Friday, December 15, 2017

Omarosa's Karma

Omarosa is an example of trying to be a team player with anti-Black people. It doesn't work out for the best at the end of the day. Not only will your throat be cut by your so-called friends that you openly disrespected Black people for, but you also end up burning bridges in the Black community.

For those of you on that forgive and forget bandwagon, you can only blame yourself if they fool you twice. That's right, you only have yourself to blame when they've revealed their ways to you and you believe it's safe to chill around a backstabber.

It's open season on Omarosa right now and she deserves it to an extent, she needs to be reminded of who she is in this nation. “We are targets” and that's the same song it's always been. Kissing white supremacist ass won't change that, the ability to stabilize and defend a Black economic base will; especially in a system of justice.

She stood strong and confident in her role in Trump's Klan Administration and once she got the boot she starts speaking on things and representing herself as an African American woman. She has some nerve, but that's for us as Black people to feel not non-Black people. 

This is what Omarosa said:

As the only African American woman in the White House, as a senior staff and assistant to the President, I have seen things that have made me uncomfortable, that have upset me, that have affected me deeply and emotionally, that has affected my community and my people”.

That pisses me off, because what that says to me is after she gets the boot, after seeing and hearing all this stuff now it's time to spill the beans? She's trying to entice people to buy her book. She can spill the beans, but it's nothing we aren't seeing unless there are documented conversations and plans to take us out. Other than that I see it as a way to gain sympathy and a pass to get back into the good graces of Black people while capitalizing on her next opportunity (possibly in a Black-Owned Organization).

I don't like that, if you see harm coming our way you have a way to covertly put the word out about what you heard. No one had to know it was you, that would've been more commendable than this, and if you're going to do this you have to be more strategic about it to keep White Supremacists from placing a target on you.

I don't want to hear about what you were a witness to if you just stood there. Ask yourselves this question:

How long would she have continued standing there witnessing it?

She has to be sent packing right along with Stacy Dash, Amber Philips, Robin Roberts, Jason Whitlock, Damon Young, and a slew of others.

Robin Roberts needs to go to, even if she dissed Omarosa. Her comment went viral and it may seem funny, but Robin is no one to praise. She treats black men and women in a more disrespectful manner than she usually does white people, that makes others feel safe. she didn't have to say Bye Felicia (she wanted to get a bigger batch of those butter biscuits I suppose by dissing her for the pleasure of her non-Black audience).

She's a serpent and has shown what she was willing to do to demonize a black person. She tried to make Nate Parker apologize for something he didn't do, but apparently he's guilty no matter what. That's a similar mindset to Amber Philips without being as loud and overt. This is the same Robin who wanted to focus on the negative when Chris Brown was trying to move forward.

She deserves to be exiled with these people, they can form their own community to either embrace or destroy for the highest anti-Black bidder but I won't be a part of it.

I would say that Omarosa's delusional by saying my people, but if you look at the forgivers, even when anti-Black people take the life of someone they love she might assume it's all good. She won't get a pass with me and other like minded Brothas and Sistas.

She responded to Robin Roberts by saying its a Black woman civil war. I don't know why she'd say that when Robin Roberts is more on her side with the mindset she has but its another reason to be weary because she has no problem presenting that to non-Black people to eat up and regurgitate. Her situation with Robin Roberts made her feel like it was okay to tie that in there, like black women are in a war.

In a sense, she's right even though its probably not in the way I see it but that's not a discussion for these non-Black outlets because they don't have our best interests at heart. I can't even say they don't have our best interest some of the time, I haven't seen it any of the damn time.

When it comes to this war, it may not have been realized by the majority of Black people, but there is an unspoken clash going on. I'm not talking about Black men vs Black women, kill that. I'm talking about a real clash that has been around for quite some time but Black women get grouped together by some people who in turn try to shift Black women into feminism. The same is done to try and group Black men together by the exact same people trying to shift Black women into feminism that's backed by White Supremacy because the long game is to covertly wipe us out. This is usually seen in the left wing of White Supremacy. The right wing is on front street, so it's a good cop bad cop scenario but they both work together against us as Black people.

On one side of this clash there are the Coonettes VS the Sistas who don't invest time in the destruction of the community and our people. While Brothas like myself are against the Coons for the exact same reason. So it's White Supremacy & Coons vs Sistas & Brothas. We can't support them and we can't accept them just like we can't do with the anti-Black people and its none of their damn business. Black Beef is beloved and popular because it means pain and destruction for Black people. If it spilled over, that's when it would be a problem, but when it comes to us, encore, let the show go on. You have to remember where we live, you have to remember our history and the era's because it gives you a better perspective and not a delusional one manufactured for your destruction.

Remember who's at fault if it takes you more than once or even twice to get the message from a backstabber. Don't be a stepping stone for an opportunist.

Don't run out here in front of these cameras to bash Omarosa, use this situation as a double edged sword. They're talking down about her, but how many people have been let go and didn't get the treatment she has thus far?

If you don't see the difference, do your research and ask other Black people with first hand experience. No need to debate with them if you disagree, just listen, observe and see if the things you've heard and read here are on point. This isn't a discussion about all non-Black people being racist, it's about the ones being instrumental in our continued struggle and those Black people who stand with them (i.e. Omarosa).

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Excuses for White Supremacy

Recently I posted tweets about DeRay Davis covering for Dylan Roof who killed multiple Sistas and Brothas in a church out of racism. He doesn't understand why I labeled him a sympathizer, and if you don't understand either, I will tell you why. He's trying to give this racist serpent cover for being a racist and trying to make it out to be a mental condition. So tweet the response you see below.

