It's time to ostracize these "forgivers", period. This is a broken record. Don't do it for me, you don't even have to do it for Black people as a collective, do it for yourself. They reveal themselves to be enemies of Black people, just like the anti-Black ones.
They don't care what happens to you when they reinforce White Supremacy. They don't give a damn about your parents, they don't give a damn about your kids, they don't give a damn about you. They do the opposite of everything that's for our benefit as a collective. What would you do if someone kept pushing you down every time you tried to stand up? Would that stir up something in you to whip their ass to get them off of you, or would you prefer to remain in that non-progressive cycle? For the people who don't understand metaphors, I'm not talking about being violent with the forgivers. It's time to ostracize these "forgivers". I've listed my reasons why in multiple posts, you're welcome to check them out. D'Arreion Toles is my enemy. The mammy of the boy traumatized by Teresa Sue Klein, is my enemy. So many others lands on this list, and they need to be ostracized. That trend needs to be set, these people fuck up progress.

D'Arreion's cowardly ass defends her, and then she gets an interview to clear her name in the public eye. An interview that Black people don't get, and the bitch doubles down. This is who D'Arreion defends.
They both need to be treated like the enemy, because they are. A Black man was just killed in his own apartment by a cop for no reason. That could've been this dummy, based on what this no neck bitch caused. It would be a wasted effort knowing his fucked up views. If he can forgive her for what she did to him, he has no problem forgiving others like her for possibly doing something to you or someone you love and trying to change the subject.
Teresa Sue Klein's defender, doesn't give a fuck about her son the way she should. They didn't bring them on TV to explain how traumatizing that was and how the shit has to stop. They didn't bring them on TV to explain the next steps they were taking for legal action against that White Supremacist serpent. They brought them on TV on some forgiveness bullshit, and that boy was coerced. There are no debates about that, his pathetic excuse of a mother coerced him into saying that he forgave that bitch on TV for the public to soak up and normalize.
There needs to be all sorts of outrage against these forgivers, they need to hear it all across the internet when it comes to brothas and sistas. The non-brothas and non-sistas don't care, they'll just wait for their turn to reinforce White Supremacy, but they need to see what will happen as a result.
These people fuck up progress, they disgust me. I don't blame the little boy, he has to go home with that stupid bitch, Someko Billille. The "forgivers" are making White Supremacists the victims, and they're giving the non-Black public this perception with the help of the media, that the serpents are just misunderstood. We don't need to hear these people out, we don't need to forgive these people. Once these people are identified, they need to be prayed for in the worst way. Fuck their peace, fuck their safety, fuck their forgivers. Furthermore, no one should be allowed to ask such a disrespectful question to Black people. Especially if they aren't presenting that question to every potential victim they interview. I would love to know who the interviewer was.
I have a heart for my people, that's why I find it challenging as fuck to not publish anything here. Believe it or not, I've been holding back but I have other things to do. Real things are happening in my circle. A brotha hit me up about "giving up" because he feels that all I'm doing is writing a script for youtubers to read back on their videos to monetize. I try not to post here, I try, because I know that my energy should be on the supporters of Future Prep. I can't just give up though, but I understand where he was coming from in terms of letting regurgitators do their own work. I do this for those brothas and sistas who really want to move forward, and there will continue to be potential members of Future Prep coming here to get there when its available. That said, I may get back to youtube to upload more animations when I get some time.
It does require great discipline for me to stay away from Black Educational Entertainment, and its not because its a bad thing, but Future Prep is where my attention needs to be when I have time. Future Prep is a tool kit that has the ability to make an actual impact on our lives. The content here provides information, but Future Prep goes further and includes topics that you won't see here or will only get a taste of here to apply to your life. So I'm trying to invest more time there than I do here, while walking the walk in my own life. It takes time, but its in the works, it's just hard to remain silent here while building there.
I don't want to end on that, I want every single one of you who care about your well-being to ostracize the people going out of their way to affect it.