Friday, November 8, 2024

The Betterment of FBA is the Only way!

The Black Grassroots is starting to hear something different from some of these Black feminists, bleeding hearts in the community, and team blue no matter who. It's good to see that more of you APPEAR to be understanding now. To hell with a party, it's about 👉🏾The BETTERMENT of FBA!

How many of us have been saying this for the longest? Pointing out all this BS they're trying to do for everyone else. How long? This is nothing new, some of you just haven't come to this side yet. You had to experience enough for yourself to say that you've had enough.

High grocery bills, high prices at the pump, these people are playing with rent. All these things occurring that you have to take on financially with limited resources, but other groups have breathing room because their groups leaders actually advocate for them AND they get help from the Black Caucus. The same caucus that some of us have pointed out awhile ago for being a waste of space for Black Americans. We're expected to have a Black people for Everyone else mentality while they have their group mentality? Only a fool would accept that.

Focus on what will help us benefit as Foundational Black Americans, because these other groups don't give a damn about us. I'm glad some of you see that now, but you have to remember that. You can't lose sight of it because you know what the deal is. Write down a reminder of who you're riding for and the shit you won't be riding for anymore.

If you're still saying Black Women, like Black Children and Black Men don't exist, you still have more work to do. Be careful of who you're following too, because a number of these women pushing anti-Black male rhetoric are either trying to appeal to you sexually, working on behalf of them folks, or they have a full blown accent slithering their way to our country bringing that toxic mindset they developed in their country. I can understand immigrant women having smoke for their men if they have rape capitals, can just beat and murder women and girls in the street, incest is normal for them, and babies not knowing their fathers is the norm. Shit, you already see how that influx of Black immigrants impacted our community, and look who ended up in government pulling strings against our betterment.

We can't even rep Black like that anymore because of what they've done. If these people can sit back comfortably and let a demon give them a few dollars so they can take over native land or their beaches and treat their people like shit, can they be trusted to ride for us?

There are riders, and it's all good with them. It's respect, but we aren't moving blindly because it's only beneficial to see things as clear as possible. Blindly embracing everything Black has resulted in what I've mentioned years ago, people coming into what was supposed to be a pot luck hosted by Foundational Black Americans and these other groups walking out with all these plates. If they don't bring a damn thing, what sense does it make to host for everyone when you can actually benefit more with like minded FBA?

How many of these people fought to say they weren't like us, until the time came that they could slither in like a GOD Damned serpent to benefit off of us? It's easy to smile when they want something, just like these other groups. So don't get wrapped up in someone just being Black, looking Black, or being a Black woman.

That Black person could be a tether like Myron Gaines. That Black looking person could be Kamala Harris or Angelique Lee. That Black woman could be Candace Owens.

You are looking at these other groups with more of a side eye now, so that's a good thing but don't forget these snake. Lineage first, you can be cool with individuals on the outside, and some of you are in relationships with non-FBA people. So just be careful, don't be used as a resource if that person isn't coming through equally or more so for you. Remember, FBA built this country and fought enough to open the door for people around the world to eat well. It's time for those FBA efforts to benefit us and us alone, we've done enough them and they haven't done enough to deserve our help.

This also applies to some FBA men who think these non-FBA men are our brothers because feminists exist, especially on the non-Black side. Only a fool would believe that or someone desperate to be accepted by them. In dating spaces using their rhetoric and pushing their filthy demonic definition of woke, which is completely wrong. A demon gets their hands on something and it won't remain clean unless you point out what they're attempting to do. Remember your history and remember who these people are, despite demons like Ron DeSantis trying to hide or twist that history. Ron, Vivek Ramaswamy, and the rest of these demons who may have a fake Black friend as cover for their anti-Black racism. There are a lot of immigrants jumping in trying to blur the lines like Myron, but you already know what he thinks about Black Americans. Know how to move around thy enemies and don't trick yourself into believe they are your friends. Business is business, use them for our betterment, and keep your soul intact.

Now take and apply this to the politicians. To hell with a political party, what are we getting out of the deal? We would be employing them and ensuring that they can eat, but for what? It's not for us to suffer while everyone and their mammy can live well. If they don't come to the table speaking with some sense about what we're getting and not some BS about saving Democracy, they can go.

Reparations for Foundational Black Americans.

Tangibles for Foundational Black Americans.

An Anti-Black Hate Crime Bill would cover other groups in the diaspora, but how many of these people are fighting for that? So our fight has to be for Foundational Black Americans to receive a hate crime bill to protect our lineage. It would still benefit them because anti-Black demons would be much more hesitant to attack. Either they ride or get left to the side.

The betterment of FBA is the only way, especially when you're dealing with selfish ass people and anti-FBA minions of White Supremacy. No love lost when it comes to business, we just work with those willing to benefit from working with us when we don't have the resources or the right cogs in place to make something happen ourselves. Get better about protecting your children too, small children should never be out here roaming around alone and if teens have time to run the street they have time to do something that can build their future. A child under your roof needs to be required to let you know where they're going and where they are. We've seen too many examples of these demons getting access to Black children because their parents didn't do what they needed to do to prevent that child from slipping.