The title of this post is written exactly the way I meant it to sound. Black people that act like enemies, can't be treated like Brothas and Sistas. I've mentioned multiple times how these people will act like enemies, but they think its all good to the point that they show up at Black events smiling and laughing. They deserve no love, they deserve no respect, they don't deserve invites or support.
Every time they open their mouth on-air (as if they're the spokesperson for Black people), its usually something negative or trying to cover for White Supremacy because crimes occur in Black neighborhoods. That's the go to excuse they use to defend White culprits. Crimes occur outside of predominant Black neighborhoods also, but they do what the media does to criminalize us in the wake of Black injustice. So why do they continue to pop up where Black people are?
As mentioned before, they feel welcome. The door's open to them, they've been forgiven, they're still protected. They continue to act in a disrespectful way that should result in ostracization, but it doesn't. I've written proposed rules on how to deal with these non-Brothas and non-Sistas. Now its time to start a real discussion on putting something into place and actually applying it.
Don't just read this, I challenge you to share it if you care about the road ahead and the betterment of Black people. It's not a request for anything crazy, but they must be held accountable.
Don't just read this, I challenge you to share it if you care about the road ahead and the betterment of Black people. It's not a request for anything crazy, but they must be held accountable.
I don't care what their job requires. I don't care if they're just doing what they have to do for a paycheck. The companies need to know that its on, and they need to fear the loss of revenue for the disrespect. Any Black people approaching the mound to defend White Supremacists should definitely be afraid to lose it all, to the point that they say nothing. There are White people who feel that they can go full White Supremacist with no repercussions thanks to some of these people or merely being related to a Black person. That's the level of comfort some of our enemies have, thanks to the enemies among us.
I wrote this on September 30th, 2018. I like to keep a time stamp to mark the place and time something was said or done, because time flies at the snap of a finger. Its imperative to keep an eye on the clock in order to keep track of your progression, and in this case its something regarding "Our Progression". These enemies must feel the burn, they must know that they absolutely unequivocally cannot cross the Black community without suffering. It must be known without a shadow of a doubt, because these fuckers have lost their goddamn minds. Now its time to get their minds right, with the only thing that seems to work, punishment.
You can't be my Brotha, my Sista, and my enemy. Doesn't work like that, and it never has with me.