Friday, March 12, 2021

The Cliff Of Whiteness: Stacey Dash

In other words, Stacey is hurting out here, and I could give less than a damn. She fell off that cliff of whiteness, and this isn't the first time.

She's being mentioned as an example of someone who fell off that cliff of whiteness, can't afford to play that game anymore, and wants sympathy. She can turn to all those enemy forces she was trying to please, but they aren't riding for her like that.

She was comfortable when she had checks rolling in. She was big and bad talking down about us, now that they have no use for her she's trying to work an angle for a new bag.

Saying she's not the same person, but what these enemies don't seem to understand is that you don't get to stab Black America in the back and then say you've changed. Really? Who give's a fuck? That doesn't matter after the fact, that's the problem with dancing on that cliff. They all need to fear her results.

That's like Herschel Walker popping up saying that's not him anymore because his money's drying up.

For all the Black people with a bleeding heart, don't shoot yourself in the foot. It's time to stop falling for the same old shit, the only one that pays the price for forgiving and forgetting is us. When they betray Black America they don't fear consequence because you want to be a good Christian or embrace all skin folk. If the snakes have nothing to fear, they'll have no problem biting you again.

This is mainly for the Black women out there who would be ready to embrace her because of a sob story. I know how some women flip that switch on to ignore all treachery to take shots at all Black men. Put that battery in your back for reparations for Black Americans, not to run D for skin folk like Stacey who were also going at you and your kids. She wasn't going as hard as Candice Owens, but she's ass out regardless.

Let's put that energy into our objectives, and the betterment of Brothas and Sistas, NOT ENEMIES.