Thursday, June 20, 2019

My thoughts on the Reparations Hearing

If you have yet to see the first reparations hearing, go ahead and listen. Keep a sick bag on standby. It's going to take awhile, but listen to it in the background if you have to.

In this reparations hearing, I saw a whole lot of talking about things Foundational Black Americans go through, as well as what our enslaved ancestors went through. What I didn't hear was anything about the pursuit of an amount, and when the target date the initial reparations checks will go out.

It was a complete clusterfuck.

These people weren't taking this matter seriously, and there weren't enough of the right people there. I would've preferred to see Dr. Claud Anderson there than Burgess Owens, and damn near everyone else. I wanted to see someone in there who was more objective, and not just talking about a trip down memory lane. I wanted real representation. They don't need to hear about what they've done to Foundational Black Americans and what they continue to allow to go on so that they feel sympathetic. Fuck that. The history is there, and the shit still continued, so what does that tell you?

Instead, all these things need to be compiled to the list of crimes that have occurred from the past to the present, and even compile all the benefits others have gained as a result of the hell they've put us through and continue to put us through.

It's not about seeking compassion, fuck all that shit, it's about killing their arguments against us receiving reparations. There are no debates about factual history. It's about calculating to the highest amount, what we're owed financially, and gaining any tangibles we can get to prevent them from successfully using devilment against us in the future with the approval of the government.

Comparing what the Holocaust victims have gone through to receive reparations, is valid (including the fact that it didn't happen in the United States of America). Comparing the others is also valid, because they've received reparations for lesser crimes against them.

There were people in this hearing expressing that they shouldn't get any financial compensation, and they're up there misrepresenting the rest of us. Some of these people aren't even Foundational Black Americans, but they're up there misrepresenting the rest of us. The fruits of our labor, and our pair, blood, sweat, and tears, going to someone else to enrich their life while we're stuck on the bottom as a result and you have these people saying that they (meaning "US") don't want any financial compensation? They have lost their God damned minds, and everyone seeking reparations needs to let it be known that they don't speak for us. They need to step down if its not in their interest for us to receive money.

They can leave their money on the table if they choose too, but we don't have to. If they want to Opt Out of reparations like Burgess Owens, that can go back into the pot for the rest of us. If they want to give up their reparations to donate to HBCU's they can do that too, but only out of their individual amounts. They have life fucked up, if they think i'm willing to part with any amount of reparations to fund their bullshit.

I'll do whatever I want with mine, just like the non-Black people who benefited, and who are still benefiting from the generational wealth that came by way of slavery and making our lives a living hell to this day.

There is still a lot of workplace discrimination going on too, so Black people don't get hired a lot of the time if these companies have non-Black options. Did you realize that this can affect the ability to retire at an advanced age or if you get injured? If you suffer an injury that leads to disability that prevents you from working, what money will you have if you don't have the work history and money put into social security? So they don't just fuck you in the ways you see, they fuck you in the ways you don't realize as they tell you why you don't deserve reparations by way of these no good skinfolk.

It's going to take effort to increase the pressure on these people. They really need to feel it, from Sheila Jackson Lee, to Corey Booker, to Ta-Nehisi Coates, and so on. They're just like Burgess Owens, except their using covert tactics, he's more so overt, like the right and left wings of the White Supremacist bird they represent.

Foundational Black Americans are owed a debt and it must be paid, to hell with who feels what about it. Time to pay up. Cut the check!