For those Black men and women born internationally who actually know where I'm coming from, you shouldn't take offense to this post. Some know why I've presented my content online to African Americans from the beginning. My offline efforts began back in 1999.

I believe that many countries in Africa would be in a better position if they didn't have coons affecting them. (Update) Now that I've seen the dad (Frank Mango) sitting along side the mammy of their boy being indoctrinated, I have to call him a coon too.
He's a coon by way of simping for his wife allowing her to exploit their son for a damn Euro, my heart goes out to that child. Look who's doing the talking in the interview with her and her husband, she said "My son" in that interview and "My decision" so he may not even have say so of anything. I've seen this before, one too many times even in African American communities where a mammy gets praised as the backbone of the community she is shitting on for a check, especially in her home/relationships. Maybe that's why so many things are geared towards Black women having the platform to speak for others in our communities. A mammy is aggressive and vocal, but there are also the others willingly turning to feminism while acting like they represent the sistas who don't agree. I hope more sistas speak out against these women. Look at the mammy's who were cheering for Donald Trump, women like Amber Philips, and the other ones who run the show but take no personal responsibility. I know a mammy when I see one.
I wasn't going to tie the dad in that because I didn't know his mindset and he may still feel some type of way about it but he isn't standing up in opposition to his wife. I gave him the benefit of the doubt by saying: He may have no clue about what she did because some women will do things behind the back of the men they claim to love (and vice versa).
He may know that his son is modeling, and he may believe the boy's mom has it covered while he's working. He may honestly have know idea that she's willing to have their son put in anything for a Euro, but a dress may be off limits because his dad may shut the operation down if he see's it. He may not even know that this exists, but if he does he's either a coon or he's a simp that will go along to get along with what the mom says while she does the same for racists. I'm still curious about him though, not to give him a pass for being a man but I never heard him speak or post about the situation. Does he know or is he still unaware while standing behind his wife who is speaking English that he hasn't learned yet? If he spoke, let me know.
Terry Mango initially responded to the backlash with this:
"If I bought that jumper and put it on him and posted it on my pages, would that make me racist??! get pples opinions, but they are not mine"
"Am the mum and this is one of the hundreds of outfits my son has modelled........stop crying Wolf all the time, unnecessary issue here...........get over it"
It's already a challenge fighting for African Americans without dealing with the coons & the no goods slithering the community. Just like them I can't give undeserved loyalty to non-African Americans who don't put in the work to prove they're down. The time is coming that we tighten the requirements on Africa Americans too because it's 2018 and wasting time on people who don't deserve it has to end.
We have to work on ourselves as African Americans and it's an insult when international coons and even the 1st generation American coons look at our struggles, the blood, sweat, and tears poured out for progress and are determined to join in on shitting on African Americans. I won't go for that, that's why I have to focus on African Americans but it's not just that reason alone, we are at the bottom and I'd be a fool to shift my goals. I've been able to impact the lives of nearly 30 if not 30 people thus far on a one on one basis in terms of turning their lives around. I don't include the others inspired by things I may have written or said because I can only confirm the actual progress of those I've worked with.
I mention this because I'm serious about it, so to see people like this mammy and the others who don't deserve our loyalty (i.e feminists) I am motivated to call them out because they're part of the problem. There are Black men and women internationally that look at this woman like she's a damn fool and some have called her out. I salute them and I hope they come together and shun the coons. Terry Mango needs to be boycotted along with H&M, and as punishment for her cooning, any company that hires her son needs to be called out and boycotted. What also comes with that is, if something of racist nature emerges and affects her life to a tragic degree, those like myself will only point out the karma if she cries about it. Also, ask yourself if the Terry Mangos of the world ever speak out when an African American is shot and killed for no reason. If you know her personally, recall and research her words prior to this incident. If they only speak out when its time to play devil's advocate for non-Black people, that should tell you something. She even mentions that she was called monkey before and got upset, but she approves it for her son? That was clearly for money and cooperating with these serpents who wanted to put it on him.
