Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Before you knock Black Nerds CONSIDER this

Being a gamer, being a comic book reader, watching animated shows, working in IT, and things of that nature doesn't make someone a coon. There are some that exist, but one doesn't represent another and you will notice that there is more of  a variety than you think.

I've heard blanket statements about Black Nerds, but we need people in different areas working towards our betterment. There are Black nerds with the ability to get messages out for our betterment in their comics and animated shows. There are Black Nerds behind the camera who can deliver messages and produce content for our betterment. There are Black Nerds behind the computer able to program software and create social media platforms for our betterment.

You see racism in facial recognition software, shows, comics, and all these other areas considered spaces where a nerd would occupy, but how many on-code Black people would be interested in these spaces if they fear having targets put on their back?

Enemy behavior is the thing to keep your eyes on. There are a number of people who dabble or earn a living in these spaces and you can find some of them leaking certain info about White Supremacists, working with other on-code Black people to get films produced, APPs, taking care of the programming and editing on shows and podcasts. You have full platforms that are anti-White Supremacy that get tossed in the trash when it comes to labeling Black Nerds as one big coon. There are on-code Black soldiers who read comic books also, which sometimes that love happens to come from reading books in general and the change of pace comes by way of comic books and comic strips.

That said, this isn't just an open door pass for anyone. Black Americans, put in the work for our betterment so that we can collectively benefit, it's all about showing and proving. You don't have to go out and put on a performance that places another target on your back, but don't make things harder on us by working against us. Don't sit up and ever think of taking it lightly on White Supremacy, don't be a naysayer against our empowerment, be pro-reparations just like other groups are for their tangibles, do your part in other areas when able.

Black people in general can do the same thing, don't work with White Supremacy against Black Americans or any other on-code Black people. Don't be Candace Owens going on TV to tell the world why they need to place more targets on us or you too would be an enemy of Black Americans. The day I hear the news about that bitch passing away, I'll be throwing a party, but I digress.

I'll leave you with this, take another look at the Black Nerds and consider how much of an impact technology plays when it comes to what we're doing, the future and how they can be utilized. Not all are created equal, so being a Black Nerd doesn't just make someone a pro at programming, but I welcome my Brothas and Sistas from that space. You might might realize that you're considered a nerd when you think about it. Be the best at what you do for your betterment and ours.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Feminism takes aim at Black people NOT just Black men

There are still too many loud and proud feminists out here being wielded by White Supremacists, and they're still being allowed to slither in too many circles. The only way they will feel the negative impact of they're treacherous ways is if they have to suffer the consequences of their words and actions. I don't see a difference between Candace Owens and these God Damned feminists.

When I say Black feminists, I don't only mean these dumb ass females participating in their own demise, I also include these fuck boys like David Dennis Jr. I seen this enemy before, and before I just can't put my finger on it, but I saw him in passing.

David Dennis Jr. figured it would be a good idea to double down on that BS barbershop scene by trying to make it seem like it's true. They got the story from someone who sounded like they pulled it out of their ass.

David says, "There’s a reason for the outrage. The lack of nuance comes off as carelessness toward a place that many find as a sacred Black space. There’s a real discussion to be had about barbershops — and operations run by cisgender heterosexual men in general — that purport to be safe spaces for everyone but ultimately fall short of those claims. What does a safe space for and by Black men look like and who does it serve? What does a space Black men love and go to for security provide to others in the community, and what does it lack? There’s a more compelling scene that could have been done in which a well-meaning man armed with his rules about equal treatment still makes that barbershop uncomfortable for a queer woman." Read more of this shit here.

You have places of business that they're trying to demonize and damn near make it out to be rape houses or something based on what this fuck boy is saying. It sounds like businesses owned by STRAIGHT Black men are places full of disrespectful straight men who can't control our urges and have no concept of what respect is because our brain is in our pants so everyone else better beware. This is the same Black looking man who will slither his ass into your business smiling in your face wanting you to treat him like a Brotha while he's actually treating you like an enemy behind your back. He wasn't being specific about certain people, he was talking about straight Black men who own businesses, we all should take offense to that shit. You let him come out of his neck about the Jews like that, see what would happen to his bitch ass. You let him pull a story out his ass about Asians and see what they do to his ass.

