I'm sure you've seen the efforts of Tyrone Mahummad by now, and you may be on one side or the other about his actions. Although I don't have any hate towards the Brotha, I thought his actions were not wise. At the same time, I still find his actions to be a teachable moment for some of you.
Here is the full video from Tyrone's Youtube account:
For those of you who took the time to see the video, you see that he was arrested. I know he went proudly, but those are charges on his record that the anti-Black legal system will use against him. He was arrested this time around, but what might happen next time?
I'm not saying this to say that he should be ashamed of the message he wanted to send. I'm saying this to say that result of his actions proved his actions to be a waste of time.
If Tyrone were killed by the cops as a result of breaking those store windows, do you really think that nail shop would be empty after they reopened for business? Hell no. There would still be too many pathetic women in the community going in there to get their nails done.
In Black Society, these women are part of the dead weight class. These are the ones receiving undeserved loyalty from certain active Brothas like Tyrone Muhammad.
Strategists are a priceless commodity, and if Tyrone Muhammad had one, I don't think this would've been done unless it were to point out the dead weight class.
These are the people who reinforce the actions of anti-Black people, and if you've been subscribed to this blog for some time then you know that I've mentioned them a lot. Whether they're caught forgiving anti-Black serpents on TV, telling other to stand down as a result of a serpents actions, making arguments as to why we shouldn't receive reparations or otherwise.
The dead weight class in Black Society works against us almost as if they're receiving instructions from Willie Lynch himself. So even if these women aren't somewhere going super coon like Burgess Owens, they're part of the problem because they make it difficult to send messages to the anti-Black serpents out here that overtly (and covertly) mistreat and physical harm them and other members of the community.
Why should they be afraid when the money they came to extract from the community continues to flow into their pockets no matter what in the hell they do?
You can get mad, you can talk about it on social media, you can protest, you can bust their windows out and do everything beyond threatening bodily harm but it means nothing without the action that matters. Boycotts matter, because the money is the main factor and motivation for them to be there in the first God damned place.
Tyrone Muhammad isn't the type of guy I see going into this nail salon, so I don't see them giving a damn about him being upset and breaking their windows. The women sitting their asses in those seats every time they get a dollar are the ones who need to be active.
Don't forget the fact that a Brotha went out there and put his life on the line, and was likely bailed out by everyone except the Black women in that shop, only to have them spit in his face by going right back. They support the mistreatment of Black women, they support the assault of Black women, just like the women who lined up in from of that beauty supply store after a Black women was hit in her face and left bleeding.
Save the arguments about Black men not standing up for Black women, because I've proven in the past that it wasn't true. I've also pointed out reasons why it's hard to do so for the collective, compared to those that I stand up for. You can look back on the info yourself, and may it help further reinforce the fact that there is power we do have that is not being properly wielded because of the dead weight class.
This is how they want us to be, and this is who they want us to be led by. The dead weight class must feel the effects of being dead weight, they continue to do the things they do because they aren't losing anything. Enabling them, must also end and may the domino effect affect the anti-Black serpents they support.
The key demographics that matter to these businesses must be the ones who are active the most. Your money and support matters.