ones standing up in front of congregations every Sunday.

I've already mentioned this more than a few times, you can see it in regards to the things they own, they have their banks, grocery stores, the government, and they have Black support keeping them from being in a similar position. Asian businesses were calling it discrimination when covid first hit, they were offended that we weren't buying from them. That offense would make sense only to the extent that we had some sort of businesses agreement where people from our respective communities supported a fair share of businesses and trade, but you know like I know it's one sided. It took fear of death in order for that to happen.


Let's not forget about ethnicity. Take a look at the "Brown" people. Sitting up spewing "Black and Brown" every time a mic moment presents itself is something only a fool would do when we have people in much better positions than we are. They won't protest it, that's free promotion and elevation while situations like the LA City Council continue to happen under the surface.

That energy needs to be poured within, that money needs to be poured within. We need customers, and all-around supporters, we don't need the energy that Shanquella Robinson got. May she rest in peace. We don't need the smoke the Turkey Leg Hut gets. When the Asian owner of Anna & June's Beauty Supply hit a Black woman in the face, don't forget the crowd of off-code Black women who showed up to support them. We need that die hard support shifted in the direction of Black businesses and efforts in order to shift this data.

It's not just data, the data represents the lives of members of our community. It doesn't matter what a Cynthia G says, because she's on a jihad against Black men that she doesn't even know. She's against Black men, Black boys, and Black male fetus', but was quick to jump on Black dick to get nut so she could have a baby that she didn't abort? Actions speak louder than words, but I'll leave her and her hypocrisy there while you take a look at the reality of the data below:

Don't let these people lie to you, and don't act as if we're in the same boat. Act accordingly. They're all about their gains, and we got Black people out here in leadership roles who are all about their gains, not ours. They smile in your face demanding that you support them so they can make sure that these other groups are straight. Do you feel the love from that? #TangiblesTalk

I want you to take a look at something, and I don't know if anyone has every listed this in the past or not but if someone magically pops up with this topic you know why.

Look at what the Congressional Asian Caucus focuses on:

Look at what the Congressional Hispanic Caucus focuses on:

Look at what the Congressional Black Caucus focuses on:

Is there any wonder why the data looks like this? I would rather have a non-Black person focus on the job and get the gains we need than someone who looks like us playing a role that leaves us down bad. This isn't to support a White person, we have to focus on who's going to ride for us and our betterment politically (i.e. Marcel Dixon shows promise), and support Black people building in business and heading solid community efforts that help us. If you aren't someone willing to stand up and do something for our betterment, do us and yourself a favor, get out of the way.