There are many of you that attend a church regularly. I have no problem with that, but based on a previous post some of you do know what I have a problem with. Remember that tithes are resources, and there are too many churches acting as leeches in predominant Black communities, draining the people of resources. They don't stand for the community in the face of injustice, they stand with the people who want us to abandon outrage. They want you to stand down.
Too many of these churches don't really help the people, they just deal hope, just like drug dealers deal dope and too many of you are addicted giving up your resources to them. There are many pastors living in nice homes while too many Black people are living in apartments, some with a few families crammed into one apartment.
The church is the nicest building in some of these communities while the rest of the buildings look like shacks. Too many of these churches aren't trying to work with a company to help restore some of these houses, some don't even bring the members of the church together to help clean up the yards and homes of the elderly.
Who are they serving? Are they serving you or are they serving White Supremacy in order to keep you downtrodden?
Think about this.
There are pastors who will not lift a finger to help a member of their congregation that they receive money from every week, but let there be some disaster in some 3rd World country and their part of some international church alliance. There are pastors who shell out money and have offerings for things like that after disaster strikes internationally, while their palace of a church sits in the heart of a disaster zone. Is that showing you God's love? Shoving a damn collection plate in your face upwards 3 times per service sure isn't.
Think about this.
Another thing I want to point out are the pastors who are not reaching out to their Government affiliates. You know the ones they open their doors up to in order to sway you into voting for them? Don't you find it funny that they can do that, and disrespect the church, but they can't use that same association to vouch for African Americans receiving reparations and other tangibles? Remember, some of these same people thank God for slavery. Some of these same people appreciate racism because they feel like it has a silver lining from God in there, or at least thats what they sell to the congregation.
Too many of these pastors play a major role in the lives of people they don't give a damn about. There are people who feel that they need to reach out to their pastor for any and everything, some pastors even have more say so over the husbands in some of these households. Some of these pastors are the same ones playing a part in keeping the congregation down but the people are too enthralled to see it. The ones who do are usually the ones considered to be the devil and doing nothing more than trying to divide the church, when you're doing nothing more than thinking and seeing the truth behind the scam.
Isn't it funny to hear that those of us seeking reparations for our people are also considered to be divisive? Think about this. Think.