Let me say this before I get started, Oprah is no Queen to me unless it's "Queen of kissing White Ass".
Oprah isn't in the Black community (especially not in a positive way) but she's always ready to use Black men and women when needed. That's when we matter, because that's not the case when Black men and women get shot down in the streets. We don't matter then.
I have an example, did Oprah create a document about Recy Taylor to bring awareness to who she is and how she was affected by White Supremacist serpents? This good for nothing ass kissing coon used Recy Taylor for White women who do not relate to the sista. Recy was gang raped by White men, men with a similar mindset to Donald Trump who the MAJORITY of White women voted for. Do you understand how disrespectful that is? This was back in the day when absolutely no punishment would befall White people from harming or killing us. She used Recy Taylor's pain and trauma applying it to White women who have more than enough money to come together to create their own opportunities.
There are members of non-Black communities that have been caught in the act, raping babies and older children, teens and adults, and faced no punishment. There are judges who didn't want that act to affect the non-Black serpents life (i.e. Robert Richards IV), but the Black ones don't get that treatment. Do the research and connect the dots. Don't misunderstand me because i'm not co-signing the Black ones. I urge you to point out the serpents in the community who sometimes get protected by those of like mind, some who also end up being men protected by women who refuse to believe the truth being told by their child in some cases. Don't believe it's just the men either, some of these serpents are women (look at these teachers) and some of these people also represent themselves as members of LGBTQ. This happens too, and those people are part of the problem but you can do the research to find these Black people getting locked up for such, including the ones guilty of covering it up. Do the research and connect the dots.
The chances of Black people getting locked up is greater for such crimes; that is what I'm saying. Clearly if Brothas & Sistas can get locked up for nothing, then you know punishment for actual crimes are going to be met with a smile.
Non-Black crime is usually overlooked or handled with kid gloves and White crime in particular still greatly outweighs the crimes committed by those in our communities statistically, but it would be greater if all non-Black criminals were processed in their entirety. This includes the crimes committed by serpents with badges, which if you do the research can be largely identified as non-Black cops.
I'm going the long way around to point some things out. There aren't many non-Black people sticking their necks out for things that affect our communities, even if something like injustice affects non-Black people.
If you haven't heard Oprah's Golden Globe speech, check it out. She went hard and passionate ultimately for the benefit of non-Black women. She didn't say that, but I know where we live and I know our history of being overlooked. Even the non-Black women who applauded Oprah will probably continue to ignore Black women when you don't serve a purpose because you're Black. If they want Black men attacked, it tends to be a safer move to "use Black women" in order to avoid backlash, but its important to wake up to the tricks. Being blind and kissing ass are two different things, and Oprah is kissing ass while giving our communities her ass to kiss.
Did Oprah speak out when all those Black women were raped by the now incarcerated Daniel Holtclaw? What about those women who were in attendance at the Golden Globes? There were Black men there and other Black women in that community and many more online spreading the word and offline spreading the word.
Non-Black woman will benefit from the fools errand some Black women and men are on, and one of these woman is pursuing Daniel Holtclaw's freedom. She doesn't care about the women he hurt and the evidence found that landed his ass behind bars.
I'm going back to the feminists and how some of these women claim sexism and misogyny are rampant and there is this rape culture that all men subscribe too (which is a complete lie), but some of these same women complain about certain men not wanting them. Complaining about feeling self conscious and ugly because men don't want them and not knowing what the problem is when it comes to them still being single, but the ones who spew feminist talking points sound crazy. All these guys are rapists and misogynists, but it's bad when a man isn't treating them that way or just don't talk to them. The argument of street harassment is still pushed, but woe is me when a guy minds his business and doesn't see these women as objects even though some of these women see us as objects. Black men and women are objectified and are treated like a fetish by quite a few people; we're usually only accepted one way or a few ways in films & television but that stuff isn't brought up. Just like Black men and women having the lowest wages, but there are Black women and men joining in lumping non-Black women in with our Black struggle while taking out Black men.
Also, with all the women coming out about these men in Hollywood, look at the porn industry. Its in direct correlation for quite a few of the women you see in the porn industry, including some men. There are people who pack up and move out to Hollywood in hopes of making it big, but there are people with connections that they expect you to earn sexually. There are booking executives out here doing dirt too, but looking at the porn industry some of these people were ready and willing to do anything with full consent to get on camera and make money.
There are people who do the same in Hollywood or have chosen not to say anything all these years if rape really happened (as seen with all the allegations), but how many Black people speak out about injustice and its even caught on video and it's dismissed? A Black actress went to the cops soon after she alleges she was violated, a non-Black woman gave her shade. They don't have to do anything when the Black men and women like Oprah go hard for them regardless of them never returning the favor to the Black community or at least Black women who believe these are they're so-called sisters in a struggle that's a Black struggle being hijacked. Do the research and connect the dots.
Perhaps Oprah is trying to gain new supporters for the network she has with Discovery (OWN), that's always a possibility but that's no exception for this ass kissing coonette to use the pain of our people like that. She is an enemy of the Black community, do the research and connect the dots.
Don't let the serpents rewrite history like non-Black women were in this unity you hear about today where Black women are actually being used against Black men. Real history doesn't lie, observe these images below and they're from different times in American history.