She thought she was going to do every little thing she could to be off code against Black Americans for the betterment of HER career, and she didn't realize that she played herself. She thought she was going to be appointed to a higher position and be the best guard dog she could be for Biden, and it didn't work out like that. She wasn't going to get on code once she obtained that position, she was going to be even more off-code. So if you thought that, you're extremely naïve. These people don't give a damn about us, they're riding for themselves and their family while talking a good game in our face, but you have to know by now that they're full of shit. To hell with the talk, what does their track record look like?
Biden brought Symone down to earth a little bit and reminded her of what she wasn't, and there are some Black Americans people feeling sorry for her right now. That's karma, there are Black people struggling daily, that's daily life that shouldn't exist after our people built this anti-Black damn country. Is she moving like she gives a damn about any of that? She frequents the same spaces as decision makers like "Jim Crow" Joe and Kamala "The Trojan Horse" Harris, and we're seeing increased contempt while other groups are getting things we actually deserve.
Don't feel sorry sorry for her because she doesn't give a damn about you. The shit she talks about benefits Symone, she marches to the drum of White Supremacy to see how far she can get up the ranks.
She doesn't use the opportunity to get an anti-Black hate bill considered for us. Is she trying to get qualified immunity knocked off? The same Black women who stupidly believe that she was riding for at least them, should feel horrible because she isn't trying to make it impossible for cops to walk away after killing Black women unjustifiably.
It's not just her, but I'm taking the opportunity to speak on her just like I have with these do-nothing pastors and other enemies among us. They will either be in select positions where they can do something, and will be on some soft shit like James Clyburn when he isn't going against us, or Tim Scott, and those close enough to influence like Symone Sanders.