Pull out your magnifying glasses and take a look at how many non-Black people of color are in the United States now. I won't even go deep into that, I want "YOU" to do the research, I want you to see the growth. Not only in population size, but also in economic growth. Compare that to the growth of Black people in the same categories.
I'm not speaking on who you like to sleep with, so take sex off the table. Focus.
How many of these people of color frequent Black businesses?
How many of these people of color hire Black people?
How many of these people of color have a sense of justice that includes Black people?
Ever notice how some of these people of color pop up on TV complaining about how their family was deported even if they vote conservative? Don't even look at the deportation part right now, look at the fact that they're conservative. Liberals go all out for people of color, but remember that doesn't include African Americans. Go back to the highlighted portion up top and do the research if you don't believe me, and then when they arrive here they get strong support and protection from White supremacists by people on the left and Black people. Their intention wasn't to stand with you, but when some of these people arrive, they get hit by the people that they actually identify with.
How do you look when you stand with someone to protect them from the people they actually identify with?
Again, more African Americans have to wake up. The ones on the bullshit and want to fight for bullshit must be left behind. These people are part of the problem. They want to be around us because they aren't truly welcome among others unless they're comic relief or provide some form of alternate benefit, but they shouldn't feel welcome around us either. They slither their asses around, but they need to be sent packing every single time. We don't have time for naysayers, and June 2018 is coming to a close. How much has changed in your life thus far?
We can't play around with anything, we're at the bottom as a group and its no coincidence, but you have to wise up. When your blood is spilled, you don't get the show of support that illegal citizens get who are still among the living after its all said and done. By the way, don't trust Black leaders who show a greater focus towards non-Black people, that's an enemy, no matter how you slice it.
Do your research, you have to know where we are. You can work a job owned by non-Black people, which includes government jobs, but don't blow every dime you have. I will go into detail about this via Future Prep, but you get the idea its time to switch up.