Aretha Louise Franklin blessed the world for decades before leaving us on August 16th of 2018. The clock is always ticking. She was an African American woman, gaining attention as early as her childhood years singing gospel at a church in her hometown of Detroit, Michigan.
She was the Queen of Soul, an untouchable talented Black woman that the vultures can't come close to replicating without failing miserably. She stood strong with her fellow Sistas and Brothas in various eras of White Supremacy, but you won't hear about that if you don't look in the right places. These demons are trying to paint her as this trailblazing feminist, but she downplayed any ounce influence she may have had on the feminist movement. She said "I think that's Gloria Steinem's role. I don't think I was a catalyst for the women's movement. Sorry." - Aretha L. Franklin
Does that sound like a trailblazing feminist to you?
Feminism is a sector of White Supremacy, just like planned parenthood was birthed in the name of White Supremacy. Pro choice may help if its proven that a child has severe complications or a rapist got a woman pregnant, but remember what the dirty White Supremacist founder of planned parenthood said:
"It seems to me from my past experience... that while the colored Negroes have great respect for White doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance superstitions and doubts.
We should hire three or four colored MINISTERS, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through RELIGIOUS appeal.
We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." - Margaret Sanger | Feminist | Women's Rights Activist | Creator of the Negro Project
Feminism is a sector of White Supremacy, just like the culture vulture division. Vultures and their supporters don't seek to support and appreciate, they seek to replicate and then they turn around and try to throw dirt on the people they stole from. Non-Black feminists stole thunder from the movement Black people had by tricking some Black women into joining them. Serpents look at the Black people standing with them and know how dumb they look. You can look at the real life examples and proof regarding some pastors to prove what Margaret Sanger says is true. They know how to help the community, but their job is to rape the community and that's their reward. The job for such benefits includes getting the community to stand down during the reoccurring times of injustice.
Feminists don't care about Black women, but they will use Black women who let them. Black women who get their ass whooped in Asian stores don't have the women's movement showing up to shut shit down. They don't give a fuck, Black women and men are the ones out there. A Black woman tries to do what White women do and then a White chick who molested her own sister tries to discredit her. A Black man was done the same way, and unlike a Black man found guilty after a successful set up, there are White men getting all sorts of cover by women who sung a different tune when the man was Black. Don't buy the bulllshit, and don't soak up the shit these serpents are trying to sell about Aretha because they're trying to use her for their benefit.
Aretha died and someone commented on Harvey's (Mr. Superboy223) "Your World" youtube channel, an assumption about Aretha Franklin's dad raping her. He laid into their ass, because they had nothing better to do than to try and make up a lie because how young she got pregnant. Sounds like something Amber Phillip's nasty ass would make up.
If they can successfully label her a feminist that could motivate some naïve Black women to go hard for feminism. Aretha Franklin said "...that's Gloria Steinem's role", the same Gloria Steinem who respects and honors the work of Margaret Sanger. The same Margaret Sanger woman who created an initiative to exterminate the Negro population. Margaret was talking about you and I.
My condolences go out to Aretha Franklin's family, and I hope she motivates more sistas and brothas to be great because when we reach such heights its known the world over. White Supremacists are doing whatever they can to stop that from happening nowadays, but I sincerely pray that more emerge and impact sistas and brothas for the better.