White Terrorism is powered by White Privilege, they get defense while going out of their way to make of guilty even when we've done absolutely nothing. A Black man arrested for being in his own home is a prime example of that, but we're expected to be understanding? If its not reciprocal, fuck that.
They can slither back in when we allow them too, and this may sound evil, but its too bad the forgivers aren't the only ones affected by that decision. I'm talking about the enemies among us who call themselves Black, African American, Jamaican, etc. If they were the only ones affected by their decision to forgive and turn the other cheek, then I wouldn't care because they'd be fucking themselves over. I speak on this and address these people because of what their decision does to the rest of us. Recognize undeserved loyalty and don't give these people a pass for cosigning your persecution and the persecution of people you love. Would you realistically back up excuses from these people if a White Supremacist took out someone you loved because they're Black? Time to stop playing with these enemies among us, no excuses, and no support for them. They need to know without a shadow of a doubt that its financially and socially damaging to fuck us over, just like everyone else.
In his Netflix special "How to Act Black" he tried to label Dylann Roof as crazy, not racist. Now crazy doesn't necessarily cancel racism out, but he tried to do so as if being crazy is a worse label. I wonder how he feels now. Thinking about the title of his special, it holds a ring of truth to it, because too many Black people compile excuses for White Supremacy. That has to be a rare occurrence moving forward, not something known to most likely happen when a Black person is involved.
Will he pull another excuse out of his ass for White Supremacy, while calling Black people Niggas & Bitches in his stand up specials or will he face the actual factual that this is homegrown racism? (You can take a look at some of them as proof.) I don't see him even speaking on this matter because he wouldn't want it to be known that he threw some sort of defense out there for Morgan Roof's brother. I may be wrong, but I didn't find anything on him giving his condolences to the family, but he can give an excuse to their killer.
I'm glad she revealed her mindset, because his argument about that racist demon being crazy is dead, but believe it or not this isn't about him.
Racism is festering in that Roof home just like in many of these non-Black homes nationally and internationally, and who's the head of these households? Someone made these demons. It took a demon in male and female form to tango and give birth to these things named Dylann, and Morgan Roof.
They need to be put on front street. The image below is of Dylann and Morgan Roof's father, Franklin Bennett Roof.

I haven't been able to find any images of Dylann Roof's mother (Amelia Cowles), but his step mother is the biological mom of Morgan Roof. Her name is Paige Mann (seen below). These women knew who Franklin Roof was, and they most likely saw that racism as something they had in common with him. Dylann supposedly was raised by this woman since the age of four. Morgan slithered out of Paige, she's his half sister and you see how she thinks.
She was supposedly married to Franklin Bennett for 10 years until he turned his wrath on her and assaulted her. That wasn't a Black man who did that.
I'm extremely curious as to where these people work, so I thought I'd dig further.
According to an alternate source, Franklin Bennett Roof was a carpenter and construction contractor. Not sure of the company he owned or still owns at this time. He lived in South Carolina, moved to Florida and slithered back to South Carolina eventually. There isn't much to go on from what I've obtained, but you see his face, you know his name and if you see anything that involves him, you have the power to boycott. You also have the ability to let the of us know what his business is called or the one he's employed by. Also, watch your back because you don't know what he might do. After the split, Dylann stayed with him.
Now on to Paige Mann (born Paige Sinclair Hastings). Look at this woman who receives undeserved loyalty from Black Feminists. Look at this professional photograph. I'm not saying you can't have personal pictures taken that look like this, but usually you find these sort of professional profile-like pictures taken for certain career choices. Digging further, I found out that Paige Mann has 30 years under her belt as a registered nurse, primarily in woman's health services. Based on Morgan Roof being arrested based on bringing drugs, pepper spray, and a knife to A.C. Flora High School, its safe to assume that Paige resides and works in South Carolina also. Morgan lives with her.
Her getting out of a relationship with a non-Black man who abused her, beat her, and even hired a investigations company to follow her after she left him, didn't stop her daughter from having disdain and hate for Black people. Black feminists will fight for Paige, will fight for more too, and have energy out of this world to argue against Black men as a result of this White man doing what he did to her, but some will overlook the fact that the racism her daughter has for both Black men and women trickled down from somewhere. She wants more of what her brother dished up, which is the slaughter of Black people. It's not straight Black men, its Black people. It's not Black women, its Black people. It's not Black LGBTQ, its Black People. So while some of you may be hung up on stupid dumb ass shit, she knows who her target is. That's why everyone of us who knows what's up, have no choice but to get away from those headed for a cliff and refuse to listen.
These White Supremacists are in your child's class. These are who your children sit next to, and some Black people just do not get it until "It" bites their child on the ass, locks them up, or takes their life. Take a look at this tweet.
These brothas have said more than a mouthful. These brothas have spoken on something people like myself are highly concerned about. I'm going to go in depth on Future Prep about this, but frankly there are many parents out here who believe that as long as their kids are fed and have a roof over their head, the job is done. That's only part of it, but that's not all of it. This is one of the many things that must be taught, and that's what Future Prep will be for. I'm not allowing entry just yet, but its coming.