White Supremacists will know all there is to know about a Black athlete as early as their childhood pop warner days in some cases. Some of these Black men go out of their way to avoid upsetting these obsessed anti-Black fans to the point that they coon to stay in their good graces, but when defiance arises they feel like their pet athletes have turned against them. They take it personally because they feel that Black people owe them everything, like we couldn't survive if we didn't have a purported handler. If you know history, they actually owe us, and not just tangibly. Talented Black people were enslaved because they knew how to farm land, they were fed and provided for off the blood, sweat, and tears of Black people.
So they want to starve Colin Kaepernick out for being disobedient to people he doesn't owe anything too. It's a complete joke to see upholders of injustice and inhumanity crying over Nike's Kaepernick campaign, like they really care if he's genuine or not. Nike's foul, but so is the NFL that they continue to watch. These are the people of the jury who don't think twice about sealing the fate of innocent Black people. These are the people who accept your business while treating you like a criminal.
These are the people supporting police brutality, but some of them are trying to argue that Colin Kaepernick really doesn't care about innocent Black people being killed by the cops. They don't give a fuck about Black people, so them trying to speak on anything is a joke. One of these serpents hosts a show called Rant Nation on CRTV, which also has hosts like super coon Jon Miller, and Michelle Malkin. The same Michelle Malkin fighting for convicted serial rapist, Daniel Holtzclaw. These people don't give a damn about Black people, so as far as Colin making money its whatever. As long as he isn't backstabbing Black people, its all good, he took a knee and has helped expose quite a few people.
The owner of Papa Johns is another one of these crybabies. They can't contain themselves even if it affects their businesses. I've seen signs on some of these Papa Johns stores that read "Locally Owned Since _____", to try and get people back in the stores but I frankly don't give a fuck. If they aren't willing to go independent, they risk going down with a ship that I hope sinks.
I don't know about you, but I need to know who's who, so keep your eyes open and take note of everyone crying about this. They have a problem with anything that even remotely spells justice for you, because they believe in Liberty and Justice for White People only. They're crying over that, while Black people are crying over innocent lives lost. Fathers and Mothers being taken away from their children, and sometimes babies in the womb die right along with the women. So let them cry a river, these are demonic crybabies who feel like they're being robbed of their freedom when they can't do whatever in the fuck they want.
Rapists get to walk away after being caught in the act. Both White male and female. The White cops get to walk away after unlawfully taking a life, most of the time. The Black ones can't do what the White ones do. You have White terrorists killing people and they're taken alive unless they really don't have a choice, and even Dylann Roof was rewarded with Burger King before he was taken in. Some of these people do all types of devious sick shit, hammering nails into someone or themselves for sexual gratification, sleeping with animals, babies, chopping up bodies to have sex on and with. They want the ability to prevent you from being defiant, they want a slave mentality, and they'd prefer slavery beyond prison if they could get it again. So when these White Supremacists cry about what's affecting them, remember what some of these monsters are really upset about.