Douglas B. Spink was recently in an armed stand off with the cops, and lived. That wouldn't fly with us, they'd shoot on sight, just like they do with unarmed Black people. They hit him multiple times with stun guns and bean bag rounds before arresting him.

Spink's White privilege landed him an impromptu plea deal, that the district attorney (Ben Simon) said would be accepted IF Spink submitted to a combination of jail & parole that totals THREE YEARS. Doesn't matter if it was a month in jail, and the rest was parole. Do you think you would get that sort of deal if had a stand off with the cops and lived? That was 2018.
He was convicted in 2005 for smuggling more than 300 pounds of cocaine. Do you really think you'd see the light of day after that?
He was arrested in 2010 for running a damn bestiality farm for tourist, which was an attraction he created for fellow sickos to go and have sex with dogs & horses. Michael Vick still gets mud thrown on is name, but this White criminal isn't a known figure presented in the White mainstream media.
After he got out in 2012, he wasn't put on probation, because they felt that it would be futile, and an ineffective use of limited resources. Resources they'd rather use on Black people, guilty or innocent.
He was arrested in Washington State back in 2012 with 3 counts of animal cruelty.
He was arrested in 2014 for probation violation, got 9 months.
He was arrested the same month he was released for 1 count of animal cruelty, most likely bestiality. Accepted plea. Banned from owning dogs (in Washington), he was also not allowed to have Internet access.
January 2015 he was going to get a 90 day jail sentence, but he fled the country. They found and arrested this fugitive in Canada, August 2015. Canada issued a removal order.
He went right back to Canada in November 2015. White privilege got him right back out of the fire he keeps setting. The cops literally arrested him when they showed up for a house fire. He got into it with another man and held the guy at knife point before breaking into someone else's house who owned a dog. He took on the cops, and it took four of them to take him down. He was tossed in the squad car and even kicked out the windows in the process. They're cool with this because White crime isn't deemed crime. Law enforcement is reserved for Black people primarily. You can't do any of this stuff and not have the government up your ass and around the corner.
That was assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a deadly weapon, resisting arrest, breaking and entering, assault, and it should have been more. He also dognapped someone's animal to feed his sexual thirst. Remember, they felt like this guy shouldn't be on probation, or locked up for decade or life.
By June 2016 he still didn't serve his sentence because he was in Pennsylvania, facing charges unrelated to animal cruelty.
How did he get out of all that to show up in 2018 in an armed stand off with the police? The answer is simple, he's not Black.
Don't let these people fool you, they will treat you like you're the scum of the earth when its actually oozing from their pores. 300 pounds of cocaine, slap on the wrist. Fugitive holding someone hostage in a neighboring country, and also risking their life with arson. Slap on the wrist. Creating a bestiality farm for filth like him to indulge, and he gets hit with an animal ban. Slap on the wrist. He's violent, and has put the lives of officers on the line more than once.
These are the people they allow to do whatever the want until they kill too many people at once, it's all good until then. One big ass real life game of grand theft auto. You can't even remotely be in that boat, because you'd be the only one going down.
Know who you're dealing with, because these serpents present lies to the masses about Black people. The non-violent Black offenders and innocent Black people in the system tend to get more time than people like Douglas B. Spink. So don't kid yourself thinking we're equal, they'd even laugh at that notion in this system of White Supremacy.
We need to expect more than just reparations. We need the same laws to apply, but they won't just agree to something like that and new beneficial laws that protect us from their devilment. They need to be affected by something that makes them want to do it. Just as much as we vote in a block, we also spend more than others. We can impact these monsters not only with votes, but also with spending (this includes wise political investment). It will take serious effort to be intentional with spending, but its worth it. Not only can you save money for other things, but you can also burn some White Supremacist ass in the process. Too many Black people already know how to boycott, because they've boycotted Black businesses for most their lives to give non-Black people the luxury of time and resources to fuck us over.
Time to shift that shit. Use people like Douglas B. Spink to throw up in their face when its time to drive points home for our benefit. They know about criminals like him, too many are criminals just like him or worse, its time to stop playing with these demons and their minions.