Cooning needs to be a crime in Black communities worldwide. This may very well save her son from a life of cooning because it needs to be a feared consequence, no matter how much his mother wants to exploit him. She can sell her soul for a Euro, but that money should be extremely hard to come by for any of these serpents, whether in the United States of America or abroad. They're the ones that fortify racism, and non-Black serpents love that because it gives them the ability to get away with more if you believe the racism is all in your head.
Anyone willing to say African Americans are lazy, are declaring that they are enemies of African Americans. That's a tactic to make themselves more appealing to non-Black Americans because they're saying (without saying) they're the opposite. There are some African Americans who don't wish to do anything with their lives but if you did the research on how many other non-African Americans sit around you'd be surprised, but the narrative is to always keep the target on us as a people. Narratives so strong that the door to employment gets slammed in the face of African American men and women desperately seeking work only to end up spending lives at the bottom even if that wasn't the desired route.
I'm aware of deceptive hiring practices, I've experienced them myself. I've also had the pleasure of helping sistas and brothas in these situations beat the liars at their own racist game, and it wasn't just those that you'd consider White people. Those coons whether African American or anti-African American are on my list of people to boycott because they are enemies and I refuse to sit back while someone makes my life more difficult.
Generally you may see African Americans on the defensive, and that's because of narratives, so don't brush things off like Terry the coonette Mango because we've seen the monsters behind the masks. Unlike her, we know it's not a part of our imagination; some of us at least. Look at all the people making a big deal about Trump saying "Shithole Countries", and while I don't say that it's wrong to be upset, no one better seek the support of African Americans. The appreciation cannot be reserved for times where our services are needed only, it needs to be a two way street.
The level of cooning that we've been hit with is shifting what we support. Terry Mango sure as hell better not seek the support of African Americans, and she'd have some nerve trying to relate with us based on any racism she faces. She's currently making a big deal over South Africa's EFF after the protests that caused H&M to close in a mall and possibly other locations, and she doesn't even live there. They weren't going for the shit this coonette went for, but now she's crying over it. Maybe if she said no, this wouldn't have happened, but perhaps it needed to happen.
It's time to prove alliances. No one is telling non-African American black people to hate others, but standing with White Supremacy and acting as if racism doesn't exist proves what side certain people are on. We cannot come together to feed off my enslaved ancestors for non-African American narratives.
Joy Reid is not one of our people.
Steven A. Smith is not one of our people.
Barack Obama is not one of our people.
Kamala Harris is not one of our people.
Rhianna is not one of our people.
Nikki Minaj is not one of our people.
Non-African American anti-Blacks are not our people.
Immigrants are not our people.
DACA Dreamers are not our people.
Non-African American non-Black minorities are not our people.
We cannot go blindly acting like the ambassador's of everyone else and be left to go it alone in terms of issues that affect us, that's bullshit. Only enemies and idiots believe/push that.
Our love is represented by the door that is left wide open to others based on the hardships our people have gone through and still go through to bring about the birth of things meant to benefit us, there wasn't anywhere to safely stand until our enslaved ancestors built a foundation and then we followed up by making a platform of rights. That's the platform migrants stand on, which includes those who have the nerve to go out of their way to shit on us.
The problem is everyone showing up to the gathering with no food to add to what should be a collective at that point.
I'll explain: If the African American man and woman hosted a potluck and every other couple based on heritage showed up and brought nothing, we'd look like fools and we'd be left with all the dishes to wash and a home to clean up after taking the time out of our day/life to give up resources to cook and entertain.
If that happened one too many times for actual potlucks, trust me when I say that you'd be like "There won't be anymore fucking potlucks up in here" or you won't allow anymore people coming over your home without bringing something. I say that to say it's time to close and lock the fucking door to everyone who refuses to bring something tangible to the table. Talking the talk about how good their food is, means nothing if they didn't bring any. At the same time, some people aren't in a so-called coalition with us for anything other than what they can get out of it. So they're basically walking out of your house with plates of food wrapped up for them and their families, leaving you without food and they have plenty at home for later.
I hope this analogy makes sense, its 2018 and you have to know your history, past and present to connect the dots. This helps with awareness and navigation regarding the good, the bad and the evil that is White Supremacy. I have a separate site that will be exclusive to those of you seeking tangible steps forward for a variety of life's challenges, so stay tuned; as always no B.I.E. included.