Friday, August 23, 2024

They love to support fake people like Kamala Harris

This isn't for the people who simply don't know. The devil's favorite game is deception, but to stand with the devil and play along is something we can't tolerate. This can apply to a number of situations, but the people standing with Kamala trying to push her to victory in her trojan horse with "FBA" painted on the side of it, they need to be fed with a long handled spoon. They need to know that they messed up, they need to know that consequences will follow. I just tweeted this:


If they're expecting for you to be honest with them, they need to be treated like a joke. They're going hard in the paint for someone being a fake-FBA, just like Michael Eric Dyson going above and beyond for her. He tried to tie her in with FBA women because someone pronounce her name a certain way. Keep it real with people like this for what?

That's like a woman having a whole mask on, a wig, and everything else. What would it look like for her to expect for you to keep it real and she looks like the Baraka underneath all that?

That's like a man with platform shoes and a fake D expecting you to treat that like his real height and size. What sense would it make if he got mad at you for not keeping it real with him?

They want us to apply the world of make believe to our real life, including the highly protected millionaire, Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama's set for life, they have secret service paid to protect them for life, those are all tangibles that they were given when Black people came out in droves to support them. She's telling you that hope is coming back. It's important to have hope, but never accept hope being dealt to you by someone who uses it to exploit you. Politicians and Pastors are really good at that and the depend on you being gullible. They try to make demands of you, but what moves are they making to impact the Black American community while they get your votes, time, donations, tithes, and offerings?

Your child can't eat hope, and neither can you. You can't pay bills with hope. Them folks won't accept hope as a child support payment or for anything else for that matter, Kamala's husband wouldn't approve of hope as compensation for holocaust survivors but they want to play with your life. I've heard at least two White people mention that we should receive Reparations, and both were on the other side of the aisle. I'm not on either side because they're both wings on the same bird just like I said years ago, but the party can't be the focus, it has to be the policies. If our focus was policy, these Black politician would've gotten a side eye long ago.

They're wielding Blackness against our Betterment when it comes to Kamala. Don't fall for it, they know how we're moving and that's why they have "Black American" listed on that frauds website. She's not one of us, but she doesn't have to be because the policies are the focus here. Jim "The Coon" Clyburn is FBA and he's on that side against us, just like Michelle Obama, Steve Harvey, and others. So getting someone in there who looks like us means nothing unless they've proven themselves to an asset.

They can't be Brothas, Sistas, AND ENEMIES. By the way, I heard Swollen Martin call us OPPs for standing up for our betterment. He wants to make us look like the villains, but we're on the right side of our betterment. We're OPPs against anti-FBA who stand against our reparations and other tangibles, they're OPPs against US getting our reparations and other tangibles. So he can use the word, but it's a double edge sword and we're holding the handle.