This is from the Washington Post:
The Black Authority's Jason Black, brought this story to my attention. You have an Asian woman who claims she was spat on and punched so hard that she blacked out, and the cops picked up a homeless Black man with mental problems as a result. Check out Jason's video because he ties in a different article to make a different point, but for me I want you to think about something when it comes to this article.
Where is the video of this alleged attack?
They can show everything else, and she was allegedly attacked in front of a Nordstrom so where is the video? They claim that she was collecting cans and bottles for money when she was allegedly attacked by this homeless Black man, and I just don't believe that unless he was provoked or someone put a battery in his back.
I honestly think that if he did hit her, it was based on her likely trying to steal his cans and bottles that he collected. I've seen more homeless people than I can count, and I just don't see this man attacking her because she was Asian. What I could see though is him knocking the shit out of her for bothering with his stuff, which is why I usually see homeless people fighting. Most of the time they're just trying to get a dollar or two for whatever. Think about it and challenge these people, you know the cops can say anything about a Black person and the White media will usually run with the shit.
If the only video they show is the act, you can still call bullshit because they could vary well have taken out the part that led up to this woman getting hit. They're talking hate crimes when we don't even know why, but will act stupid when an attacker is clearly anti-Black. That's not a coincidence.