Read this completely to get the full context:
It may seem weird to others when they see some of us shrug off what happened with the White Supremacists and this terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol, but there are specific reasons behind it.
Both sides had their dumb asses set up. Trump set up his army of White Supremacists to attack the Capitol, and he ducked his ass out to lay up in the cut and watch them do what they did. He won't be bailing them out, and if they need a place to stay, his doors will not be open. At most, I see these terrorists being placed on the no-fly list at best, but they need hard time. They should be locked up doing a minimum of ten years in prison, and they can cover that prison labor that they go out setting Black people up to do.
On the other side, the cowards in Congress who set their ass back playing with Black Americans since day one, now want to acknowledge what we have been pointing out since they tried to hide the consistent corruption that festers within law itself.
Now their using our plight and our documented words for the umpteenth time to point out that it was an inside job. They were shook and deathly afraid of what Trump's army would do to them. Let me find my tiny violin, because if they were successful, I don't know a lot of people who would've lost sleep on January 6th.
They want to do everything they can to stifle us, keep us down, import people to get in our way, placing somebody's sexual preference ahead of our betterment and all this other shit. Now look. Look at the thanks they got for it, their fellow anti-Black Americans showed up and showed out to get them.
They were against defunding the police, they didn't even want to acknowledge stripping away their qualified immunity. There was no consideration at all to find a way to implement a mandatory minimum for police that break the law and even decrease funding. This made the terrorists on the inside feel comfortable enough to act. Who's fault is that?
They were against punishing White people, they even elevated the non-Blacks minorities and anti-Blacks among them to the point that these people feel like they're in that same boat as White Supremacists. The slaps on the wrist for them, gave them the comfort to do this.
They did this to themselves by reinforcing White Supremacy at every turn and focusing on trying to go against Foundational Black Americans. We're the real heroes, fighting against the evil order that includes even the soft handed anti-Blacks.
I mentioned this fire years ago. They're okay with the fire of White Supremacy burning us but they ignored the fact that fire spreads, and it set the U.S. Capitol on fire January 6, 2021.
I saw White people but I also saw a lot of Latinos out there too. I know I'm not the only one who saw them. That Black White & Brown Coalition was in full effect just like it has been for a long time. How many Latinos/Documented Whites do you know who make it a goal to White out their family? Too many are willing to assimilate and comply with White Supremacy and that's why some of them were out their ready to harm or kill members of Congress. Karma.
Open the flood gates for them to come in, elevate them with all types of opportunities, and the minions show up with their White Supremacists idols to put in work. They have no clue who they're letting in here, all they know is that its not a Black American.
There were Latino outlets trying to blame BLM (Black people), and Antifa for this. Did you hear the same argument from White Supremacists trying to pass the buck? The main ones were in Miami of all places, a place that I've pointed out for all the bold anti-Black racism that goes on there. A lot of Cubans will play that shit, so this is no surprise. We can't accept being grouped together with any of these people so that they can eat off our plight while pledging allegiance to White Supremacy.
How many of these terrorists were immigrants? They want to put out stories about immigrants being concerned and scared over this shit, but we've been dealing with it from day one. So someone is already trying to gain some sympathy and I know its to carve out support for them when it needs to be focused on the hypocrisy and why Black Americans should benefit.
We have too many Black American's still out here on the dumb shit thinking everybody is their friend too. That needs to stop. A smile doesn't always represent someone smiling with good intentions, it could be them just thinking of how dumb you are for trusting them. We still have a large number of Black Americans willing to fight for other groups and they have nothing to show for it. So I don't want anyone popping up with a sympathetic heart for immigrants being scared, these communities don't come together to seek punishment for these cops when they're out here gunning down Black folk.
Let's see how many of these so-called Black leaders speak on the hypocrisy for the sake of our tangibles. The majority of these bastards are too busy fighting for people appointed to be our replacements, and trying to sucker Black women into selling out Black America for a Mammy's political aspirations and maintaining Zaddy's agenda. They don't care if you're ass out, as long as they're straight and the same applies to their brain dead supporters who put feminism and self hate on a pedestal above tangibles. They are the enemy within that White Supremacy pushes in the spotlight.
Save all the pictures you can just incase they try to do a scrub to hide yet another shit stain on their record that proves us right for the umpteenth time. Use these pictures and January 6, 2021 or any other date something occurs so that it may be used to throw all up in their damn faces. These are the people they go out of their way for and they tried to use the resources earmarked for them to try and kill their fellow anti-Black American comrades on both sides of the law.
Don't let them try and bury this to get back to their agenda, they shouldn't be able to hear the end of this one.
Save tweets from the people who try to use us to benefit another group in this situation, including those from so-called Black leaders.