American Descendants of Slaves still surviving the nightmare, are expected to just suck it up. We aren't expected to be Black people seeking compensation for the wrongs done to us in the past and present.
I can understand a non-Black person pushing such a thing, but not skinfolk, unless they're enemies.
Julius S. Malema doesn't stand against us seeking reparations and other tangibles, and I don't stand against the Economic Freedom Fighters in their efforts to right the wrongs done to Black people in South Africa.
How crazy would it be for me to have a problem with the EFF for reclaiming stolen land over there? If I were one of these serpents, i'd hate Malema, but i'm not so I don't. Power to the EFF!
I've said it before, be motivated, don't stand as opposition. Join the fight and do the same where ever you are. I don't sit around and debate with people, because it isn't the most beneficial thing to do. I say my piece, challenge you to think, and go about my way for the betterment of my people.
These anti-American DOS skinfolk have literally joined the ranks of the opposition, but some were always on that side. Don't debate with these people trying to shame us for seeking reparations and other tangibles, there is no need to.
I haven't attacked Haitian organizations impacting the lives of Haitians for the better, Jamaicans, Somalians, and others. Never did it, so I no way, shape or form will entertain the bullshit the anti-American DOS serve up against me and my family. Will you?
Do they invest that type of energy into fighting against anti-Black terrorists?
How many of these so-called Brothas and Sistas actually come together to combat police brutality? It has impacted non-American DOS also, look at Botham Jean. No one has room to get mad at us for seeking justice. If injustice is cool with you, shut the hell up and roll with it when you become a victim.
Also, were there any Ethiopians Jews out here trying to shame the descendants of Holocaust victims for the reparations they received in the USA?
They're Jews too right? Is that not seen as divisive? Our foe wouldn't bring such a thing up, because its not us. So take that into account when it comes to these serpents, they've never wanted us to do better. We're being called trash, dusty niggas, and other names only an enemy would spew but there are enough of us to keep the agenda on the right track.
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