Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Laura Huang, The Asian Community, And You

Don't put a battery in your back for Laura Huang. Don't let these other groups start to get a taste of something before a few speak out and think they can recruit you for the benefit of their group. Our people fought for things the masses benefit from today. 

That's why you see people pouring into this country who know what's going on, they see a better way of life because what happens to our people isn't usually happening to them. Even during a pandemic these anti-Black dummies are letting them pour in because they need reinforcements for anti-Black agendas, even at the cost of people losing more people who look like them.

The people ready to fall in line with White Supremacy are definitely at the gate while expecting us to ride for their justice and get exclusive laws in place for their people, when their groups aren't riding for us like that. We would've had our reparations and other tangibles along time ago if we really had the riders outside of our community like that. Just like the people trying to get the spot light on their group to say they helped save Biden & Harris, the same people want the focus on them when it should finally be on us.

They don't give a damn about that, it's all about leap frogging Black Americans. If it were genuine, the Laura Huang's wouldn't sit up watching injustice happen non-stop and change their tune when it appears as if something can result in their groups benefit. Look at this tweet:

Where was this woman of color when Peter Liang shot down Akai Gurley? Which side was she on? Which side was her family on? Peter Liang killed an innocent Black man and got a massive show of support from members of the Asian community. I can say honestly say that Black people wouldn't ride for senseless killers like that, so what do we look like riding for Peter Liang's supporters? These people aren't ghosts, these are people you see when you go to Asian restaurants, beauty supply shops, nail salons, college campuses, hospitals, and that list goes on. A number of Asian business owners were trying to get benefits back when they began to feel the squeeze from Covid, crying about customers not showing up. No one is forced to go to a Black business, right? What do we look like pouring that support into their businesses?

A Black woman has gone out of her way to support Asian restaurants every week since the pandemic hit, and had the nerve to tell me that it didn't matter when I pressed her about the Asian support for Black businesses. This won't get you favor in the Asian community. Black support prior to Peter Liang rendering a little Black girl fatherless didn't stop all these people from riding for him. Stop that shit.

Peter Liang didn't think about Black support either when he was in that stairwell and let off. Based on the evidence, Akai Gurley was killed by the bullet bouncing off a wall. That could've hit anyone in that stairwell, including you if you were in there. No regard for Black people at all, it didn't matter how often they frequented the businesses owned by his family, friends, or anyone else in his community. Am I right or am I right? No one made this scary ass anti-Black fuckboy shoot his gun, he decided that.

What do we look like standing up for a group that has shown a great deal of enemy behavior? You don't wait to get treatment that makes you feel like you can compare your miniscule plight to ours. There are quite a few Asians who watch shows and ads with blackface on deck, and it's a shame to see non-FBA skinfolk playing a part in some of this content. Look at the non-FBA man who was put in the washing machine like he was dirty. Look at this:

This might be cool with some non-FBA skinfolk, but we don't play that shit.

If Laura Huang took a different approach and actually proved that she spoke out and was part of that small group of Asians who spoke out against Peter Liang and this other shit, she might have an argument. It wouldn't include placing the spotlight on Asians as victims though. It would put the spotlight on her group to show them why it was important to speak out sooner and also why those in her community shouldn't be playing a part in this anti-Black game.

It took COVID-19 and Trump to make her open your eyes to how wrong racism is? She said this is exhausting as hell, like fighting and fighting for hundreds of years isn't exhausting. We step out of the house we have to have our head on a swivel with something on us. When we're in our homes we have to keep our eyes and ears ready because you never know what an anti-Black person might be on, and it doesn't matter where you live. Breonna Taylor, Atatianna Jefferson, and Botham Jean are prime examples. Where was Laura Huang when it came to Paul Ng?

Do you remember this Asian Arizona realtor who told a Black man that this is a no Nigger zone? He didn't see this Black man as a Brother in the Struggle and a fellow POC, he saw a NIGGER. Make no mistakes about any of this shit, the treatment is not the same and we are not in the same boat at them. Paul Ng is on team White Supremacy, did Laura have any smoke for him?

I don't know about you, but I've been a witness to racism and felt it since I was a child. I doubt Laura Huang has because she's talking like this shit is new. How many Black people do you know have dealt with the shit she's describing in this tweet? Black people have gotten this from citizens and cops, we've also been dealing with Anti-Black racism from other sectors of the Government.

Remember the situation with Yukai Yang? This imported anti-Black Asian chemistry major almost killed his Black roommate in College by lacing his food and drink with poisonous thallium. He was arrested and got out after his uncle posted his $200,000 bail, but he was returned back to jail because the God damned serpent tried to slither his ass back to China to avoid prosecution. Where did his uncle get the money to pay his bail? Did it come out of your pocket by way of supporting his Uncle's business? Think about it. Juwan Royal was and may still be suffering the side effects of the poison throughout his body, dealing with what he described as "unfathomable pain" after ingesting deadly thallium that could have killed him.

Yukai Yang is anti-Black. Before this enemy poisoned this Black man, he was charged months before with ethnic intimidation after damaging his roommate's TV and writing a racial epithet on his belongings. This is who they roll the red carpet out for, people who were so adjusted to shitting on non-FBA skinfolk in their homeland and believe they can get away with the same shit here. There should've never been a incident with poison, Yukai should've had the brakes beat off his ass in self defense. You can't lay up around people who show disdain for our people, you don't know what they'll do. They can't have access to your food, drinks, hygiene products or anything else.

Where was Laura Huang on this?

Remember when Changseok Jun punched a Black woman in her face in front of her toddler? Where was Laura Huang then? Where was she for Daniel Holtzclaw? How many Black women did he rape?

I don't even need to post the picture of the line formed outside of this enemy's beauty supply shop after he assaulted his Black woman, but it was a God damned disgrace. This isn't an essential business, stop supplying your enemies with resources that give them the ability to make bail and hire the best lawyers after they harm you.

I don't give a damn if any of these anti-Black Asians get a taste of their own medicine. That's karma, someone participating in the plight of Black people can't expect for us to stand up for them. Doesn't work like that, and we've also drawn a line when it comes to those who look like us. What would we look like abandoning our code to stand up for members of other groups? We're cleaning house and it's not to make space to move them in. We're expected to lift everyone else while the children in our community are expected to come up in squalor, are you cool with that?

I want to show you two remaining images as to why you don't need to put a battery in your back for Laura Huang.

I'm not a member of BLM, it exploits straight Black males but we aren't in the fold as exposed in a post a few years ago. Regardless, this image shows that Laura Huang has never brought up Black Lives Matter like that but she speaks of it for her community's gain. When she speaks of BLM you know what that's codeword for, don't let her shame you into giving up undeserved loyalty to her.

I want to highlight this so that you can connect the dots. Is Laura Huang speaking out for justice, or are her and other members of her community looking to exploit these situations to benefit their group? I think we all know the answer to that, and she's experienced in doing just that. Don't let her play you.