While we move in as much of a collective group of on-code FBA as possible, remember to create solid support circles of likeminded FBA in your local area. It's valuable and keeps the anti-FBA and trolls out.
Also, utilize non-FBA if they prove useful for access to certain areas where you're out of reach, but only to a degree because some of them rock a certain way and you can't put yourself in a position where you're desperate enough to jump when they say jump. We have to march to our drum, not theirs, and the direction where we're march or the fact that we're doing so is nothing they need to be aware of.
If you can get the hook up on property because they know somebody that knows somebody, make that move as long as your soul isn't for sale to make that happen. You can show appreciation to that person by compensating them for their time, and that will leave the door open for them to be utilized in the future as needed for your betterment. You aren't getting over on them, no crimes were committed, it's just legit business that helps us move forward. Get your hands on a home that's reasonably priced, that's a place to stay and land that you can utilize in creative ways that can impact the community for the better. You can use your drive way for mechanic work and do that full time, you can hire someone to help you too. That's good money, just keep it honest about what you can do and fair with pricing.
If it's property for business, that's a Black American business that can get our support and hire more FBA than not. Other communities do the same, and we need to eat too.
Locally, you can put those tithes to better use.
Locally, you can find out who the local politicians are.
Locally, you can put in requests for repairs on streets and other resources.
Keep the circle locked away and keep it on the low because a number of people can't wait to be snakes. Don't confuse protecting your circle with letting someone know who they can reach out to if they're tired potholes in the area tearing up their car, kids getting hurt out there falling or flipping off bikes, risking spinal cord injury, and all that. It's not the same, the circle knows that the circle exists, and you move forward together to enhance stability and bless the community in strategic ways.
You see what's going on out here, it's essential to squad up and keep some things silent to avoid sabotage beyond the overall collective mission. Everything isn't meant to be seen and known by the masses, sometimes that's how things get messed up. That's like a party getting out of control because more people show up than expected, including snakes. Next thing you know, something happens that was probably cooked up by an Opp, and them folks show up. So, since we don't know who's who, create your own FBA squad of on-code people you've vetted so you can move forward.
Benefitting collectively is still the goal by way of Reparations and other Tangibles, but on a smaller scale you need to work more frequently with people tied to you to tighten up your day to day lives. To hell with trying to be the one, that girl, or dat dude. Squad up.
It's a shame when you see a number of people in the community feeling forced to sell their homes so it isn't taken. If you have a circle, an emergency plan could've been put in place to get some of those rooms rented out. I understand not wanting to be on top of each other, but if you're in a position where you're about to take a loss, get over that pride. There are migos out here living how many to a house? Most of them will have cars too. This isn't new to FBA, but we would usually have family move in through hard times when they lose their house, but you can also do the same if someone needs to save their house and you need a place to stay. It's easier when you're tight like that.
Don't forget why you're in this position. These people playing in your face while other groups benefit, mean you no earthly good and you DO NOT want to replicate Skid Row. I'd rather replicate Black Wall Street, so we have to squad up.
Note: I didn't say anything about hating non-FBA Black people, but we have to focus on what benefits us. We can't carry the diaspora on our back anymore.