Thursday, July 14, 2022

Uncle Luke vs Tariq Nasheed


The non-FBA skinfolk want to dialogue and everything else NOW that we're waving OUR flag. There has been major disrespect for a long damn time including the dumping of trash on us while other groups are specific with THEIR treasure. We cheered on and supported Black people as a whole to a fault and it left us as FBA empty handed because we assumed we were all in this together, but some of us saw the wolves in sheep clothing a little sooner than others. They don't want to be left out now that they've realized the potlucks (they should've been contributing to in the first place) have become FAMILY reunions only. They can't just come in and walk out with plates now.

The woman speaking on Florida acts like we're just focused on housing, there are FBA who have been talking about reparations for decades and have even clashed with members of the diaspora. There are some cool Haitians, but there are also very nasty ones who have never found the worth in a code beyond Haitian people. A wyt person will damn near get a tap dance out of some of the ones who roll their eyes at us while wearing their Sundays best on Wednesday in tuxedo shoes. If it's all love, that wouldn't exist, and we would argue with non-Black people who wanted them out of here because Cuban's were able to benefit from wet foot dry foot while they were shipped off right back to Haiti. Those arguments will be harder to come by now because the energy is being matched. It's sad, but we didn't kick this off and we aren't going to be the ones to put an end to it. Non-FBA have to pull their weight, period.

I've observed some of these people going to Black functions advocating for the support of Haitian American efforts, like the Haitian American chamber of commerce. The HACC has been around for a long time, no one said anything but God forbid Black Americans do for self, then that's a problem to the people who want us to run a FOOLS errand that only benefits them instead of doing the right thing and backing us up also as the people who laid the foundation for them to build a life on to feed their family back home.

They can come build here, but we can't go to their homeland and build there. The excuse some have is that we don't run this nation so they can come over if they want. That doesn't explain why they don't open the door to us and it sure as hell doesn't acknowledge that we still built this nation and fought for Black people to come here and be able to do more and go more than a few places in America. Black Wall-Street wasn't some imaginary place, and neither were the other prosperous cities that this nation want to prevent from emerging ever again, but the enemy among are quick to talk about lazy while wall-street is none existent in their homeland. All it says is that we've helped them and all be damned if they return the favor, even if it helps their nation. The same thing applies to reparations, listen to the way they talked to Tariq in this conversation, it was an argument about people not really wanting reparations and why Marcel took an L. Do these people sound like kinfolk talking or the opposition? These people work in the political space, remember that.

They didn't say that they will stand with us for our reparations. Luke had more pull than he does now with Black Floridians, and he could have pushed for us from his sector of Florida. He still can, did I miss the part where he said he will?

They can't be Brothas, Sistas, AND ENEMIES! If non-FBA people want different, more will act different.