On this last day of nationally observed Black History Month for 2025, reflect on whether we as FBA should pivot. FBA Freedmen History Month WOULD prevent our history from being blurred, rewritten or erased. Before anyone tries to complain, go protest Caribbean American History Month. Haitians have one too! Other groups are able to have their own, and then act like it's such a foreign concept that we seek such a thing as well.
Doesn't this sound familiar? I've mentioned the hypocrisy before in a number of ways. One of which is related to the Congressional Black Caucus, Haitian Caucus, and the Caribbean Caucus. I don't recall anyone else who pointed out this, but it gives justification for us to have a Congressional Freedmen Caucus as I mentioned on twitter. This is the reason why (I used AI to lay this out):
They get something specific for their ethnic group AND they get to come over to ours and eat? That's exactly what this is and it leaves us neglected by the people meant to represent us. That's why I made up a potluck scenario years ago so that you can visualize how fucked up this one way coalition is. They show up and glut up all our food, leave full and take plates homes and shit for their families. They don't bring anything, we're left cleaning up and with less resources. Does that motivate you to throw another potluck or make you want to protect your resources and only allow certain people to come around who bring something to the table? I mentioned this and pushed that we draw a line in the sand because of this. Their Caucus looks out specifically for them, ours is spread thin to help EVERYONE! So I'd rather replace the CBC with an CFC (Congressional Freedmen Caucus) or have a CFC in addition to the CBC because we can't trust them to address the legislative concerns of Black Americans. We're usually the ones neglected by the CBC. The same CBC that's full of non-FBA people.
We saw it years ago, and I'm not a fan of one way loyalty, even among us. If you have a nasty habit of things being all about you then anything related to teamwork will fall to the side. I give Professor Black Truth props because he doesn't take and not give. You can apply that anywhere, from the internet to the streets, synergy keeps things moving and circulating the right way among FBA Freedmen, just watch out for snakes.
Less snakes would be able to slither among us and get their hands on tangibles meant for our betterment, while they safeguard any and everything related to their people if we dive deeper into delineation in various sectors. We're at this point because this one way loyalty shit has to go. It doesn't mean we hate anyone or that would mean they hate us because we're actually the one's having non-FBA people taking from us, giving nothing, and maintaining a barrier between lineage so no one can get theirs. That's some strategically sneaky shit that, but two can play that game. The game doesn't hurt us, because we weren't getting anything out of it in the first place.
It's that time, and we can use the likes of Donald Trump to try and get more of these things in place. This would've been a great month to make that move, but we can utilize his words shared during the Black History Month event to get even more motion. Why? Because he was honoring FBA Freedmen.
Being more specific about what we support, because snakes are specific about what they support, would allow us as FBA Freedmen to benefit instead of everything being taken by people. All these gains, and Tariq Nasheed pointed out how snakes have been given the leadership role in a number of places over funds established by FBA Freedmen and they've been selfishly making sure that ONLY their lineage get the funding. Is that some fucked up shit or is that some really fucked up shit? I saw a mammy crying about us sitting on the couch and saying our ancestors would want us to fight, basically sounding slow as hell, meanwhile too many of the people we could help, work against us. Capes Off!
I would rather FBA children win, these God Damned Opps aren't thinking about them unless it's something negative. What do we look like running D for them while they're running an offensive against us and our betterment?
For those who disagree, answer this, why don't you want to save food for your children to eat?
If a fund is laser focused on helping non-FBA people and we can't get anything, but they're in our face asking for donations to contribute to non-FBA stuff, fuck them. That mainly goes to those who don't contribute a damn thing to us. And don't let them lie and claim they were riding for us to get reparations, you can look at Tweets I put out a number of times that these people are paid to study reparations. I don't want them playing in our face, getting another bag to eat good, get our support, and then deny us what we're owed. But let's get back to the topic of funding.
That money is better off going to Freedmen Funds-Only. Why? Because we win when the funding is laser focused on us:
When it comes to contribution, I posted awhile back about us eating off of the people who pop up in our neighborhood to open up shop to eat off us. There has to be an understanding there and respect. Keep it respectful, keep things focused on business, and lets get this money. If they can open a gas station, they can let us use that lot to wash cars, sell BBQ, and other stuff that doesn't step on the toes of what they have to sell. Don't be bashful either, get that money if the door is open to it.
If its a green zone for us, it's a green zone for them. One hand washes the other. If it's a red zone for us to make money, it needs to be a red zone to spend money.