You may have heard about the other turn out project, but as mentioned before, I feel The Real Turn Out Project is one that involves turning out the African American community. It doesn't require mass murder, abortions, poison or any of the other evils historically used against our people in the past. Those other tactics will continue to be used, but this is yet another.
There is a problem that occurs when you don't push back, you end up getting pushed over. Various losses in the African American community are a result of being pushed over. Whether it be from people inside or outside the community, neither one of these people are above pushback as a result of committing offenses against us. Black feminists who seek rights for women before they seek them for African Americans are not our people and neither are the ass kissing simps that stand with them in their own destruction. They've proven what side they're on and some of these women have no problem saying that Black men are the enemy (as a whole). They're too stupid to realize they aren't truly benefitting from feminism because it's a different story when it comes to African American women.
The legal system is a prime example of this and most of these women they're helping are not pushing for laws that punish and prevent the existence of police officers like Todd Shaw. These same people don't even help these women learn how to benefit from industries that cater to them, some of these non-African American and majority White women vote the opposite of the majority of Black women. How many of these women seek justice for Black women when they sit on juries? You really have to dig into the details, because at the end of the day are you going to side with someone who blows smoke up your ass or the person who actually helps you? This is a question for those of you on the fence. Look at how many Black feminist began to rethink their devotion to feminism when Trump was voted in and the data exposed who voted for who. If you knew history, you'd know it usually goes that way. That's the importance of connecting the dots.
There are going to be losses when you're starting from the bottom, but if we connect the dots, we shouldn't have to be in that position generation after generation. No one can wipe away history for the next generation if we're taking it upon ourselves to pass it on. Remember, someone made the map others rely on for navigation.
Alliances have to be a two way street, and it's exactly why divisiveness can be used to our advantage, especially when coalitions for Black people usually end up meaning conformity that showcases the attributes of someone that's anti-Black. That word may sound like something is being introduced that will leave us on our own, but if you've been going through life with the blinders closed, you haven't realize that we stand alone on the things that matter anyway. You really have to dig into the details, because at the end of the day are you going to side with someone who blows smoke up your ass or the person who actually helps you?
How many people have said that its wrong the way Black people get treated, but don't do anything about it?
When do they usually take the time to blow smoke up your ass? Its usually during the times they seek something, right?
People get comfortable when they get a pass, and there are some people who find it as an opportunity to be disrespectful or a way to take advantage of you when you show no signs of pushback.
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Yves doesn't believe we have the right to know. |
When it isn't consensual, what is it? We can't be shamed into a bed.
I don't care how many idiotic Black men and women they get to spew that these people are really the sexual orientation they now claim they are (I'm talking about the transsexuals that do this). No matter how much these idiots are deceived or paid to sell that notion to you, it doesn't change that in the Black community (i.e. Yves Mathieu).
Yves Mathieu is going up to bat for transsexual women in the Women's March, but I'm almost certain this fool isn't going that hard for Black men and women based on the challenges we still face that extend from the past. I do not care if you feel like you're a real man or woman, we have the right to know. By the way, can any of you find evidence of him throwing his fist up speaking out and marching for the brothas & sistas in Flint? Did these outlets highlight him doing so if he did? I doubt it.
Look at how crazy most people looked at Rachel Dolezol who pretended to be a Black woman, and then tried to sell the notion of being Trans-Racial in America and even in African countries. She's currently selling homemade lollypops to earn a living. There is also another woman who has gone as far as receiving melanin shots to darken her skin and she believe she's black. Playing Black and being Black are two different things (we're dealing with real shit), just like being a natural born man & woman vs being a Trans Woman & Man are two different things.
I can't stress it enough, deception is a lie. How many of you would be cool with someone sleeping with you and they're HIV positive, but they feel they're not? Wouldn't you have the right to know?
How many of you would be cool with someone lying about you or someone you love being the father of their child because they feel you are? Wouldn't you have the right to know?
Someone presenting themselves as a man or woman when they're really the opposite and you find out in the bedroom or find out afterward, will likely be met with anger if you don't get down like that.
If you believe that transsexuals are now women and men, you as an individual can go and get with them if you're down, but applying that notion to the Black community is a no no. This isn't beneficial to the community, this is stupid shit that's nothing but a time wasting distraction that must be treated as such.
Gayle Newland is a White woman who deceived her friend into believing she was a man and had sex with her. She was arrested and convicted of three counts of sexual assault in 2015, and her retrial was a fail in 2017 when she was found guilty again. I agree with this decision, I don't give a damn how bad someone wants you and the measures they're willing to go to do it. Deception is wrong, we have a right to know. The push isn't even about Trans Men, its about the Trans Women who want straight men.
Don't waste efforts on bullshit, keep your eye on the prize for the community even if you're a Black trans woman or man just be honest and keep it moving. If someone is willing to sleep with you, don't allow it to be on some undercover shit, hold yourself to a higher standard like some other transsexuals do. I know of some who don't hide who they are, they aren't over the top either and they're in relationships. I say that to say your relationship is none of my business and who is sleeping with who is one of those problems that we actually have to weed out because it's petty and won't get us ahead either. Just remember, don't deceive if you don't want to be deceived. Don't let the turn out project be the one that prevents us from being fruitful and multiplying, have your preferences, but it's time to harness respect and honor.
The real turn out project will end up hitting Black women heavier than it will other women because of the non-Black assumptions that Black women look like men or look like transsexuals. Look at how many people called Michelle Obama and other Black women out of their names, and there are some dumb ass Black men and women who play into the hands of these serpents and go right along with it. If the blueprint is based on Black women, just like all this surgery, its just another attempt to shame you for your heritage while trying to replace you at the same time. Enemies in the community need to feel the pushback just as much because they're being used by people with non-stop agendas to hurt us. You can't be part of the team while acting like enemies. Acceptance cannot mean the destruction of our people, but that's the power of White Supremacy (that non-Black women benefit from). Push back, and if anyone has a problem with you not accepting your destruction, what does that say about them? "Think" about it and put your fucking fists down if it doesn't get our communities to a better place. Serpents will use anything as a weapon, even our sexual preferences. You can look at a number of these boisterous serpents and reveal their hypocritical standpoints that change almost overnight, because they're navigating the terrain to land in the sweetest spots for them (not you).
Evidence of Evil
How to Stop supporting Racism