As I'm sure you know by now, Bill Cosby has been found guilty. Whether I believe he's innocent or guilty is besides the point as far as what's next. What comes next is a reinforced ability to go after wealthy Black men based on anything, even if its a lie. They can move goal posts more easily than ever, and they know how and where to get in touch with the butter biscuit brigade to back them up. The ones who really feel like all of our necks should be in a guillotine for being straight Black men.
They aren't bashful about getting him either, based on ignoring facts that the previous prosecutor wouldn't ignore. This was actually a fast-track that appeared to be a trial, Kevin Steele got him just like he was voted in to do. Observe this tasteless bitch below, who is known to use Black women to go after Black men. This is her at the Daytime Emmy Awards with a sign that reads "BILL COSBY... GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY!". This is her celebrating that she took down a wealthy Black Nigger, and I'd even go as far as to say this is her metaphorically showing off the penis she cut from his body. This isn't for real rape victims, this represents that they successfully broke the law.
I could see this as a ritual for this witch, once she finds her next target and uses her Black minions to rope them in. Those like Amber Philips who doesn't need to know a Black man to say comfortably out of her big ass mouth that all Black men are rapists.
Is rape, right? Clearly its not, but you can't tell by way of who walks and who doesn't, especially when race is involved. I won't even fool you and list wealth as one of the reasons because there are White people who walk for all sorts of crimes, you're welcome to do the research. Bill Cosby had no power like that, if he were White it would be a different story and he may have never been at risk of a prison sentence. Whether he was dumb enough to get involved with these women is besides the point. Whether his wife knew or not is besides the point. If evidence shows he didn't do what the public was made to believe he did, is the point. I don't know about you or the male members of your family but I'm never okay with setting up a strategy to be used in order to target Black men in general. Now the non-Black Times Up group (that replaced the silly ass Black Me Too) is after R.Kelly, and using the butter biscuit brigade to do it. White Supremacy will donate all the rope you want to hang non-White people, and they'd prefer you do it often to show that Black people co-sign them doing it more freely.
R. Kelly's do exist, but there are a lot more Emmett Till's out here. Understand that, and it doesn't take a second thought for a racists ass demon to make up something. You have enough examples, you can look through my posts, you can do an internet search, you can also seek examples through other true forms of Black Media.
Remember the White man in Texas who assaulted Jacqueline Craig's son and a Fort Worth Police Office arrested her and her teenage daughters instead? The cop flipped it on her and her son. They stick together, and if they don't you aren't part of helping one take down the other unless you're the fall guy. A brotha represented Ms. Craig and her daughters in court based on the manufactured charges. Don't let that fact slip by, because Black feminists stuck on stupid (compliments of White feminism) believe that we can only be the opposition.
Did you know that the creator of 7th Heaven admitted that she'd want to include Stephen Collins in a 7th Heaven show reunion if there ever were one? Guess who's show is still on TV and On-Demand? You guessed it, the show that Stephen Collins is in. He wasn't Black enough to be muted I guess. These are actual screenshots taken during my write up.
They use the traitors, backstabbers, bed-wenches, and coons before they fire them. The more useful they are, the longer their run. Joy Reid's karma is on her ass right now, which may lead to termination and no route back to television. Good riddance. Its a different story for Megyn Kelly, her racist ass gets a rebrand on a different network and this is no fault of straight Black men. I'm just throwing that out there since some of these fools believe we're responsible for all things evil (and everything White is alright).
You can see White serpents on TV constantly attacking Black people, but they always know exactly where to find an ass kissing maximum karma worthy coon to stand with them and excuse their actions. Trump's Official Mammy Duo "Diamond & Silk" might be in hot water also, after lying about being paid. So is it farfetched that anyone else would do something for a dollar include trying to slit our throats? These are the people who need to be pointed out in addition to these demons.
Cosby's one of those fools who needs to be slapped across the back of his fucking head by a good friend, simply for being as stupid as he was. I shake my head at him because he knows where he lives. I have never played about that, there are no debates. Why did I know to beware and act accordingly? I was taught as a child, along with what I need to do. One major rule was to always stick together when it comes to my family and especially my siblings. Those who stuck by this are still connected to me, those have not are kept at a distance.
I don't need to call a White man, woman, or child my enemy to their face in order to watch my back around them.
Some of these serpents even know how to spot talent and are put in touch with talented Black men and women. That's when they come around, whether its before or after the success, just look at Lebron James. Lebron was in high school when they came flocking to get autographs. If you stupidly open your arms like so many others have, you just might find yourself in a situation like Cosby and many others. Even if they look like you, use discernment because setups do happen, whether you have millions or money from your tax refund.
Chris Brown had to have his life put on the line by a White bitch someone else invited to his home, before he swore off all guests he didn't welcome personally. I hope he sticks to that rule. I mention him and that situation because lies happen just that quick and Black men are usually on the short end of the stick. This doesn't downplay what a sista may be affected by, all you can go on is a case by case basis but its imperative to have a code in place for all of them.
I love my people, I don't have to invest the time in any of this and instead focus on my obligations. It may not seem like much is being done except writing, but our enslaved ancestors weren't even allowed to read or write. I'm taking advantage for the betterment of African Americans, and as we meet certain goals we can welcome other Black people to the table for negotiations. There is no agenda to send you down the wrong path as far as I'm concerned, it's an agenda that's pro-you (unless you're a devoted coon). I'm not even rushing Future Prep because the money isn't the motivation, all that I'm doing with an entry fee is to challenge you to invest in yourself. That's something to get in the habit of doing in life, not for the purpose of owning a lot of shit but to make moves through all of the bullshit in the name of bettering your life and those after you (so they don't have to reinvent the wheel). Watch your backs out here, and just because someone appears cool today doesn't mean they can't be Andrea Constand or any of the other countless serpents tomorrow.