Friday, December 15, 2017

Omarosa's Karma

Omarosa is an example of trying to be a team player with anti-Black people. It doesn't work out for the best at the end of the day. Not only will your throat be cut by your so-called friends that you openly disrespected Black people for, but you also end up burning bridges in the Black community.

For those of you on that forgive and forget bandwagon, you can only blame yourself if they fool you twice. That's right, you only have yourself to blame when they've revealed their ways to you and you believe it's safe to chill around a backstabber.

It's open season on Omarosa right now and she deserves it to an extent, she needs to be reminded of who she is in this nation. “We are targets” and that's the same song it's always been. Kissing white supremacist ass won't change that, the ability to stabilize and defend a Black economic base will; especially in a system of justice.

She stood strong and confident in her role in Trump's Klan Administration and once she got the boot she starts speaking on things and representing herself as an African American woman. She has some nerve, but that's for us as Black people to feel not non-Black people. 

This is what Omarosa said:

As the only African American woman in the White House, as a senior staff and assistant to the President, I have seen things that have made me uncomfortable, that have upset me, that have affected me deeply and emotionally, that has affected my community and my people”.

That pisses me off, because what that says to me is after she gets the boot, after seeing and hearing all this stuff now it's time to spill the beans? She's trying to entice people to buy her book. She can spill the beans, but it's nothing we aren't seeing unless there are documented conversations and plans to take us out. Other than that I see it as a way to gain sympathy and a pass to get back into the good graces of Black people while capitalizing on her next opportunity (possibly in a Black-Owned Organization).

I don't like that, if you see harm coming our way you have a way to covertly put the word out about what you heard. No one had to know it was you, that would've been more commendable than this, and if you're going to do this you have to be more strategic about it to keep White Supremacists from placing a target on you.

I don't want to hear about what you were a witness to if you just stood there. Ask yourselves this question:

How long would she have continued standing there witnessing it?

She has to be sent packing right along with Stacy Dash, Amber Philips, Robin Roberts, Jason Whitlock, Damon Young, and a slew of others.

Robin Roberts needs to go to, even if she dissed Omarosa. Her comment went viral and it may seem funny, but Robin is no one to praise. She treats black men and women in a more disrespectful manner than she usually does white people, that makes others feel safe. she didn't have to say Bye Felicia (she wanted to get a bigger batch of those butter biscuits I suppose by dissing her for the pleasure of her non-Black audience).

She's a serpent and has shown what she was willing to do to demonize a black person. She tried to make Nate Parker apologize for something he didn't do, but apparently he's guilty no matter what. That's a similar mindset to Amber Philips without being as loud and overt. This is the same Robin who wanted to focus on the negative when Chris Brown was trying to move forward.

She deserves to be exiled with these people, they can form their own community to either embrace or destroy for the highest anti-Black bidder but I won't be a part of it.

I would say that Omarosa's delusional by saying my people, but if you look at the forgivers, even when anti-Black people take the life of someone they love she might assume it's all good. She won't get a pass with me and other like minded Brothas and Sistas.

She responded to Robin Roberts by saying its a Black woman civil war. I don't know why she'd say that when Robin Roberts is more on her side with the mindset she has but its another reason to be weary because she has no problem presenting that to non-Black people to eat up and regurgitate. Her situation with Robin Roberts made her feel like it was okay to tie that in there, like black women are in a war.

In a sense, she's right even though its probably not in the way I see it but that's not a discussion for these non-Black outlets because they don't have our best interests at heart. I can't even say they don't have our best interest some of the time, I haven't seen it any of the damn time.

When it comes to this war, it may not have been realized by the majority of Black people, but there is an unspoken clash going on. I'm not talking about Black men vs Black women, kill that. I'm talking about a real clash that has been around for quite some time but Black women get grouped together by some people who in turn try to shift Black women into feminism. The same is done to try and group Black men together by the exact same people trying to shift Black women into feminism that's backed by White Supremacy because the long game is to covertly wipe us out. This is usually seen in the left wing of White Supremacy. The right wing is on front street, so it's a good cop bad cop scenario but they both work together against us as Black people.

On one side of this clash there are the Coonettes VS the Sistas who don't invest time in the destruction of the community and our people. While Brothas like myself are against the Coons for the exact same reason. So it's White Supremacy & Coons vs Sistas & Brothas. We can't support them and we can't accept them just like we can't do with the anti-Black people and its none of their damn business. Black Beef is beloved and popular because it means pain and destruction for Black people. If it spilled over, that's when it would be a problem, but when it comes to us, encore, let the show go on. You have to remember where we live, you have to remember our history and the era's because it gives you a better perspective and not a delusional one manufactured for your destruction.

Remember who's at fault if it takes you more than once or even twice to get the message from a backstabber. Don't be a stepping stone for an opportunist.

Don't run out here in front of these cameras to bash Omarosa, use this situation as a double edged sword. They're talking down about her, but how many people have been let go and didn't get the treatment she has thus far?

If you don't see the difference, do your research and ask other Black people with first hand experience. No need to debate with them if you disagree, just listen, observe and see if the things you've heard and read here are on point. This isn't a discussion about all non-Black people being racist, it's about the ones being instrumental in our continued struggle and those Black people who stand with them (i.e. Omarosa).