He's angry and even threatened me with physical harm. I don't entertain threats, my right to utilize self defense exists for the actual altercations and so do yours if that door is opened. I reported him and I will leave it at that. He's nothing more than another example of the foolish hearted Black men and women who go up to bat for racists, and then they get angry when they get put in the spotlight for it. These people are not brothers and sisters to us, they are part of the problem. They will welcome your help in the event that they encounter it, but after they show their hand they don't deserve support.

What he's saying without even realizing it, is if you lost your life as a result of a Dylan Roof, or someone you love was killed by a Dylan Roof then these people would get covered by the people like DeRay Davis for their racism. He strung a few words together to try and get his point across, but trying to introduce the argument of gang bangers not being killers unless they've killed is pointless. We're talking about someone who actually killed out of racism.

I won't put this on DeRay, but if you're familiar with his work and interviews you can determine what else he has done or said: We have people in the community who will speak up for everyone else except Black people. You can find videos online showing some of these people protecting White Supremacists from being hit after assaulting a sista or a brotha, some will even get the will to fight you to protect them. What type of brotha or sista is that? They aren't.

There are Black people who are comfortable behind the curtain of White Supremacy, and they won't necessarily come out and say this but they say enough to expose themselves. Some of the Black serpents will go out of their way when you call out a racist, in order to say "Not all White people are racists", as if you assume that all are. So keep your ears and eyes open to the foolishness because it only covers and reinforces the racists.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Something to highlight: DeRay Davis

There are various types of Black men and women, some who wouldn't dare to try and do something I'd call disrespectfully destructive and others open to consideration of it. If you look closely, you will catch certain things that do more harm that good to you.

There are all sorts of examples, like one that I haven't heard anyone mention before. Remember the show "Flavor of Love" starring Flavor Flav? Remember the episode when he was sitting at the table eating fried chicken like it was the first time he'd eaten food in months?

That's racial to try and paint us as animals. Think this is farfetched? Go back and look at D.W. Griffith's, Birth of a Nation if you can stomach it. Not to be confused with the one created by Nate Parker, which is worth the purchase. Look at the scene where the Black men were shown eating fried chicken the exact same way (they were also eating bananas and looking at White women, just to dial up the stereotypes this serpent was selling, but I digress). Reality TV isn't reality most of the time, so someone got Flavor Flav to do that and he was sadly willing to do it for the money.

There are all sorts of harmful messages out there, placed either blatantly like in some comedy shows and films or other avenues of media. Recently Super_Blu on Twitter mentioned something he saw in a Netflix comedy special by DeRay Davis titled "How to Act Black". I took a look at it and just as he mentioned, DeRay tried to slide in a notion during his stand up that Dylan Roof wasn't racist and that he is just crazy.

That's indeed suspicious to the extent that makes me wonder if he got that special approved for Netflix because he had that in there. Either way I'd say watch him like others that do questionable things that are disrespectfully destructive because we can't afford to have people killing multiple brothas and sistas because an idiot pushed a notion out there for potential exploitation. I wouldn't have watched it, so I thank the brotha for bringing it to my attention because this is also part of the problem. Someone always ready to flap their lips to try and make it seem like violence and blatant racism are just part of our imagination.

The brotha called him out on it and he you can tell he was annoyed by it. I believe I was the only one who liked the brotha's tweet, but something I've noticed is that he continues even if he doesn't get a like. I didn't want him to get to the point of arguing with DeRay because he tried to switch the subject, but he got him to say certain things that reveal more of his thoughts on the issue. There was a snake in there trying to offer up the notion that it was just a joke, but he could have went in any other direction with his material. He instead picks a topic based on a terrorist attack that took the lives of Black people, and added it to his special. He wasn't joking around by the way, you can listen to him as he mentions that and its obvious he wasn't kidding around. He believes that. He didn't even try to save himself by giving a fake apology and saying it was a joke, he doubled down. Here are screenshots the brotha provided.

DeRay wouldn't dare say that Hitler wasn't racist, but the comfort level is extremely high when it comes to disrespecting Black people because there tends to be no consequences. Time to turn that around. I didn't watch the whole stand up special, but I could care less... I gave it a bad rating for good reason. That wasn't the only thing about it, the title of the special and certain things he said also sell stereotypes but physical attacks on our lives being met with an attempt to redefine the motive is the more pressing issue. That demon wanted to slither in and attack a Black community, but he was afraid so he made the decision to carry out his terrorist attack on a Black church. He proved he was calculating on more than few occasions. So the nerve of DeRay saying  he was just crazy is incredibly insulting, and if you're reading this, DeRay, you need to be ashamed of yourself. I have an active boycott list and he has made the cut.

It doesn't matter how cool someone seems, don't let them try to put things out there without calling them on it or you stand to be affected by it. They need to know that we're watching, and if their investors can't use them against us then that won't be a route they can take.

Look at the people who are usually funding the contracts of rappers, they tend to be non-Black and ready to shell out a deal to use the artist's cool factor to suggest things. Things to either reinforce negative stereotypes in our communities, about our communities and promote brands to and through our communities. Some rappers don't allow themselves to be exploited, and I applaud them for that, but there are even more out there ready to sell their soul to a corporation for fame and that's usually a negative impact on us.

