What happens when Black children find themselves adopted by racist non-Black people? They become slaves to promote that serpents agenda. These two White Lesbians seen below aren't just taking a family photo, this is an ad, a promotion for LGBTQ as far as I'm concerned (which includes an attempt to be accepted by more Black people by way of these Black children forced to subscribe). That's how I view the picture. It doesn't show that "We have a loving family", they were trying to groom these Black children instead of just being their parents. They went further than just the promotion of the mentioned agenda.
Does the boy in blue look familiar?
How about now? This is Devonte Hart, the boy seen giving free hugs to cops at the rally following Michael Brown's killer (Officer Darren Wilson) going free.
Now he should be known as the Black boy forced to give free hugs to cops by racists ass White lesbians who tortured and starved him and his siblings before pulling a murder suicide to evade punishment for cruelty against these children. Considering what these children were going through, who knows the real reason why Devonte was crying out there. He probably saw the cop and felt that he was so close yet so far away from being rescued from the clutches of these bitches. Who's to say they didn't get sexual with these children either, it's not uncommon and there are quite a few children that find attraction to the same sex by way of a sick piece of shit from the LGBTQ community violating them. The same community Wanda Sykes has a bigger heart for over the pain Black people face by saying that its harder to be gay than it is to be Black. She pit those two very different things against each other, we're people, not a god damned sexual preference for people of the same sex.

These bitches paraded these children by force to act as if they loved these cops for their agenda, like its cool for them to shoot down people who look just like them in an unjustified manner. They don't pop up before these non-Black cops make their move though. That's why you do not donate sperm, that's why you do not fuck around and if you do fuck around do so protected. You do not want children to land in the hands of people like this, you need to have the ability to take care of your children without the system.
They didn't just do this to the Black boys (straight Black males), they did this to the Black girls too.
Message. According to Douglas County court records, Sarah Hart's nasty ass pleaded guilty to misdemeanor domestic assault on one of the girls back in 2010. The little girl told her
elementary school teacher that she was hurting, and what did the teacher find? Bruises on the little girl's stomach and back. I may have been disciplined as a child, but I wasn't in pain the following day with bruises people can see, so this bitch had to have beaten the shit out of that girl. She got a slap on the wrist for it too. How many Black people end up losing custody for less? You have to see the difference and connect the dots, White Supremacy is behind it.
The kids were kept inside most of the time (maybe to hide bruising or to prevent the truth from getting out). These children were sneaking to the neighbor's homes to ask for food and even requesting protection because these serpents were treating them badly. They weren't taken out of the home even with evidence, they were stuck there going through hell until these bitches decided to kill them. These serpents had on seatbelts, unlike the kids, so maybe they thought they'd survive. The bodies of three kids were found, but Devonte and two of his female siblings are missing. I hope those three escaped, but these serpents probably did something demonic to those children before going on the run. They may have ditched their bodies somewhere, and they probably killed all the kids before going over the cliff to hide that fact versus tossing their bodies over. Either way, the shit shouldn't have gotten that far.
Never put your children at risk of being adopted. Ever. More information will be available at Future Prep in regards to parenting. It's coming along but I'm currently giving access only to those initial supporters of B.E.E. as a thank you. I will keep you posted when its open to everyone. In the mean time, if you suspect a child or a group of children are being abused, compile damning evidence on the culprit:
Obtain images, maintain notes that consist of dates, times, what occurred, and find out if there is a local rescue mission in your area for abused children. The child should not be sent back to the home. The NSPCC did a report which basically says that nearly 50% of children suffer more abuse when they return home. These children returned home to be killed and the non-Black neighbors were not going to help them.
If there is substantial evidence revealing that abuse is taking place in the home on more than one occasion, and they get sent back to the home anyway I'd urge you to drop the information publically (on the low). Might be a good idea to have the child keep notes in an area they can write & stash them on your property, don't give any suggestions to them in this regard beyond just writing down things that are happening to them. Your information based on what you see in addition to their experience should carry weight. Unfortunately it would place them back into the system, but at least being free of that situation is worth it. Don't wait for someone else to do it or it more than likely will go undone. I don't give a fuck if the parents are Black either, the shit is wrong but often times
the assumption is that these children are going to a better home if the parents are White. Don't think that or you're deceiving yourself.
There are White priests presumed to be good but they're pedophiles and justify their reason to sleep with children. There are babies living with herpes as a result of a non-Black Jewish Rabbi sucking their penis after circumcision. White teachers presumed to be nice people who are racists towards Black children. There are many examples and just because a White person adopts a Black child doesn't make them presumably good people either.
If you're quick to trust, you can be deceived just as quickly.