If you think racism only exists in the
southern region of the United States of America, you're wrong.
Racism showed its demonic face yet again,
this time in Maplewood, New Jersey's Jefferson Elementary School.
What was the wicked approach this time?
They decided to have a mock Slave Auction of a Black child, that's
Dr. John Ramos |
They have one excuse after another and
none of them are good enough. The poor excuse of a superintendent by
the name of Dr. John Ramos said that “There was no intent to be
provocative or demeaning” and followed up that shitty excuse by
saying “The context is important to know”.
Read this clearly: To know and to reenact traumatic times
in history for African Americans with someone's child, are two very different things.
Use your own child, not a child that doesn't belong to you with no
written consent by the parents. The parents of that child better
press charges; None of that forgiveness shit. Other African American parents in the district need to participate in a class action lawsuit, and lawyers should be beating down the door to make it happen.
African Americans in general need to see to it that teachers are fired for such behavior, just like they are when they sleep with students. Racism cannot be allowed or supported in schools where tax dollars go to fund and employ. Do you pay taxes for schools to create ways to psychologically scar your child?
Also, the teacher being out with a
substitute in their place, means nothing to me. That's a grown ass
adult in that substitute teacher position and they are the ones that
are supposed to be running the classroom. It's an elementary school, not a prison where a riot broke out and the inmates are doing what they want.
If its not something that's normally
done, could it be possible that the substitute promoted that mock
slave auction?
Would Dr. John Ramos be fine with his
child or his parents being used for a mock arrest and deportation process? What about other Latino people?
How would Jewish parents feel about their child being in a mock activity from the holocaust that affected them?
How would Caucasian parents feel about their child being in a mock activity involving their arrest for being a rapist and mass murderer, being sentenced to death?
They are trying not to be held responsible
for it, while defending it at the same time. Do you notice that?
Who taught those kids that? If they
weren't manipulated by the substitute teacher, someone instilled that
desire in them to try and affect Black people in a negative way. Put yourself in that child's shoes,
outnumbered with an adult in the classroom probably giggling at the result of their deception. It's a
continuation of the same thing, with many examples from some younger
non-African American people showcasing racism towards African
American people.
They haven't shown any sympathy for the
child from what I see. Even if they apologize, it would be strategic.
Whether they apologize or not, a lawsuit is necessary. Some of you
would be ready to yell out you forgive bullshit, but you'd better
take note that it only makes things harder on us. If you're okay with
that, you're part of the problem.
Families were already turned upside down with slavery, but slave auctions split families apart and some people never saw their husbands, wives, dads, moms, children or other relatives again. There are so many horrible things tied to this stuff that someone wanted this child to get a taste of. They didn't want to do something that would get them arrested, but they were lusting to do something, even at the cost of losing their job. It's the same sick and evil stuff played out constantly and non-African American people who step in for defensive purposes trying to throw God in there, they need to be proactive with that shit. Not step in to preach "Don't do evil for evil", but there is nothing wrong with self defense. You're protecting your temple, allowing someone to harm your temple isn't pleasing to God, so don't get sold a lie in the name of making you cool with someone's evil acts against you or a family member.
Under no circumstances are we to support and promote audacious actions in a way that rewards the evil people in question. Punishment is the thing that needs to be the focus, along with necessary compensation.
FYI: South Mountain Elementary had a similar situation. It's time for these wicked people to pay the piper and it will take guts and the desire to burn them (not literally unless you're using self defense with your firearm). The best way to burn them when it isn't physically, is financially. Increase those lawsuits and boycotts against this sort of stuff so that the wicked think twice before they act.
The townhall event, the social worker speaking to the kids and whatever else they do, are nothing more than attempts to damage control. Nothing I've heard points out how wrong this is and a lawsuit will follow, they simply are giving these responses that they hope Black people are stupid enough to accept so the problem goes away. I haven't heard anything from or about the parents of this child either.
If there are any lawyers in the New Jersey area willing to consider this case, please try and track down the whereabouts of the child's parents.
Information is below if you'd like to reach out to the school:
Jefferson Elementary School website -
Maplewood, NJ
(973) 378-7696