This snake Antoine DeRay Davis is not a brotha to me, and he shouldn't be considered a brotha to you with this move. He makes money off the community only to cut our throats and essentially piss on the graves of these brothas and sistas killed by a White Supremacist terrorist. He's a sympathizer of that ticking white time-bomb. Take a look at his response about trying to essentially call Dylan Roof an outcast who killed out of peer pressure. A sista called him out on it, and she's right.

How did he go from hanging out with "Blacks" everyday but in the same sentence he tries to say that this serpent claimed racism because he wasn't accepted anywhere else except for the open arms of racists? This is someone clearly trying to make excuses, and his reasoning is an oxymoron.

As you see, there are people pissed off but you have those fools tucked in there too. Abraham F. and I guess the F is for fool, is trying to make comedians off limits as far as being held accountable for the things they say. Being a comedian isn't a good enough excuse and he clearly was not joking in his tweets. The more discipline we have in our boycotts, the more they actually benefit us. Put some time into finding alternatives and make a switch if you want or feel that you need a product or a certain type of entertainment. That way you can adapt when boycotts are in place.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Brotha Bee: Racist Receipts

Keep your receipts because you don't know where a serpent may resurface.

Watch this video and then follow up by watching the second. 
Don't be shocked by this, remember where we live. 

It took several attempts to upload this video to YouTube and it's upside down, but the message remains the same. I will attempt to reformat and upload.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Ticking White Time-bombs: Texas Church Massacre

Still no attacks from this made up entity known as the Black Identity Extremists, but what we do have is another terrorist attack from a ticking white time-bomb (following Steven Paddock's attack). Devin Patrick Kelley went to a South Texas church and opened fire killing 26 people and injuring a comparable number of people.

He didn't use a handgun, he was packing heat that could get the job done. He has his backstory, but to hell with a backstory, that won't change the fact that this ticking White time-bomb went off and killed people. There are all sorts of people praying and mourning the loss of these people in the church, including the Pastor's child who was present while the Pastor was not.

I'm not mad at the mourning, but I am almost certain that some of the survivors and some of the surviving family members of the victims would not consider this serpent a terrorist. No attacks from the so-called B.I.E. but you have serpents like this receiving enough cover as a White person to prepare and do whatever he wanted to do in order to commit terrorist attacks while the FBI makes up notions to affect us. Devin had on tactical gear, including a vest, and the gun that you see here (as seen in a social media post he made).

Do you really think a Black man or woman, would be able to be seen in public with that and not have law enforcement show up guns blazing? Hell no. That's the hypocrisy in this nation and countless non-Black people see it and they are absolutely fine with it because its a perk that also benefits them if and when they need it.

Black people can't even kneel without some people acting like you've done something worse than these serpents. In their minds, you just might be doing something worse, because you're Black. I don't want to hear anything about the kneeling. I want to hear questions as to why kneeling is taking place. No good criminals in uniform have the support of the legal system to commit crimes, and in a sense these ticking White time-bombs also get the support because there are people fighting tooth and nail to maintain the right to own assault rifles. Combine that with White privilege and you have a recipe for a mass shooting.

Don't feel ashamed about your disapproval of corruption, and don't let these serpents treat you like its a bad thing. How many of these so-called Black Identity Extremists do you find shooting up crowds and churches to show disapproval, blowing up people in marathons, flying planes into buildings, shooting up schools and breaking death toll records?

Don't buy into the notion that you're some how worse or bad because you're Black. Kids have shown that they believe that lie based on doll tests, but there are too many Black men and women buying that too. Apply truth and change that mindset.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Undeserved Loyalty 2

There are women who may take offense to this, especially those who are truly down but this isn't about the non-Black women who are down or simply just ride for what's right.

This is about the undeserved loyalty some Black women and men give to anti-Black non-Black women for being women. Receipts are necessary, time to start revoking passes.

You have Black feminists who ride or die for non-Black women who claim to be in the same struggle they are but it's clearly a lie. I will go into detail about this at another time and how Black women can benefit. White women voted over 50% Donald Trump, even if he's everything some supposedly fight against. Some of these serpents are even getting comfortable enough to try and say replace the word woman w/ the n-word.
Briana Brochu
The University of Hartford situation involving the serpent Briana Brochu and her victim Chennel "Jazzy" Rowe is a prime example of undeserved loyalty. Blindly fighting for serpents like Briana is a grave mistake. According to Chennel's account, she was extremely friendly to her roommate and she was acting funny with her. She may have been unsure at one point, possibly thinking it was just a coincidence her roommate was doing disrespectful things like turning off the room light while Chennel was studying, etc. Chennel said she didn't want to say anything because she didn't want to start any trouble.

That's a very real mindset among many Black people because it's usually a big deal when we get upset about something that a non-Black person started. Too many cops will act on that too, so a situation would be reverse as if you're the culprit.

This serpent was doing extremely vile filth, using her bodily fluids including period blood and fecal matter on Chennel's items (i.e. her toothbrush). She used mold in her face lotion, damaged her property and other unknown filth. According to Chennel, she got extremely sick and the school provided her antibiotics telling her they didn't know what was wrong but she had really bad bacteria in her throat.

Chennel could've died at this non-Black college because of racism by a so-called sister in the struggle. I'm highlighting this because some Black feminists won't acknowledge these things, they will only acknowledge issues involving Black men, non-Black men & women. Chennel spoke on something that isn't horrible, but something that won't help her too much (in her video). She mentioned rape and other things that may be brushed under the rug, and while its not horrible she may dilute her own situation. So she has to be careful about that because there are women out there that have no problem stepping in to get the attention by using her to promote themselves and raise money for their pocket.

