Writer's don't constantly publish the same books over and over again if points were made in prior books. Updates occur at times if new ways to better explain a topic are available or the lingo is outdated in certain books. I even mention older articles to point out how some situations might be new but the same old game is being played on Black Americans.
If you don't see something new, it doesn't mean I'm unaware and don't care about a certain topic. Honestly, I don't always have the time, which is why there are quite a few drafts in my account, but I can't stand silent when I do have the time and a point to make. That said, I have to chime in on these Devil's coming at us seeking our votes, we've seen articles, videos, some of us have received texts, and everything else.
To hell with all that and ask yourself what gains our people have received by falling in line to vote. If you can fall in line to vote, fall in line for your betterment. Fall in line by standing down on these God Damned people seeking your votes so they can get in and do right by everyone else while exercising their ideal White Supremacy against us.
Was this amount consider for you? There are the Latino's arguing against this?
Did the White House ask congress for billion for us? Where are the Afghan's arguing against this?FYI, Shalanda Young, is the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget. She made the request for these funds. I doubt it was her personal request, but she does have access to assist in the push if she doesn't have the option to make certain decisions on her own. A Black face in a high place means absolutely NOTHING if they can't or simply refuse to make a positive impact on Black people, especially Black Americans in our fight to get what we're owed.
Look at who pushed for Shalanda to get the job:
Signatories for her to get this position include A. Philip Randolph Institute, African American Mayors Association, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Black44, Black Economic Alliance, Black Girl Magic Network, Black Voters Matter Fund, Black Women for Biden-Harris, Black Women for Positive Change, Community Change, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, MetroMorphosis, NAACP, National Action Network (NAN), National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO), National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC), National Black Worker Center (NBWC), National Council of Negro Women, National Organization of Black County Officials, Inc. (NOBCO), National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Urban League, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Southern Rural Black Women’s Initiative, The Links, Incorporated, The Power Coalition for Equity & Justice, Washington Government Relations Group, and #WinWithBlackWomen Network.
I'm sure all of these need to be highlighted, but what are all of these groups good for if Black America continues to sink like a ship? Don't forget, all these organizations are receiving funds in some form or fashion. I don't know if it's through grants and/or donations but they're getting money from somewhere.
If they're getting money out of your pocket, think about how fucked up it is for them to receive your money and support only to do for everyone else or do solely significant things for them. The Congressional Anti-Black Caucus is a prime example, because they're usually always going hard in the paint for illegals but join in or say nothing about Black Americans being treated like we're illegal in this bitch. Think about it.
I don't know this woman, but what good is she if we're in the same position or worse off with her in that position? Representation isn't just a Black face, that's actually misrepresentation.
You don't see these serpents until they need your vote. Even some of their minions were complaining after the last election, and I'm sure it's because they weren't paid for their treacherous services. You know it's all about the money when they flip the script, and it can be the same candidate they were just complaining to you about. They do their best to remain in the loop with you so that they have a reason to be paid by them and this could be after the fact that they call you stupid and cuss you out because you want tangibles.
The more suckers they have, the more value they may have in the eyes of the Devil's Kin who seek to gain access to you. I don't come down on all preachers, even if it may seem like it at times, but some of these pastors are used because of the size of their congregation. That's why Joe Biden was found at select Black Churches, and some men may still be in the Church but who's the majority of that congregation you see? Think about it. The Devil's Kin want access to Black women so they can manipulate them with words.
"You never seen em until election time." - Malcolm X
He was all in your face, along with everyone else who pushed and promoted you to go out and get your booty to the polls, but how did it work out for you?
How many of you are sleeping in a car right now, while they're working on comfortable arrangements for illegals and refugees? This Black woman has created a YouTube channel with tips.
In an emergency, this might not be bad, but this shouldn't be day to day life. She's not the only one living out here in her car while they want you to do for everyone else, they want Black women to save them again because they see you as the fool willing to bite that apple in use whatever method you have to in order to get your man to do the same.
Show this to the die hard voters and big spenders. I typed in "black people living in car", but Black women were the majority of the videos that came up. So don't sit up and feel as if you're good to go and Black men are the only ones ass out, only enemies would do something like that. As Black Americans, we need to move TOGETHER for our betterment, and it's good to see more of our Brothas & Sistas act accordingly. If you're a Black person in America and you're non-FBA, you should be standing with us too, you just saw what happened with the Haitians. That's a prime example that you can be touched by White Supremacy's bias just like we do. Caucasians were hammering Haitians on this side, and Mexicans were doing it on that side, there is no immigrant coalition. they want to make sure that few are standing with the real good guys.

By the way, if you're going to live in a car, you might as well drive big rigs and make money on the road. Big rigs offer a nice sized bed that you can stretch out on, you get in some rest at a truck stop, shower, eat and get back to the money. I know there might be ridicule about this being suggested for men AND women, but I'm not exactly in the business of trying to keep a smile on everyone's face. Do what you have to do to better your circumstances, but avoid becoming a minion for White Supremacy.
If you need a way to get out of that car, consider getting your CDL so you can drive for a living, this is something worth considering seriously. Even if you don't want to, use it to make a way until you make something else happen.
You're better off behind a wheel if you're good at it, instead of breaking your back on a heavy labor job scraping to get by. Also, a truck bed is better than the bed in a jail cell if you have the option to choose. We can go down for nothing, but at least go down trying, because these fake leaders among us aren't fighting to ensure these cops are punished for their DEVILMENT.
Don't forget that House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.) suggested (Sunday May 9, 2021) that he would be willing to support policing reform legislation even if it did not end qualified immunity, the legal doctrine that shields individual officers from lawsuits.
So-called Black Leaders still doubt that Biden will do anything for us, and you know who has benefitted so far off of your vote, so why vote for him again? Show them that you demand something for your vote by not handing it to them for free. Why buy the cow when they can get the milk for free?!
They need to be put in between a rock and a hard place, they can only learn from consequences. The warning of fire isn't good enough, them getting that ass burned to a severe degree is the only thing that might make them learn. They probably wouldn't learn then, because their lives were on the line on January 6, 2021 and they STILL refused to properly punish the non-Black people who tried to kill them. They gave a Black coon more time for making online threats alone.
We have to be proactive for our betterment, we can't do the same thing year after year, decade after decade, and expect a different outcome.