Has David Dennis Jr ever written an article about how these God Damned pedophiles from the LGBT community go after children in our community? What was the first gay experience they had if it's so easy to slap a title on someone? Were they with someone their age doing shit they had no business doing or were they actually raped by a pedophile? Check this out:

They're doubling down on what they claim happened to someone in a barbershop, so they believe it's festering in all businesses owned by straight Black males. So we should be running with this information from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1556756/ right?

I haven't been in any Black barbershops owned by straight Black men where someone has acted in a manner that was on the lines of a sex starved savage. How many of you have been forced to take your children out of the barbershop because the straight Black male barbers didn't give a damn if they were in there as he discussed things he did the night before? Mom's take their sons just as much as some dad's do, and girls will even be taken at times because there are women or men who work in some barbershops who can style hair too. 

You can even find gay Black barbers in some of these shops able to do a clean ass line up. It's not about if you're straight or gay, it boils down to if you're able to cover the cost of that damn booth rental based on the amount the owner sets. That's it, unless you work for a place that pays by the hour. I know barbers, and I know hairstylists. 

You aren't required to be a sexual deviant to work in a straight Black male barbershop, they're just trying to find a place to demonize which is one of the few places a Black man can open a business and maintain for a lifetime. The agents are coming in trying to shit on that too, and remember, David spoke on all straight Black male owned businesses. That's enemy behavior, trying to put into question if any of our business are safe. They don't want customers in your businesses, he deems them unsafe. If would prove beneficial to put his picture on your wall to deny him service, let him go to a non-Black business and let them cut his shit.

While they're sitting up here making straight Black male owned businesses seem like some sort of house of horror where women and children are subject to predators, predators get protection in prison because they wouldn't make it in genpop. The proof is in plain sight, and he keeps talking about pillars in the community in his article. I never considered it as that, I considered it a place of business that provides a need that allows the owner to keep the doors open and we need more businesses like that to replace non-Black businesses.

He's speaking on all this, but you can find barbershops where there are half naked women in them that feel like strip clubs though, but you won't hear David Dennis Jr or Harlem's team talking about those unless more of them were owned by straight Black men. If they were owned by a woman, it would be women taking the power back using their sex appeal to make it an even playing field. Don't forget about the Asian massage parlors, you know how that goes. The target is aimed at us though, and people like this dude doesn't mind taking aim. Look at the pics from this non-Black barbershop.

Don't let them live this type of shit down either, because the same serpent ass enemies will wait until they get older and then beg to be loved by the same people they were assisting White Supremacy in  demonizing. Fuck em'.

Look at the feminists who jumped ship crying about wanting a husband and children. Nobody told them to march to that drum and fall off that cliff of Whiteness. There was an old feminist claiming she was apologizing to Black men because she viewed us through the same lens as a White Supremacist. I don't know about anyone else, but once you start an avalanche, you can't pop up apologizing about the shit after it destroyed lives or caused lives to be lost.

He mentioned Dave Chappelle in there too and talking about some misgendering shit. They got some Black gay people so wrapped up in being labeled a certain way that they consider it an act of war if you see them on the street and consider them anything they don't want to be called. If you see a Black woman, they don't want you calling her a Black woman because you'd be too paranoid on whether you're going to offend her. The same applies to Black men. 

What type of illogical person get pissed off if you don't guess right? Get the fuck outta here with the dumb shit. That's dumb.

We don't have to wear something on us that represents whether we're a Black man, woman, boy, or girl. If someone wants to be considered something that's MORE than meets the eye, we CAN'T read their minds, they might have to wear a name tag OR UNDERSTAND that we won't know what they WANT to be or how they label themselves. If I wanted to be labeled a Chocolate Space Alien and got pissed off at any stranger who didn't call me that, I'd be considered crazy or dumb. IDGAF who doesn't like me saying that, it's true. We got enough shit to deal with, we don't have time for anyone demanding they be identified as something we're unaware of. Put it on a shirt or some shit if you want it to be known.

To get back on track, stop playing with these God Damned enemies, treat them exactly the way they treat us.