I don't need to explain anything you didn't know already, but I'm going to serve it up anyway and drop some other things in there for you to think about. Now, this White Supremacist serpent was scooped up by New York Troopers last year after threatening to shoot up a high school graduation or commit a mass shooting in some way afterwards. He was reported and was taken in by the Troopers for a mental evaluation, they didn't watch his ass or anything of the sort.
He told them what he was going to do, and he was able to watch a video online so that he could study and find a good location to begin his attack. The video he watched was from a non-Black man going through predominant Black neighborhoods calling them the most dangerous hoods, and there are a number of these videos with Black people being recorded without their knowledge or actually doing interviews with these dudes. The only thing they need to know is that their people are the cause of it, and if they aren't willing to shift the focus on what their people have done they don't deserve your time. They should be charged for seeking interviews in the first place because they're definitely turning a profit off of the content. I don't want to get off topic, but this demon used videos like those to target that location.
He was able to get guns and body armor because Law enforcement officials said there appeared to have been no red flags to prevent him from obtaining the AR-15 style rifles. They weren't watching anything, because they felt that there was no level of legal concern. If he were Black they would've been all over him like White Supremacists on a Black person in a sundown town at 10pm, but instead he was able to buy guns and body armor. He traveled unmonitored for hundreds of miles because there's nothing to see when it comes to people who look like them.
Who were his victims? People who look like you and I, older Black people at that. Non-Black people and what appeared to be one mixed race Black woman were killed. To the older Black folk among us, you better take note of this. While some of you find comfort in the church, collecting ya lil check, and trying to be the nice Negro they can rely on for votes and volunteering to usher new Black suckers to the poles, you aren't immune to bullets.
While you're trying to go along to get along, you better open your damn eyes and take a good look in that mirror. Also, have some damn respect. There are a number of older Black folk who are not worthy of being called our elders because they aren't riding and looking out for the community like that. I won't say that about the victims because I don't know them like that, but I do know that there are older Black folk who would rather bury their head in the sand and enjoy their golden years. I wouldn't have a problem with that if they laid the ground work for the next generation so that their children and their children aren't clueless and not hurting to possibly be at the mercy of these anti-Black demonic serpents.
There are older Black people merely focused on their retirement life, they had the ability to make sure their kids were good but their kids started off with zero at 18 trying to make sense of life. No businesses to join and take over, no capital to start a business after the proper training requirements were completed, no investment to even get some equipment to get a strong hustle off the ground. These same people want to be respected a lot of the time with no track record of ridin. I don't know what the victims in this incident did or didn't do, and I hope they rest in peace, but I want older Black people to remember they aren't going to be spared. What are you doing to look out for yourself and the generations to follow in order to prevent something like this from happening?
What can you do right now, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? Think and act in the best interest of Black people.
You will find a lot of these people in close frequent contact with their pastor, and some even know member of the local government and all that. Go to a country club, you will see at least one or more older Black people, and you can also see the Mayor in spots like this. How many of these older Black folk have access to these people but these people have yet to hear them vouch for our betterment? They pop up on us telling us that we need to let go and let God, but they never say Faith without works is dead. So if they aren't doing a damn thing to prepare their children and invest in their children, but will be the first one to expect a room in your crib when they need care, they need to earn that. I keep going off topic, but it's for good reason. Who's going to care for them and even protect them if the community is fucked up?
Jim Clyburn wouldn't have been safe from Payton Gendron if he was out there at tops during the shooting. This old fuckboy goes leaps and bounds to try and fuck us over, you can see that based on what he hasn't done for us or the people of his District. Also, even if I'm still paranoid, I'd rather see what Marcel Dixon can do in South Carolina and the nation than the same old BS from Clyburn. Clyburn can sit his ass down and get him a lil spot or a food truck to sell fish sandwiches, catfish nuggets, and stuff. Non-Black people can go keep him afloat and his family can work for him. Don't support his family politically and they shouldn't be supported in other capacity either, they aren't riding for us like that.
Jim Clyburn is the majority whip and the third-ranking Democrat, but have you ever benefitted from it?
