You seriously need to begin talking. If the player's can come together for union meetings, the player's that choose too kneel are able to come together in other places like the internet. You have an assortment of athletes willing to act dumb online, but how's about utilizing the power of the internet to bring birth to a new football league and a new basketball association?
If you haven't over obligated your wallets to taking care of family unwilling to work or make the money work for them and their independence, you may have options. Tricking it up is also a problem, linking up with the wrong women willing to lie and destroy your life for your money is another problem. Partying and just overall careless spending can also prevent you from having the means to live well for the rest of your days in most cases. So why not consider coming together as percentage owners of your own teams and get off the NFL's nationwide plantation? You can still play and retire as owners, creating opportunities for other Black men so they don't have to deal with the bullshit from owners of the franchise, who forget that they're not the owners of you.
You're on a tight leash, forced to do interviews, blackballed for having balls or because someone wants you to pay for something as Black athletes. I didn't mention the White athletes because the same doesn't always apply, you could be defending yourself from a woman compared to a White athlete intentionally abusing one and the outcome is worse for you. Josh Brown would've been out of the NFL and possibly facing an arrest and a lawsuit if he were Black.
I refuse to watch any NFL game or ESPN. I can't give you the ambition or make you do this, but if you build it the people will follow. The NFL as I've said before, is nothing without the majority Black athletes that dominate the sport. They can keep everyone who wants to stay but a new league bringing in new talent, coaches, the combined knowledge of players, and a few new touches to make it unique would be something I'd support. I'm disgusted with the NFL and the NBA, hell, College too. You wear pink ribbons to represent Breast Cancer Awareness and some even wear pink shoes. How's about a Black ribbon with a red pattern on it that reads "Used & Abused"?
I know that it wouldn't be the simplest undertaking but based on the way the NFL & the NBA are, its incentive enough to go to the drawing board and at least consider it. Pro athletes could even reach out to the community and HBCU's instead of snakes slithering in trying to see who can do what and how they tick via sports psychologists. From there try to get them into HBCU's and work on getting them paid as college athletes in a Jr. League. College students can go out and get a job busting their ass all day making who knows what, but you can't bust your ass out there on the field or the court to make money with the risk of injury because the rules are set a certain way usually with a non-Black person getting their cut of the profits. Time to make something beyond the current setup of non-Black rules for empowerment, and even if they don't make it to the pros, their skills could help put something in their pocket or even a new venture.
This is a tipping point to where something of the sort could take what is rightfully deserved by the players. The players with balls would be the way to get it started or a prominent Black man or woman making the right moves.

You heard me right, he was beaten and almost killed, but a warrant is out for DeAndre's arrest. Here is a petition.Warner was voted in and he needs to be voted out for someone better.
Keep kneeling for the sistas who have fallen victim to bad cops, the brothas they've killed, planted drugs on, forced to lie, etc. Keep kneeling and don't let them enslave your soul for a dollar. That's one of the many horrible sides of the oppression that Mike Ditka wants dismiss. Some Black men and women only think there is one opportunity out there for them. Never believe that, even if you don't make as much, if you can look at yourself in the mirror, to hell with them and that money.
Don't forget though, Black people have always been sought to make money in some form of fashion and we have the ability to make it without White Supremacy's blessing (aka curse).
You are the NFL, the NBA and College and the show would stop without you.