Chennel "Jazzy" Rowe
Justice appears to be a game when it comes to this case, as it usually is when it comes to Black people. This post is to highlight Black women though and this undeserved loyalty with women like Briana Brochu who clearly don't deserve it. If you seek equality and the focus is on men, clearly its not a fight for equality involving Black men because we are the least hired and the pay won't be up to par usually if we happen to get the job.

Can you really be in a fight for equality with women like Briana Brochu if she gets a preset defense in the legal system and you don't?

Would the Briana Brochu's of the world fight for you to get justice against Briana Brochu? Think about it. They are covered by White Supremacy, but for the other things they want, they use you including the attack on straight Black men. This story would've been mainstream if the roles were reversed, that's the so-called equality you have with some of your so-called sisters in the struggle. I hope that HBCU's reach out to Chennel "Jazzy" Rowe for a well deserved transfer, and other Black people desiring to go to college you should seriously consider the pros of going to an HBCU. Networking tends to be stronger versus the usual non-existent network at other colleges and you won't be supporting some of these colleges with a racists history.

On that note, HBCU's are seeing an increase in freshmen enrollment for very good reason. Who wants to go somewhere paying money to be treated like shit because they're Black? The coons may have grinned and accept it, but I'm glad Chennel didn't and if her eyes weren't open before I hope this officially did it. Protect your children and also beware of the racism in K-12.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Undeserved Loyalty

If chivalry can die due to a lack of appreciation, loyalty should be in that same boat.

There are Latino police officers guilty of unlawfully killing Black people (Officer Jeronimo Yanez killed Philando Castile). It's not just Caucasians, and others who identify as White. There are Latinos who also identify as White or just subscribe to White Supremacy to the extent they're allowed regardless of skin tone. These anti-Black Latinos will go the distance to be as hateful as possible towards Black people but some of these same exact people change that tune once they get the Black experience. I'm talking about African American people, even if I know some people don't care for that term, but I have to use it because we're the ones with this specific experience.

There are some people who try to get over as Black for passes among African Americans, but they are able to detach by saying they are something else when things get a little too hot. There are some African Americans who go hard for non-African American people facing injustice and it's not returned. Time for a change.

Antonio Gutierrez is a University of Nevada Police Officer on the offensive against Black people who disapprove of police brutality. These anti-Black serpents are ready to attack because you and I don't want to be attacked or killed by law enforcement officers ready and willing to commit criminal acts.

Antonio Gutierrez
He's one of those anti-Black All Lives Matter people, who have pushed those All Lives & Blue Lives Matter campaigns like Super_Blu(on twitter) said to simply silence people pushing Black Lives Matter. It's a compromised movement, but I wanted to point that out. This officer probably unleashes hell on Black people thinking it will gain him a bigger praise by his colleagues. In the title image, you see this serpent trying to look like Colin Kaepernick with a sign that reads "Will Stand for Food", making fun of a very serious situation.

Colin kneeled for a very valid ready, and even if some Latino's have been wronged by serpents in the Police Department, it doesn't stop the anti-Black ones from targeting Black people. Our pain is a joke to him and some other people of color. Its not all, and I don't need to say that, but the ones that do are no good.

I didn't write this to just point this out though. This post is another example of undeserved loyalty, there can't be hate and attacks against Black people with the expectation of undeserved loyalty. Furthermore, there can't be silence and a lack of help to get things done with an expectation of undeserved loyalty.

I will not waste my loyalty on someone who doesn't deserve it, and you'd be a damn fool if you do. The director of Police Services released a statement and apologized for this serpent, but Adam Garcia's apology isn't accepted over here. The actions need to do the talking because an apology to take the heat off, isn't good enough. If it wasn't done in the first place, there would be nothing to apologize for, right?

Just like if bad cops weren't out here breaking the law to target Black people in the first damn place, there would be nothing to kneel or protest about, right?

Look at the people getting a laugh or finding comedy via Black pain. Time to require loyalty for loyalty, because hate and co-opting the Black struggle doesn't count. If you can be specific with other Black men and women requiring them to put in on something in order to benefit, then you should clearly understand the message promoted in this post.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Sgt. LaDavid Johnson's Obituary

I had the honor of writing a tribute to the green beret, Sgt. LaDavid Johnson, but I will not include it in this post with his obituary. You can also find his obituary at the link, but I wanted to share it so that you can learn a bit more about the brotha in the uniform. If you knew the Sgt. or would like to provide flowers to the family, the funeral home has options available. I am in no way affiliated with this funeral home.

Sgt. LaDavid T. Johnson's Obituary

Ladavid T. Johnson was born in Miami, Florida to Samara Johnson and Terrance McGriff on January 2, 1992. At the tender age of 5 his care was entrusted to Richard and Cowanda Johnson after his mother passed in September of 1999.

During his early years, LaDavid was involved in many activities and enjoyed playing optimist football at Risco Park. He attended Dade County Public Schools and graduated from Miami Carol City Senior High in 2010 and continued his education at AIT for mechanical engineering. It was during his early school years that he met his best friend, Myeshia Manual, who would later become his wife. They would go on to be wed on August 22, 2014 and together have three children, Ah'Leesya, LaDavid Jr and La'Shee (unborn).