To the mixed race Black folk who think it's all good, and that you can pass for something else, you aren't safe either. One of the victims was clearly mixed, so you better prepare to be nice and uncomfortable with the fact that your life is on the line too. Payton didn't stop to find out what else that woman was mixed with, he killed her without hesitation. She could have a White parent, but that didn't save her, so don't sit up acting like you're different and don't have to fight on our side. I'm not saying that about her, but if you don't want to be like her you have to push for our protection and overall betterment.
Payton Gendron would've popped Coleman Cruz Hughes, Tamera Mowry, Christian Walker, and any of these other mixed race people who find it easy to talk greasy about Black America or justify things that happen to Black people. You aren't seen as part of them, you aren't different or special when its time to rack up a body count, they plan to pop you too, just like the cops. Wake up or you might suffer the consequences of your own inaction or sabotage one day. These attacks occur without warning, remember that shit.
I don't know if all the victims were Black American, and I'm not going to say I hope they were or weren't. They're Black people, but for the non-Black American skinfolk, this is another message you'd better take heed to. Was Payton Gendron looking for FBA related flags? Hell no, he was looking for Black people no matter where you come from, no matter the flag you wave, no matter how much you coon. Don't think you can just sit on the side lines thinking shit won't happen to you, I've said this time and time again. Look at what happened to the non-FBA skinfolk who talk crazy about us and then crazy shit happens to them, now we're being pleaded with as far as helping them get justice.
I mentioned a line being drawn in the sand, I mentioned this awhile back. You stand up or we stand down. We aren't fighting for people who give us their ass to kiss and if you can't get with it you will not be covered. It's real out here, and you know when we step back because you feel the chill of being all alone. You have to get on the same page, ride for us, we've already opened the door and now you have access to come over but you can't be against us or it won't work out for you. There are international flags everywhere we turn, and when I see them all I see is someone trying to differ from us. I doubt those flags are being flown in your homeland outside of sports events.
Payton Gendron would've popped Sheila Jackson Lee, Kamala Harris, and anyone else who uses their flag either separate or uses their skin to infiltrate. Neither one of these women have problems with us being left empty handed as far as our reparations are concerned, and neither have pushed for protections for us either.
That doesn't mean a shooter would think twice about dumping on ya'll either. This happened to no other group, he got at us, so you idiots among us aren't helping anyone by opening a door for non-Black leeches to slither in a drink up the tangibles from Black blood. They do this by way of raising funds for their God Damned organizations, and BLM is no better, but don't let them eat off our people like they usually try to. Let them get hit and you try that shit, they'd come for you, but its okay for them?
If at least every other Black adult owned a gun, do you think these mass murders would be as successful? Abandon the bullshit and get on code, do not aim to sabotage us, and do not aim to be a White person's attack dog against us. All you'd be doing is placing your self and your family in a position where they're fighting for themselves. If you don't give a damn, keep on shooting yourself in the foot, you'd only increase your chances of them taking aim at your head. That wasn't the only area he planned to hit up with his Call Of Duty inspired guns, but it should've been the last one he saw before he was sent back to hell. There are options out there to bring the pain, get strapped and stay that way. Stay ready so you don't have to get ready, fuck how they feel about you trying to ensure that you and your family make it home in one piece.In terms of this God Damned demon, we know he's going down, but what we can't allow to go down is the bullshit. We can't allow non-Black organizations, politicians, Al Sharpton, and other enemies among us to try and turn Black bodies into a buffet for others to eat off of. No photo ops, no donations because they claim to feel threated too, none of that. This happened to Black people, the focus needs to be Black people just like Asians get their focus, Latinos, Natives, Jews, and everybody else. All Lives Matter the holocaust and see what happens. Don't let it go down, there is nothing to understand, we don't need to listen, we just need to continue pushing the line and prepare for these demons whether or no we get an Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill. Don't try to twist this as if I'm nay saying. What I'm saying is we have to be prepared for these demons no matter what, and educate your kids so they aren't walking into traps.
Go here for more: We have to prepare for these demons and the enemies among us.