I dedicate this post to all of these bold head switching, eye rolling, finger wagging ass mammies fiending so bad for a seat under Biden & Harris so bad that their willing to slit the throats of everyone in Black American society. Children included.
We're not riding for you so that you can ride against us. I don't operate like that, and I refuse to try and wrap logic around enemy behavior to support it either. You played yourselves after riding for Biden & Harris hard, how do your silly asses feel now? You were too busy arguing against us to focus on what they were saying, doing, and what they refused to say and do. The Devil's descendants have gotten you to take a bite of that fruit, that of which only leads to damnation. You can't be Sistas AND Enemies, and some of the men among us have sank their teeth into that fruit along with you. Swollen Martin is one of them.
That's enemy behavior that you'll have to eat as a result, and I only deal with my enemies in certain ways, you don't get to bring your ass back once you've crossed over. That's it, you cross me and my kin, shame on me if I allow you to come around and cross me again. I wasn't raised to be a fool and I refuse to adopt such practices as an adult. You live and you learn, but there are too many examples for some of the same old practices to be consistently utilized. It has gotten so bad that some of these mammies think they're honorary White people, or should I say honorary Aryans?
These people don't care about you, look at how they fuck over Black Americans on a day to day basis. We're pushing for tangibles like our reparations, and we have a push for Black women's benefits? This group of Black women have openly embraced our enemies wielding them as weapons against us.
I will say this to, if you fuck with them, fuck you too. You're an enemy to us also, they need to be ostracized. This isn't the time for forgiveness, that has gone on for way to fucking long and it's time to switch the strategy. You can go through all these posts and see a Brotha fighting for Black Americans, and trying to promote that the enemies among us be ostracized. Fuck the people who play Devil's Advocate to make an argument for these enemies. Yeah there are skin folk who go out of their way to forgive White Supremacists for killing their family members, but make no mistake, they're ALSO enemies among us. None of them should be among us, stay away from them, they shouldn't have a corner to crawl in after they've embraced enemy behavior. They shouldn't be able to pop up and serve their massa by way of deceiving you.
Black women this, Black women that. Black women need to be appointed, nothing about the betterment for Black Americans in that. Don't forget that Cocktail with the (so-called) Queens interview featuring Ice Cube. Don't forget that. I guess you'd need a drink being on that damn show as a straight Black man seeking an agenda for Black Americans, and I wish they were the only ones on the bullshit.
That's why I'm laughing in the God Damned faces of these mammies right now as I see none of them selected to be part of the pending anti-Black American Presidency in a critical role. They'll use you as an attack dog, like they did with Symone Sanders but nothing serious. They don't take you serious.
I laugh, but it's also sad. We don't have time for this shit. We're being leap frogged left and right with the assistance of White Supremacy. They advocate for those groups, while enemies among us seek out a couple of crumbs for themselves. They don't care about Black Americans being attacked or killed because a White Supremacist feels like it, and they attack anyway they can. They attack us from the cradle to the fucking grave. They attack us from the cradle to the fucking grave, please believe me when I say that and go do your research if you don't know this. Don't feel like this is too heavy for your children to comprehend either, your children need to know that they're in enemy territory and it's up to you to get them in the best position possible to mount up a defense for them that can make a positive impact for the betterment of Black America.
They attack your babies with abortion, birth control, intentional trauma in birth. They will go after your children in school to keep them miseducated, pumped with meds, and on the road to prison from K to fucking 12 they're after our children. It's worse if they don't find success in athletics, because then our enemy doesn't find value in them there but even if they find use for them it doesn't mean that it will save your child. You have to teach your children how to play these people to help themselves for our betterment.
I say that to say, don't just become an athlete, be an investor in the right Black American businesses.
Don't just become a Doctor, push to link up with the right Black investors to create a medical center so that we have a safe place for treatment. That's a place for Black medical professionals to work.
Don't just become a Scientist, take your genius and open a lab to study and formulate things for our betterment that can be used for products that Black American owned products can use for our safe consumption and application. That's a place for Black scientists to work. Not only that, our scientists can get their hands on these vaccines and other things to find out what's in them.
