If you aren't aware, President Trump called for a strike on Iran ahead of the 2020 election. An Iranian General was killed among others in the attack. They're likely planning to retaliate sooner or later, and all they'd have to do is take advantage of the desired policies being pushed by the foolish White Supremacist serpents on the left. You never know who they may have planted in the Country at this time.
I don't say that to make you afraid or paranoid, but paranoia can prove beneficial when you think about it. We don't know when or where something may occur so keep your head on a swivel, and avoid large crowds of non-Black people. We already have the training because we have to watch our backs around non-Black Americans as it is, so tighten up.
Another reason for this post is to highlight the shift. Watch how certain serpents try to hide their scales during this time, whether they're White, non-Black minorities, or coons. When they're afraid, some serpents hide their hate towards us until they're comfortable again. I'm sure some of you are able to recall how the climate was during 9/11 and how "United We Stand" was being promoted.
Don't buy into it this time around, especially with too many non-Black Americans standing against us when it comes to the reparations and tangibles due to us.
Don't allow these serpents to scare you into voting without a beneficial agenda, don't allow them to trick you into helping them if anything goes down either. Serpents hate fear when they aren't the ones wielding it, because their hearts are filled with glee when they're making our lives a living hell.
They don't deserve to feel comfortable, and it's not your job to help them feel that way. You know what they do when they feel comfortable, they attack Black people. That's one of the many reasons why I despise any and ever Black ass kissing embarrassment who decides to forgive these anti-Black serpents for their crimes against our people.
Don't reassure them that everything will be okay as a result of attacking Black people, and don't reassure them that everything will be okay by defending them from enemies both foreign and domestic. If you do, don't be surprised if they repay your idiocy with a knife to the back.