Since this seems to be a topic of discussion right now, I've decided to give my thoughts. It's not really an argument against anyone wearing them or not, but I want you to think about it in a different way. If you want to wear the bonnet, wear the bonnet if that means that you're on your way to a Black hairstylist. Let that be the trend, go back to previous posts about
the Better Alternative, along with
Beauty & Boycotts. I know how important it is that's why I've spoken on it.
If you want to wear the bonnet, wear the bonnet that you bought from a Black beauty supply store online or in person instead of an Asian business. Use it as an weapon for economics.
Don't get pissed at the people who wear the bonnets, tell them to use it for the purpose of promoting Black owned beauty supply businesses and hairstylists. Share this post with them, let's turn this shit around and shift Black dollars where they should go.
I'd rather see a bonnet and know that they aren't wearing a bundle bought out of these Asian stores, so instead of shaming tactics and them doubling down to be stubborn, it can be used to our benefit. If they're going to wear them anyway, might as well put it to good use. You can consider it a reach, but it's money they aren't shoving into the pockets of people who use the resources against us. Remember, an Asian man was just bailed out thanks to money he got from a business his family runs. He got a low bail after he attempted to murder a Black child, and this was based on a White female judge who didn't value the baby's life enough to deny him bail.
This is what we're up against, and our enemies don't deserve that money.
The bonnet thing is mainly an issue surrounding Black women, and those of you who choose to identify as one. Get on code and you can easily shift where the resources go, and I'm not knocking what Mo'Nique said either. I know some women said they wear them because they can't afford the hair, but it's okay to go natural. You aren't required to get a bundle, a Black hairstylist can give you great results based on what length of hair you have. Bundle's cost a lot of damn money, and that money could actually go towards more important things.
If a model can rock a feminine fade, you can look great too. It's all in how you style your hair. There are all types of options out here, so do what works for you and take pride in yourself while staying on code. Don't feel like you have to wear a bonnet if you don't have a bundle, but if you're going to be defiant do so against the right people and stay out of these God Damned Asian stores and salons.
It's okay to wear your hair natural, don't let the enemy make you feel like your natural hair isn't good enough. It's the best, it grows out of our heads too and the heads of our babies, let them know how much you love it. I know I love when Sistas wear their hair natural and look even better than they do when they wear a weave. Represent!
Ask a Brotha how much they cringe sometimes when they see a woman with these crazy looking tracks and raggedy lace fronts in their head, even ya'll know how crazy that looks. No need to make the best knock off of natural looking hair when you have natural hair growing out of your head.
I will leave you with images of hairstyles that don't require a weave or a wig.
This is not a fad, this is your natural God given beautiful hair.