Still no attacks from this made up entity known as the Black Identity Extremists, but what we do have is another terrorist attack from a ticking white time-bomb (following Steven Paddock's attack). Devin Patrick Kelley went to a South Texas church and opened fire killing 26 people and injuring a comparable number of people.
He didn't use a handgun, he was packing heat that could get the job done. He has his backstory, but to hell with a backstory, that won't change the fact that this ticking White time-bomb went off and killed people. There are all sorts of people praying and mourning the loss of these people in the church, including the Pastor's child who was present while the Pastor was not.

Do you really think a Black man or woman, would be able to be seen in public with that and not have law enforcement show up guns blazing? Hell no. That's the hypocrisy in this nation and countless non-Black people see it and they are absolutely fine with it because its a perk that also benefits them if and when they need it.
Black people can't even kneel without some people acting like you've done something worse than these serpents. In their minds, you just might be doing something worse, because you're Black. I don't want to hear anything about the kneeling. I want to hear questions as to why kneeling is taking place. No good criminals in uniform have the support of the legal system to commit crimes, and in a sense these ticking White time-bombs also get the support because there are people fighting tooth and nail to maintain the right to own assault rifles. Combine that with White privilege and you have a recipe for a mass shooting.
Don't feel ashamed about your disapproval of corruption, and don't let these serpents treat you like its a bad thing. How many of these so-called Black Identity Extremists do you find shooting up crowds and churches to show disapproval, blowing up people in marathons, flying planes into buildings, shooting up schools and breaking death toll records?
Don't buy into the notion that you're some how worse or bad because you're Black. Kids have shown that they believe that lie based on doll tests, but there are too many Black men and women buying that too. Apply truth and change that mindset.