Ladavid was employed at Wal-Mart in the produce department. He would remove the front wheel of his bike and ride to and from work earning him the title of "Wheelie King". He remained at Wal-Mart until he made the decision to further his career with the United States Military. He enlisted into the United States Army January 28, 2014 where his leadership abilities continued to shine as he excelled in his career.

Sgt LaDavid Johnson awards include: Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development Ribbon, Parachutist Badge, Basic, Air Assault Badge, Combat and Specific Skills Badge Basic Marksmanship Qualification Badge, Driver and Mechanics Badge. Sgt Johnson left for his second deployment to Africa on August 28th, 2017. It would be here that God opened the windows of heaven and sent forth his angels to call his child home. His charismatic personality will always be remembered.

He left to cherish his life and legacy; wife: Myeshia Johnson; children: Ah'leeysa Jones, LaDavid Johnson Jr., and La'Shee Johnson; parents: Samara Johnson (Preceded him in death), Richard and Cowanda Johnson, Terrence (Teoka) McGriff; grandparents: Barbara Jones, Joann Johnson, Richard Johnson Sr.; Sisters: Torneisha, Angela and Titana Ghent, Quanika, Richshama, Richshawnda and Samara Johnson; Terkema and Terkiya McGriff, brothers: Tajmaus, Christopher, and Richard Johnson, Keon Richardson, Shavarius Brown, Terrence, Terkeil and Teshard McGriff and a host of aunties, uncles, nieces/nephews, cousins, friends and associates.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Black Children and Racist Serpents

A Black woman takes her daughter to a Little Heroes Group Home, that supposedly provides a safe place for kids dealing with trauma. It wasn't exactly a safe place for this little Black girl though. A racist serpent cut off this 7 year old girl's hair and told her that it would grow back straight.

Her father is non-Black, I don't know him, don't know his views but he wasn't around to speak in defense of his Black daughter or to help obtain a legal defense against this place. Only the little girl's mom was out there. What that serpent told that girl was something to manipulate her in order to cut her hair out.

A grown ass good for nothing piece of shit, that's probably seen as a so-called good person, that helps out kids at this place. That's the person who did this to a child, just like teachers who have access to Black children and do or allow things to happen. If you have the option to home school, considerate or at least do the research. It doesn't matter how young your child is, they could be a newborn and these anti-Black serpents will still make it a point to be nasty towards them because its an opportunity to indulge in their hateful evil.

Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District allowed this racist filth from the Plimoth Plantation to slither her way in there and end up taking a picture with two non-Black kids holding leashes with a little Black girl on the ground. The trash claimed it was part of the teaching, but she could've taught anything else, that was an excuse and the leashes were basically to sell that outlook of calling us animals. Look at her face, she has a big smile on it and the kids look like they have smiles on their faces. The one in the chair with her back facing the camera appears to be laughing.

A smile doesn't always mean friendly and kind. Tell your kids that they can't participate in anything beyond the basic school work and pre-approved activities. Anything else, needs to require a permission slip in detail about what it is that your child will be participating in and what they will be doing specifically. The school needs to know this and it needs to be on file, because there are people being invited in these schools doing traumatic things that shouldn't be accepted. The mock slave auction happened in a school too.

Make this a requirement for any school your child is enrolled in and get a copy of the signed requirement after the designated party at the school signs it. Don't be afraid of doing this, there is no attitude needed, you require this if your child is going to be enrolled in the school. They need a layer of protection, and if it still comes down on them, you have a signed copy of an agreement for legal action.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

About Black Lives Matter

I was curious and decided to look in the "About" area of the BlackLivesMatter website. Members may not agree with what I'm taking away from the description, but this seems like a Trojan horse using Black Pain to accomplish other agendas hiding inside of it.

I see in the about area a very telling description.

BLM affirms the lives of:

Black Queer and Trans Folks (Listed1st)
I don't know what sexual preference has to do with keeping the cops from harm, killing and falsely imprisoning Black people but that matters to BLM.

Disabled Folks (Listed 2nd)

Undocumented Folks (Listed 3nd)
There are many undocumented people who don't give a damn about Black people and specifically African Americans, so what does BLM look like riding for them? If you donate to BLM, this is where a portion of that money is going. That's a slap in the face.

Folks w/ Records (Listed 4th)
This is complicated, but I stand with the Black people falsely accused and given unjustified time for non-violent offenses.

Women (Listed 5th)

all Black lives along the gender spectrum (Listed 6th)

You may be thinking "What's wrong with that?" but they went out of their way to not mention Black men at all. I don't even see Black women listed here specifically, but I do see Black Queers listed. Even if they say the first mention of "Black" was meant for each, that argument is lost if it has to be mentioned again at the bottom. Either way, men (specifically Black men) wasn't listed.

How many straight Black men have been killed by police? How many Black people for that matter? Does sexual preference matter? Men aren't mentioned, but the bloodshed and false imprisonment of straight Black men is being used to help others strive. Gay Black men are covered along with Gay Black women. It seems like I'm knit-picking but I'm not. I take offense to this, just like Damon Young's post, Jemele Hill's co-sign of his post, the liars who went after Nate Parker, etc.

Do straight Black men really fit into the BLM movement regarding it's agendas or is there a push for something else underneath a mask representing the desire for justice via BlackLivesMatter? A non-Black man funded it, and I have to be suspicious of what his motives might be.

It couldn't just be Black People, they chose to list it like this. This is a problem even if they didn't intend it to be that way although I doubt it, because it's segmenting people up when the objective is supposed to be as listed in the initial sentence. Sexual preference doesn't apply at all, it's "BLACK" Lives Matter but Blackness is being used for other things here and I hope you see that.

