Thursday, June 21, 2018

Black Lives Matter: Unless they're Straight Black Men?

What's wrong with this image? I want you to click it and take a good look. I spelled some things out, but look for yourself at the profile of this enemy and his oxymoronic mindset. This is one of the serpents under the Univision umbrella by way of TheRoot (He's also part of TheGrio), and like many others he is yet more proof that they're chock full of anti-straight Black male writers.

There are many straight Black men related to people that are attracted to the same sex, and I happen to be one of those straight Black men. Many of us know people attracted to the same sex, and that's they're business, I've stated that in more than a few posts. Attacking someone for their attraction to the same sex is wrong, unless they put they're hands on you in an inappropriate way, deceive you, or do something to a child. Those who end up with an ass whooping for the right reason can get it whether they're straight or considered "Gay Folk". Random acts of violence on someone for being attracted to the same sex isn't something I grew up seeing, we backed up our family if something went down but it was never based on anything that had anything to do with someone being gay. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but Preston Mitchum seems to think that if its going to happen its going to be at the hands of straight Black men.

He might not even believe that personally, but that's the lie he's selling to demonize all of us for whatever reason. That includes your father, your uncles, cousins, brothers, sons, friends, co-workers, fellow soldiers, business partners, etc. You won't be as successful in finding non-Black people who are as eager to go at the necks of their people as openly as you do when it comes to pieces of shit like this. He won't openly showcase an image as his profile background that reads, "Black Lives Matter: Except for Straight Black Men", but he believes that. He can't even argue with what I'm saying because his tweet says enough.

For the record, when it comes to "Gay Folks" in general, there is no way in the world I'm backing up each and every one of them. No fucking way, some of these people are my enemies and they're proud to be White Supremacists, but this goes to show what side Preston Mitchum stands on. It's LGBT or nothing, and Black Lives Matter is a trojan horse to get him where he wants to be. Preston's ready and willing to generalize straight Black men, but would he ever accept that in return? That's the problem with generalizations, I don't know every single person that's attracted to the same sex and I don't go by that. I have a problem with someone coming after me and the brothas & sistas making moves to form a better tomorrow for Black people. Its past the point that we can do that for all Black people, we can only do it for those who want it. Not the no goods who love crime, not the anti-Black people, and not those on that anti-Black women or anti-Straight Black male bandwagon.

So while he may want us to stand with Gay Folks, which include Milo Yiannopoulos, I'd rather stand with my people. The ones who really give a fuck about our progression and wellbeing. How about you?

He has a hand in the legal system, and with a mindset like his, straight Black men are fucked. Look at the jurors with his mindset who let cops walk. Look at the family court judges with his mindset who shit on straight Black men who want to be in their kids lives, and unfortunately lose their children based on the mom's boyfriend taking the child's life. Look at the various people in HR with his mindset that leave straight Black men on the short end of the stick in a situation where the brotha wasn't at fault. He's part of the problem.

There is a State Referee in Florida that reviews cases of employers that seek to terminate their obligation to pay an ex-employee unemployment. A brotha encountered this gay Black man who not only ignored documentation and emails that proved he was trying to go back to work after an accident where he wasn't at fault, but he let the employer choose to have the evidence removed from the case. The brotha was pissed and said the referee gave him an attitude. The evidence looked sound to me, and various other emails showed that the brotha was willing to work other positions and showed up to work after a period of rehabilitation to get back on track. I was provided the information last year, but I sat on it. Not because I didn't believe him, and I may have actually mentioned part of it at some point, but I wasn't just going to point at the referee's sexual preference as a possible reason for the bias in the case. Today, I can say that if his mindset is similar to Preston Mitchums', I can understand why the brotha was treated that way (even if you can't tell who is straight or not by just looking at them). He didn't have to pay back the unemployment as a result, but if the medical evidence wasn't there, the referee may have went there with pleasure.

I still won't say its all Black people who are attracted to the same sex, because that would be a lie, but those on the bullshit are low-key supporters of White Supremacy. Whether they want to believe that or not, this persecution of straight Black men is something that further empowers that agenda. Preston Mitchum doesn't believe that Black Lives Matter, he believes in the anti-Straight Black male agenda that's behind the organization that exploits those three words. If you disagree with their agenda, don't support it, because they're using the blood of our brothas & sistas for it. His tweet basically said the lives of straight Black men don't matter, because he assumes that we (which isn't just aimed at straight Black men) don't care about Gay Folk being harmed by straight Black men.

Remember Preston Mitchum's face and his name, because he may seek your vote one day.