If you're identified as someone knowingly playing a part in an anti-Black American agenda, you deserve exactly what you get. We've dealt with enough, and enough is enough. We can't move forward with people intentionally trying to hold us back and side track us from completing vital objectives that empower and tangibly uplift our people. Anyone doing so is an enemy.
Can you look at a Black baby and think "I'll do everything in my power to make sure you can't get ahead"? Think of how ridiculous that would be. This is the contempt serpents have for Black Americans, and too many of these serpents are among us.
I haven't posted often outside of Future Prep because everything doesn't need to be out in the open, but I have seen certain things from select people. A Brotha was warned to be cautious about not following everyone on social media, because you really don't know who is who. I don't wag my finger at people but even he is rethinking his decision about playing the follow for follow game.
I mention him because he bumped heads with someone promoting an anti-Black male agenda, and some people he followed were following this compromiser represented as an ADOS community organizer. Feminism is tucked in there. He was also following someone connected to a White Supremacist serpent from LGBT who decided to troll him in response to his disapproval of a White Supremacist harassing Black people.
Take a good look at the following screenshots:

I post this not to put him on blast or anything of the sort, but there are fighters out here trying to link up with the wrong people. Who are they connected with? Look at the response Music Video Visuals gives to Mark Shields, after Mark claims he doesn't know who this Luke Streetwalker is.
This post isn't to jump down Mark's throat in particular, but look at who you're following and be careful because they could be slithering around getting your followers, friends and even family questioning you. You could be completely oblivious to their actions, but their actions may be intentional and they could essentially turn you into a trojan horse without even knowing it.
This Luke Street walking serpent doesn't have #LGBT in their profile, but they do have #MeToo, #Resist and #BLM. They know who they are, but they have things like that in their profile in hopes that you don't realize who they are. These hashtags have long been affiliated with those who misrepresent Black America for the sake of other agendas anyway, and i'm on the fence about other hashtags meant to represent us.
This all goes back to the compromisers, if a hashtag is meant to represent Black Americans it needs to represent us WITHOUT compromise. There are no debates about this, there are no leaders, there is an agenda and it needs to remain that way.
#ReparationsForBlackAmericans spells it out enough for me, not for the purpose of selling anything or representing myself as the first user of a hashtag or anything else. What it does have something to do with is the promotion of a Pro-Black American agenda. We don't have time to be split up among hashtags and individuals, the mission for reparations and other tangibles are the focus and our people shouldn't be divided unless it's against anti-Black Americans. Period.
Focus, and beware of those willing to compromise our goals for personal gain.