When I think of cops being punished for committing criminal acts against Black people, I'm not thinking of straight or gay, man or woman. I'm thinking Black, just like too many cops do. Wouldn't it sound crazy if my focus were solely on straight Black men? Wouldn't be fair, so the push from others should sound crazy for trying to take Black men out of the equation.

To do this is to wipe away Black men in an unspoken way. Be on the lookout because chances are this will increase and even when its obvious Black men were a part of something, we won't be mentioned at all. I'd rather Black people be mentioned together, but it should be clear that only specifics will occur when the desire to separate is there. It's divide & conquer.

Is Black Lives Matter getting laws changed or is it trying to change us?

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Eminem on Trump: Why you shouldn't hate

There are some Black men and women sounding like disappointments when they don't have to take the volunteer route of such stupidity. I'm talking specifically about Eminem's performance dissing Trump and drawing a line in the sand for his fans.

Honestly, what in the hell are you crying about, because he did it or you didn't do it? Let him use his privilege, the platform he has and the passes he has access to in order to reach people that listen to him.

He isn't stealing thunder from our movement if its specifically covering the things that benefit us. If he can draw the line in the sand and get his fans to denounce Trump and the White Supremacy they may or may not subscribe to, I welcome it. In many cases, those disapproving of him do not have the same fans as him. So those of you disapproving should actually be turning to your fan base like he did, but then again there are also Black serpents who may be speaking out in the name of an anti-Black agenda.

If he were speaking like he were in your shoes, that would be one thing but I didn't get that. Black people have bigger fish to fry and if we can get individuals with huge fan bases to help make waves, possibly in the way of punishing criminal activity among Police, I'm fine with it. You shouldn't hate because there is nothing you're preventing or gaining that would prove beneficial from hating what he did. Focus and put that energy somewhere beneficial that can actually help Black people, not just you and the buzz you think you might get.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Keep Kneeling: You Have Power

To all the NFL and NBA athletes out there,

You seriously need to begin talking. If the player's can come together for union meetings, the player's that choose too kneel are able to come together in other places like the internet. You have an assortment of athletes willing to act dumb online, but how's about utilizing the power of the internet to bring birth to a new football league and a new basketball association?

If you haven't over obligated your wallets to taking care of family unwilling to work or make the money work for them and their independence, you may have options. Tricking it up is also a problem, linking up with the wrong women willing to lie and destroy your life for your money is another problem. Partying and just overall careless spending can also prevent you from having the means to live well for the rest of your days in most cases. So why not consider coming together as percentage owners of your own teams and get off the NFL's nationwide plantation? You can still play and retire as owners, creating opportunities for other Black men so they don't have to deal with the bullshit from owners of the franchise, who forget that they're not the owners of you.

You're on a tight leash, forced to do interviews, blackballed for having balls or because someone wants you to pay for something as Black athletes. I didn't mention the White athletes because the same doesn't always apply, you could be defending yourself from a woman compared to a White athlete intentionally abusing one and the outcome is worse for you. Josh Brown would've been out of the NFL and possibly facing an arrest and a lawsuit if he were Black.

I refuse to watch any NFL game or ESPN. I can't give you the ambition or make you do this, but if you build it the people will follow. The NFL as I've said before, is nothing without the majority Black athletes that dominate the sport. They can keep everyone who wants to stay but a new league bringing in new talent, coaches, the combined knowledge of players, and a few new touches to make it unique would be something I'd support. I'm disgusted with the NFL and the NBA, hell, College too. You wear pink ribbons to represent Breast Cancer Awareness and some even wear pink shoes. How's about a Black ribbon with a red pattern on it that reads "Used & Abused"?

I know that it wouldn't be the simplest undertaking but based on the way the NFL & the NBA are, its incentive enough to go to the drawing board and at least consider it. Pro athletes could even reach out to the community and HBCU's instead of snakes slithering in trying to see who can do what and how they tick via sports psychologists. From there try to get them into HBCU's and work on getting them paid as college athletes in a Jr. League. College students can go out and get a job busting their ass all day making who knows what, but you can't bust your ass out there on the field or the court to make money with the risk of injury because the rules are set a certain way usually with a non-Black person getting their cut of the profits. Time to make something beyond the current setup of non-Black rules for empowerment, and even if they don't make it to the pros, their skills could help put something in their pocket or even a new venture.

This is a tipping point to where something of the sort could take what is rightfully deserved by the players. The players with balls would be the way to get it started or a prominent Black man or woman making the right moves.

As it stands right now, on those NFL plantations, owners are trying to put their feet down and force other grown as men to stand because that will please White Supremacists, but keep kneeling. Every time you kneel think of all the Brothas and Sistas in this nation made to kneel for no reason because a bad cop wants to play power trip. When you kneel think of the injustice and the abuse of the legal system by serpents like the Commonwealth Attorney Warner D. Chapman, who issued a warrant for DeAndre Harris's arrest after he was almost beaten to death by Warner's fellow White Supremacists. Whether I agree with DeAndre Harris or any other Black people being out there protesting the Devil's Parade (White Supremacist Rally), this is ridiculous, but that's White Supremacy for ya.

You heard me right, he was beaten and almost killed, but a warrant is out for DeAndre's arrest. Here is a petition.Warner was voted in and he needs to be voted out for someone better.

