The B.A.D. is what I'll probably start calling all the Black men and women who act as attack dogs for White Supremacy. These serpents are proud members of the Butter Biscuit Brigade, willing to do and say anything to get the biggest biscuit possible from their massa as a result of slitting the throats of other Black people.
The video below is titled, "Playing the Black Card", and is nothing more than an attempt to silence Black people affected by White Supremacy. It's also an attempt to make the supposed "Black Card" out to be some sort of Black Privilege, when that's clearly bullshit. Who did they get to present it? Candace Owens, an ass kissing coonette conservative who has a show title "The Myth of the Coon". Who better to sell that lie than a fucking coon? Her being conservative doesn't make me think anymore or less of her as an enemy because both have coons, her actions make her who she is.
Cooning for Liberals results in them trying to turn out the Black community while running defense for White Supremacy's entrapments in the bedroom, and all the other covert bullshit used by the left wing.
Cooning for Concervatives results in them being overt while trying to make us accept blatant racism believing its just a state of mind, and all the other slick bullshit used by the right wing. That's where this bitch comes in.
Both wings are attached to the same bird flying in the direction against Black people in the name of White Supremacy, so fuck both parties. Grab a bucket before you listen to this bitch, you just might vomit.
She's trying to make it seem as if you oughta be ashamed if you call out racism, and you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps because your circumstance is just some coincidence since its not hers. My thing is, if she feels that way, why make a video to preach? She's part of an agenda.
Candace Owens
Candace Owens is an American conservative commentator, and activist. She is known for her pro-Trump commentary, and criticism of Black Lives Matters and the Democratic Party. She is director of urban engagement at Turning Point USA.
She's accepted to a degree because she serves a purpose, just like Amber Phillips. Why engage the "Urban" areas? (Urban meaning "Black" when it comes to these racist motherfuckers.) Why? This is a recent ad, and I'm sure they took this bitch off her leash because they sense something in the air.
You hear her mention that her grandfather owns the home of the sharecropping farm he worked on when he was younger. Congratulations to your grandfather, but ass kissing coons act like that is going to be the reality for every Black man and woman. She's boasting that White Supremacy didn't fuck up her family to the degree that it did other Black men and women, but like many other proud coons, this bitch lacks the decency to give a fuck about the victims of White Supremacy. If White Supremacy burns her ass, do not back her up.
This bitch won't tell you about the Black Sharecroppers fucked over by these White Supremacist, who lived to tell others in areas they had to escape to or were killed in the process. She won't bring that up, because her objective is to get a pat on the head or a pat on the ass by her massa for being a good little attack dog against you.
While Candace Owens mentions her grandpappy and his fortunate circumstances, check out the image below. This is where the grandfathers of other Black men and women ended up because they were trying to earn a living in the devil's playground (USA). This happened in Arkansas, over 230 Black Sharecroppers killed in a mass lynching. The people who hung these African Americans, took the land, and passed that wealth on to their offspring who Candace is currently running defense for in an ad. So I hope you understand why I disrespectfully call this B.A.D. a bitch.

The Elaine Race Riot was also in Arkansas and nearly 900 Black Sharecroppers were killed, most likely more. There was land taken through murder and through deception by the government who is still doing wicked shit. That's what enemies do. She is anti-Black, whether she admits it or not because you have to be a coon to pump out the shit that she tries to sell. The bitch could just live her life, but she's set on coming for you and I.
We are past the point where all Black People are to be accepted. We can't just openly accept every Black man and woman, regardless of what they've done. Not everyone is going to ride in the exact same ways, but at the same time you can't be an enemy and part of the family. Doesn't work like that, not with me, and for our survival it shouldn't get a pass from anyone who lacks coonish anti-Black tendencies. If someone has clearly revealed themselves to be such, get them out of your lives immediately if you know what's good for you. After all, why keep a venomous serpent around that tries non-stop to bite you? Eventually, they will.