Sunday, July 3, 2022

Onyekachi Nwaobasi: Stay on his head

They can't be Brothas, Sistas, AND ENEMIES! Onyekachi Nwaobasi is one of those ENEMIES who thought it was all fun and games to throw rocks at us until he realize it was time to pay the piper. This filthy anti-FBA serpent took complete glee in shitting on Emmett Till's name, this grown ass fuck boy did this. Our young brotha was killed in one of the most horrible ways possible, and this whole fuck boy wants acts like we're just supposed to be cool with that.

It was all fun and games for him to take shots, until it was time for consequences. He thinks he should be able to take shots at us without punishment because in his eyes its just trolling, fuck the games at our expense.

We need to give everyone the same treatment all these other groups give when they're offended. He's trying to tell the world that we're bad for reacting like the Jews would, he's trying to make it seem like we're radicalized and he's mentioning White Supremacy like that's what we should be focused on. White Supremacy employees minions like this God Damned serpent so him and others like him can do their bidding while flying under the radar, but we're watching and his ass got spotted.

Take his tweets that Twitter allowed to remain up while banning those like myself for less, share his tweets in Google reviews of ANY company this fuck boy tries to work for and do it for anyone else trying to take shots at us. Remember Cynthia Erivo couldn't breathe and backed off of our kin? They can't put energy out there that they don't want to boomerang back on that ass. Who's next?

Stay on their God Damned heads until they learn to put some respect on our name. We aren't becoming radical, we're demanding some damn respect. Jason Black goes into detail about this.

He got lit up on Rate My Professors too. Keep our lineage out your mouth.