You get the idea, we can learn what we need and those with the right backing can take it to the next level. Even if you're in a White owned company, do your best to look out, don't try to be the resident attack dog against other Black people.
Too many people have shown what they think about us in one way or another. It doesn't matter what group their from, and we can't afford to be played by the fake ass coalition games anymore. I have said this for quite some time, even before I called it Undeserved Loyalty. You know what Undeserved Loyalty is, and the proof couldn't be more obvious with the way many people from the other groups have been behaving towards us. We already know what the White Supremacists are on, but these other anti-Black American groups are in the same boat.
An undeniable number of Asian and Asian business owners stood together to help an Asian cop get away with murdering a Black man. They stood with Peter Liang when he was guilty, how many people called them out from other groups? They got a hotline compliments of a Black woman. Clearly there is no coalition there, no matter how much you love their products. Black American restaurants can make that food too and make it taste better and healthier for you. I continue to push to replace that cuisine, along with their salons where Black people are usually treated in a hostile manner. Asians include Indians like Kamala Harris, who are deemed White. Don't let them play that bullshit about her being Black American, if anything she's an Asian-Jamaican woman or Indian who isn't seeing to it that you're being positioned in the right places. It's everyone except you, and I'm okay with that only if it means a mammy wasn't appointed. We don't need anymore mammies, we need Foundational Black American men and women with B1 goals in mind.

You can't say Black and Brown either, Latinos are usually deemed White while socially playing Black people to benefit from both sides. Too many Latino's embrace enemy behavior against us too, and you can see this when they put those badges on. Jeronimo Yanez, ring a bell? There is more than enough evidence to stop playing games with yourself, you have to know where we stand so that we know where to go from here so that we can mount up defenses in all areas. I'm not in your bedroom, but I need to know that you're working for us. By the way, anybody can learn to make tacos too, and White owned companies make Tex Mex so don't you shy away from it either. Time to replace. Interracial sexual access doesn't mean loyalty, that should be taught by parents when it comes to sexual education too. Give children examples of this, they need to know the pitfalls. If you're willing to beat them when they do wrong, you can teach them to avoid being wronged.
One person can't do it alone. One Black American can't be the doctor for all of us, right? One Black American can't be the dentist for all of us, right? The same applies to restaurants, because we don't eat the same foods as a whole. One Black American can't be the teacher for us all, even though methods can be utilized by the methods if they prove effective. One Black American salon can't service all of Black America. The list goes on, understand this.
One person can't be the Black media for all of us either. I say this in particular because there are people with points able to be made based on their specific experience and they're able to expound on that. Someone else would only be able to touch on someone else's experience slightly, the source is able to go in depth. So I recommend having different outlets to get your news from, because there are some that take talking points and sound like they're all over the place as a result because it's not their thought.
We need to focus on the betterment of our people and our quality, instead of being the number one Black American on the block or at a non-Black business. These anti-Black people wouldn't have room to slither around playing games with us if we stood together a lot more than we do now, they wouldn't be able to open their mouth in a disrespectful way without real punishment, and you could forget about a politician expecting a vote without tangibles being on the table for real for real.
The change in behavior and mindsets has already made an impact with just enough of us being on deck for our betterment, imagine if 90% of us were on that. If we change the climate making it treasonous to embrace enemy behavior against Black America, the numbers will increase. Ever notice how someone will change the way they talk and behave around a Brotha or Sista that plays no games? All it takes it one serious Brotha or Sista that means business, and others fall in line. Even Whites will comply in the moment, so we need to continue the push to change the climate. No games, no forgiveness, no debates.
If you've followed my lead, continue to be intentional with your prayers. Our enemies need to be absolutely powerless in terms of our progression, and they shouldn't have the ability to escape their demise. I have zero sympathy for anti-Black Americans, and I pray nothing but the worse on them as you should.
No one should ever be your beloved enemy.