Monday, March 16, 2020

Are you ready to progress?

This post is for those of you willing to elevate for the betterment of yourself and the betterment of Black American people. We have no time for nonsense.

You can be non-American Black people included in the fold, but you'd better be riding or else you're dead weight and potentially an enemy based on your actions. This includes the no goods among us who stand in the way of progression by way of anti-Black behavior. Again, we have no time for nonsense. Zero.

Take off the tap shoes and stop being a willful enemy of Black Americans by way of dancing on the cliff of Whiteness.

Their progression for you isn't true progression, you're merely progressing closer to that edge and you have to be more mindful of your step, or else you will fall. You know the balancing act, you can't offend them, and you can't defend or demand amends for us.

Does that sound or look like true progression or are you merely a Trojan horse to help them get away with their demonic practices used against people who look like you? Think about Dylann Roof's alleged Black friend.

Think about DeRay Davis, a biracial Black comedian who felt that it was necessary to say that Dylann wasn't racist while consistently making a living off of Black people who look like the victims in that church. He was pissed that I would even speak on this, this happened years ago and I was actually reinforcing what another Brotha was saying. He chose to add that to a stand up special, I haven't forgotten about that. He's on a list along with the rest of the serpents we have to keep an eye on, and we should be stripping our support away from them.

All of this adds to true progression for the betterment of our people, because we can't embrace enemy behavior while complaining about the effects of it.

Another thing that must cease is becoming a convenience for other people that sends you plummeting back down. Helping another Brotha or Sista has nothing to do with being used and abused for the little resources you have for their enjoyment, this goes back to a previous post. You should actually consider your progression an obligation that must be maintained if you received help to reach that point. If another Brotha or Sista helped you obtain transportation to get back and forth to work so that you can continue building your resource that can ultimately impact the collective, you can't allow a no good to jeopardize that.

There are no goods rolling around in someone else's car right now, dogging it out. No intention of paying for car repairs, no intention of chipping in on the car payment or replacing the gas they've burned. If you have to get to work in order to build those resources to cover necessities and prepare business endeavors, you have a choice to make.

We most certainly require our reparations for Black Americans and other tangibles, but we don't have to accept or welcome the roadblocks either.

There are people who choose to remain in a dependent state. Dependents can't build for our people, so they become nothing more than a dead end and there is no way to move up a dead end street to reach the desired destinations for the betterment of our people. Can you rely on a baby? Even teens should be preparing to work a job to build those resources or began training for the purpose of learning a trade, starting a business or joining the family business. Sadly there aren't more parents paving the way to make sure that their children have resources, but if you're reading this, you have the ability to prepare.

College isn't the answer, you don't need college for everything. I know two people in the same field, one took an online course to learn software, another went to school. The one who took an online course to learn a leading software is the one making money, the other is in debt working an hourly wage in an unrelated field.