Keep kneeling for the sistas who have fallen victim to bad cops, the brothas they've killed, planted drugs on, forced to lie, etc. Keep kneeling and don't let them enslave your soul for a dollar. That's one of the many horrible sides of the oppression that Mike Ditka wants dismiss. Some Black men and women only think there is one opportunity out there for them. Never believe that, even if you don't make as much, if you can look at yourself in the mirror, to hell with them and that money.

Don't forget though, Black people have always been sought to make money in some form of fashion and we have the ability to make it without White Supremacy's blessing (aka curse).

You are the NFL, the NBA and College and the show would stop without you.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Terrorism In Las Vegas: Ticking White Time-bombs

Jonathan Smith saves non-Black people from White Terrorist

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Damon Young's persecution of straight Black men

I've highlighted my responses in yellow, but Damon Young is another serpent contributing to the demonizing of Black men as a whole seemingly in the name of Feminism.

It feels counterintuitive to suggest that straight black men as a whole possess any sort of privilege—particularly the type of privilege created for and protected by whiteness. In America, we are near or at the bottom in every relevant metric determining quality of life. Our arrest and incarceration rates, our likelihood of dying a violent death, our likelihood of graduating high school and attending college, our employment rates, our average net worth, our likelihood of surviving past 70—I could continue, but the point is clear.

He put that out there to avoid any backlash over his title, but he's trying to use that title to try and put others in the mind frame of placing Straight Black Men in that light regardless when it comes to Black women.
But assessing our privilege (or lack thereof) on these facts considers only our relationship with whiteness and with America. Intraracially, however, our relationship to and with black women is not unlike whiteness’s relationship to us. In fact, it’s eerily similar.

It's not eerily similar, but he's trying to get his readers into that mindset.
We’re the ones for whom the first black president created an entire initiative to assist and uplift.

Who created the situation that made him create something of that sort? Furthermore, he didn't do that for straight Black men alone. He did that for men and women and it wasn't specifically for Black people.

You can read it for yourself at the government link below:
The people given clemency were listed as individuals, not straight Black men, and they weren't all straight Black men so he's lying to his readers to try and sell his narrative.
We’re the ones whose beatings and deaths at the hands of the police galvanize the community in a way that the beatings and sexual assaults and deaths that those same police inflict upon black women do not.

Answer me this. Have the tides turned to actually punish Police for all they've done to harm Black men and women in an unjustified manner? He's speaking in a blanketed way too, as if straight Black men haven't spoken out against Sistas being harmed. For the most part the media will not put a camera in the face of a logical well spoken straight Black man that speaks out for the community. The cameras are usually on Black women speaking out, the Black people who look crazy or borderline homeless who can barely talk straight or Black men and women who don't care for other Black people. So it sounds like he has even bought into the narrative that Black women are the backbone of the community, while at the same time trying to punish straight Black men for any challenges they face. I mention the "Backbone" because certain brothas and sistas are backbones of the community, its not automatically Black women and its definitely not all. If you live according to the notion that Black women are the backbone of the community, what would your outlook be towards the Black men that walk the walk?

We’re the ones whose mistreatment inspired a boycott of the NFL despite the NFL’s long history of mishandling and outright ignoring far worse crimes against black women.

He's trying to segment the pain, as if one needs to outweigh another to be deemed wrong. The NFL boycott was not inspired because of straight Black men being hurt, it was based on Black people being hurt or killed and cops are facing no consequences. Look at what he is saying though, he is trying to turn it into something else.

We are the ones who get the biggest seat at the table and the biggest piece of chicken at the table despite making the smallest contribution to the meal.

He's saying "We", as if he knows what's going on in every single home where a straight Black man lives. If that's what he is doing that's on him to confess to his audience, but again he's trying to sell a narrative.

And nowhere is this more evident than when considering the collective danger we pose to black women and our collective lack of willingness to accept and make amends for that truth. It’s a damning and depressing paradox.

Again, Damon needs to speak for himself, because there are countless straight Black men who do not fit this.

When speaking about race and racism, we want our concerns and our worries and our fears to be acknowledged. We want white people to at least make an effort to understand that our reality is different from theirs and that white supremacy is a vital and inextricable part of America’s foundation, and we grow frustrated when they refuse to acknowledge their role—historically and presently—in propagating it.

I'm not one of those straight Black men who pushes for the understanding of White people, my outlook is to learn and teach Black people how to grow and how to punish the people who try to persecute us. Damon is trying to persecute straight Black men in his article.

When the racism isn’t blatant or doesn’t appear to exist at all, we want them to give us the benefit of the doubt.

Who is he trying to sell this to? He keeps saying we, but if he believes that he's making up racism in his mind then that's something he has to deal with. His focus on trying to be the mouthpiece for straight Black men is something to question. Like he's stepping up for the rest of us to get something off his chest that we we're all guilty of.

Because we’ve trained ourselves to be able to sense it—even in minute and barely perceptible amounts—because our safety depends on our recognition of it. We share how it feels to be stopped by a police officer, or perhaps to walk into an all-white bar and have each eye trained on us, or perhaps to jaunt down a street in an all-white neighborhood, and we want them to understand how words and gestures they consider to be innocuous can be threatening, even if there’s no intention of malice.

He's mentioning this stuff under that title to try and give straight Black men a similar appearance.
Although we recognize that not all white people are actively racist, we want them to accept that all benefit from racism, and we become annoyed when individual whites take personal exception and center themselves in any conversation about race, claiming to be one of the “good ones” and wishing for us to stop and acknowledge their goodness.

