Kamala and her team of anti-Black American minions have been working tirelessly for the powers that be. The people pulling the strings that affect your life on a daily basis. You have the power to determine whether she can affect your life after the election or not, and that includes your local politicians and others in your local government (i.e. Judges).
This woman openly changes her voice up. This grown ass woman, sitting up playing in your face. You see how her and her team have no problem doing for others, while the most she's willing to do for us is toss some crumbs off the table of others and figures you'll be dumb enough to deem it good enough.
There are Black men and women who are non-FBA and FBA crashing out over this woman. Being in a sorority, knowing FBA music, and more importantly claiming to know our history didn't stop this bitch from fucking over Black men and women. Claiming to love Black this, Black that, didn't stop a Black woman's life from being turned upside down because her daughter had medical issues. Her cold blooded approach to truancy caused that woman and her daughter to go through hell, so much so that little Black girl with special needs ended up having a damn stroke. That's on Kamala's list of "accomplishments", and she isn't the only one, but the sad reality is, some of you know this.
It has zero to do with Trump, and has everything to do with how this woman is moving and has moved. Black men were denied their freedom in the name of getting more prison labor out of them. Imagine that were someone you're related too. You have to think of it in that sense. This bitch doesn't care about you. I still come across Black people who see her and continue to say "Black woman" and feel like it's an obligation to ride. Brandon Johnson is shitting all over Black Chicago right now because some of our people felt like they had to ride. He was doing all he could for illegals and other non-Black American communities, even allowing a Latino member of the local government to start feeling himself to the point where he physically blocked a Black woman from entering chambers to stop her from voting. He didn't want the people to vote against their sanctuary city status because of how it would affect migrants. Again, a number of people riding for this woman know about all this. This dude is actually Black but his agenda didn't have Black Chicago's best interest at heart, but a woman who resembles us and didn't genuinely come up with a plan to impact our lives for the better is supposed to?
Just like I said on Twitter/X, Indians have skin tones that resemble ours, but that doesn't make them us. That woman is Indian and Irish, and she's a descendant of slave owners. I'm not saying that would make her automatically be anti-FBA or work against us, but what does her track record say? Get past her look and LOOK at what she's done. She could be Wesley Snipes cousin and it wouldn't matter because she has been on opp shit for far too long.
A number of you really don't seem to understand where we are in this society on an economic level. Those that do and continue to support, are foolish because you can't get better unless you fight and demand better. I've posted a number of times an image of an adorable little Black girl and Kamala, asking who's future matters more to you. That's a real question.
Look at all the homeless Black people out here, and the growing number are Black women. Too many have a child or children going through it with them. Did you know that over 100,000 students lived in extended-stat hotels in 2022 according to the department of education? This is a slightly better form of homelessness, but it's still considered homeless under federal law. Trust me, I know know people dealing with this shit, and they can't just stay in those hotels because after a certain number of days they have to move around. I was talking with a Sista the other day who bought a crockpot from Walmart so she could have warm food for her son to eat for dinner while she was at her new job. I couldn't tell you where the daddy is, but generally a small percentage of men have kids by multiple women. That needs to end also and should not be promoted because there is only one man to go around which adds to the list of reasons some Black children don't have a father around. Good game doesn't make a Good father.

Did you know that in some Atlanta-area counties about 40% of homeless students living in an extended-stay situation or hotels that allow for long term occupancy? You know how some of these places are too, no kitchen, they can't really play outside because a number of these locations have people sitting outside drinking, on drugs, tricks going in and out. It's a mess. This particular
article is from October 15, 2024!
What type of solutions is Kamala presenting to Black women with children are being evicted at higher rates than other people. It's not a game that we should be out here playing because someone is trying to package herself as the fun one. She doesn't ride for us, she rides for illegals and you can see it. There are illegals here in Orlando living in some nice ass spots, over in greater Universal, Hunter's Creek and all that because they're given the greenlight to opportunity. They're given the jobs quicker, they don't even have to speak English. They got Latina chicks working drive thru windows here who don't speak and the excuse managers have given me is that they don't speak English. If they know how to greet in Spanish, they need to do that then instead of just looking like they're stuck on stupid, but I highly advice Black men, women, parents to get up on her A-Game. If you work at a place, aim to be that person on the register that makes more instead of being on that hot ass grill because the manager feels like a Latina is prettier and should be working the window. A Sista had to deal with that awhile back with a Mexican manager trying to get her and other Black employees to clean under grills instead of rotating.
Make sure that if you are tithing, hold your Church accountable. If they aren't doing for you, those tithes are nothing but a waste in their collection plate when they could better serve YOU in the hands of a true pro-FBA grassroots organization. If there isn't one in your area, organize one, even if it's for your specific area. Squad up! Those tithes could impact the neighborhood by way of Black businesses. These are things beyond Government that can help soften the blow of Government, and it would remove a level of stress and desperation. They want us on our last dollar willing to do anything, and that's a problem.
The last place money needs to go is to an off-code church, especially if you barely have a pot to piss in and back door to throw it out of. We need you well so that we can have as many healthy members of our community possible to better combat the bullshit being served up by these snakes on all sides. If they're in a panic, it's not because they fear Donald Trump, they're concerned that they don't have control of our generation and future generations that may be influenced by us. They owe our people, it's not our job to just go out and vote if they don't have something on the table for us. If someone locally has a track record of doing right, cool, but they have to prove themselves time and time again because a one off won't keep you from being at risk of going homeless. Vote with Logic for your kids, to hell with what's trendy.
According to Kazuri Taylor, "It's hard to do homework in a car and in the hotel." There's no doubt in my mind that it's uncomfortable. I can understand if they were already homeless before Biden & Harris got into office, but if not, think about what a potential vote did to them. Do you want to be priced out and replaced so that you can't make a way? These aren't scare tactics, I'm trying to get some of our people to think because these people are trying to fast track citizenship for illegals to change their life for the better when too many of ours are barely holding on or at the mercy of others just to eat. Do your research, budget, spend wisely, get a roommate if needed, get a savings account and save for the long haul, put time into personal growth, be smart with your assets, soak up game from the Black media, close your mouth if it's not beneficial, speak up when necessary.
Also, don't forget the amount of money Biden & Harris have spent so far and how it greatly exceeded what could've been Reparations for Black Americans to better our situation. The people who lack the ability to negotiate are the ones who usually end up with the bad deal. It's time to level up.