Here is the selling point to try to place straight Black men into the fold of being White people of Black people and he's also trying to persecute the decent straight brothas. I will not take responsibility for a no good Black man. As a matter of fact, I will probably expand on this post as far as decent Black men are concerned. He wants there to be an approach of just accepting the blame and not pushing back against bullshit, but enough of that gets done. Just like the bad behaviors that come in other forms, he must also get his, for the demonizing of “Straight Black Men” as a whole.

But when black women share that we pose the same existential and literal danger to them that whiteness does to us; and when black women ask us to give them the benefit of the doubt about street harassment and sexual assault and other forms of harassment and violence we might not personally witness; and when black women tell us that allowing our cousins and brothers and co-workers and niggas to use misogynistic language propagates that culture of danger; and when black women admit how scary it can be to get followed and approached by a man while waiting for a bus or walking home from work; and when black women articulate how hurtful it is for our reactions to domestic abuse and their rapes and murders to be “what women need to do differently to prevent this from happening to them” instead of “what we (men) need to do differently to prevent us from doing this to them,” their words are met with resistance and outright pushback.

Damon really has some nerve, and he is targeting straight Black men, which includes decent brothas. I would respond with something further here, but I will hold off.

After demanding from white people that we’re listened to and believed and that our livelihoods are considered, our ears shut off and hearts shut down when black women are pleading with us.

For the record, this isn't something every single Black woman is pleading. As a matter of fact there are sistas that are well protected. Who is he selling this to though? Is he trying to say that straight Black men deserve to suffer in silence because he feels that all Black women are suffering in silence? He isn't acknowledging the straight Black men that stand up for Black women right or wrong because it doesn't strengthen his narrative. His article strengthens the feminist narrative.
Making things worse is that black women and girls are also black people in America—a fact we seem to forget whenever possessing a bad memory is convenient.

There have been straight Black men that have and continue to stand up for sistas, even against other Black women that have spoken down against sistas. My post isn't to plead with this serpent, Damon, it's to basically reveal one of the people who are part of the problem who may appear as if they are trying to help. He isn't laying out a way to make a change, he's trying to sell a narrative against straight Black men to assist with an agenda. He's mentioning street harassment but now a days you can't even say "Hi" to be a decent person, speaking can put a Black man in a situation where he's being labeled someone that harasses women.

There are men that don't even bother anymore to avoid drama and as time progresses what do you think that's going to further promote? Making nothing into a problem when it comes to those of us that aren't guilty, makes it hard for some of our brothas and sistas to see straight. There could be nothing but a joyous occasion going on, but someone like Damon could sell a narrative to turn it into something entirely different in someone's mind. That's the power of deception. You ever see someone mess up their relationship because someone outside of their relationship got into their head and made them paranoid? That's the power of deception, and that's the type of bs Damon is selling against straight Black men.

The effects of racism—metaphysical and literal—and the existential dread and dangers felt when existing while black are not exclusive to black men and boys.

I don't know about you, but I have never said or thought this, Black people are in the struggle not just men but he acts like this is a mindset we share. So who is he trying to sell this too? Is he trying to gain the support of (Black) feminists? Seems like it.

They face the same racisms we do and the same doubts from whites about whether the racism actually exists that we do, and then they’re forced to attempt to convince their brothers and partners and friends and fathers and cousins and lovers of the dangers of existing as black women, and they’re met with the same doubts. The same resistance. The same questions. They are not believed in the (predominantly white) world or in their (predominantly black) communities. And we (black men) remain either uninterested in sincerely addressing and destructing this culture of danger and pervasive doubt or refuse to admit it even exists.

Damon isn't speaking for all Black women, because there are plenty of Black women who don't think like that. There are plenty of sistas who can comfortably say “I'm going to get my dad/brother/cousins” to address a Black man for disrespecting them, but that wouldn't fit Damon's narrative.

I’m not quite sure where I first heard “straight black men are the white people of black people.” I know I read a version of it recently in Saki Benibo’s “The 4:44 Effect.” Mela Machinko tweeted, “Cishet black men are the white people of black people” over a year ago and apparently received so much criticism for it that she temporarily locked her account. But in a conversation we had earlier today, she shared that her tweet was actually a revision of another tweet she’d read. (A month after Mela’s tweet, it was revised again by @rodimusprime.) I also know that I’ve read pieces and been a part of conversations connecting our (black men’s) relationships with black women to the relationships we have with white people but never quite heard it articulated this way.

Either way, that statement, that phrasing and what they suggest are shocking and succinct: simple, subtle and fucking scary.
And it’s true.

Take note, Damon mentions Saki Benibo, someone who slithered out of the woodwork to persecute Nate Parker who was acquitted of raping a White woman because the evidence showed otherwise. He labels him a rapist when Nate Parker was under attack to prevent the success of “Birth of a Nation”. That's what they were deployed for. This serpent also had the nerve to label Nate Parker a murderer of this woman by saying he did so via her suicide. Nate has the right to sue for slander. He doesn't include any evidence of the woman being publicly humiliated by Parker or anyone else, but he puts it in his article. Where are all these people who went after Nate? Why are they no longer targeting him? Did their handlers call them back or send them after another Black person? This is who Damon mentions. By the way, Saki writes for the Medium which is also owned by a non-Black company.

I guess his article was inspired by Mela Machinko, but listen to what he's saying. What I am getting from this is not really steps that can be utilized to make an impact. I'm hearing someone trying to low key incorporate feminism into the mindset of straight Black men.