If a so-called Black leader finds it in their heart to put up a greater fight for non-Black people instead of Black descendants of slaves, they're an enemy. I posted something similar on twitter, because they're standing in our way and giving someone else a ladder that we made in an attempt to get out of the hole that White Supremacy and they're supporters dug for us.
They don't care as long as they aren't affected by it or they get paid, like Al Sharpton. You can still be affected, but some of these people are fine with seeing you and the people you love in a hole with their calculated help as long as something is in it for them.
This poisonous anti-Black mindset ranges from fake Black leaders down to their fellow no goods running the street making life that much more difficult for other Black people. These people are in the way, but on television and in front of the crowd are places they shouldn't be without it being known that they are not with or for Black people. They need to be known as anti-Black leaders, and they shouldn't be allowed to escape it. We need to know who these enemies are, no matter who they're working for or associated with, no matter what they're doing, no matter when they're doing it, and no matter the reason why.
The reason why, might trip some of you up, because there can be something that appears to be for Black people and even by Black people. Just look at the Black groups that may smack their gums if something happens to you, and mentioning certain things like "We have to have the conversation". Fuck the conversation, because some of these same Black groups join in to take ACTION when it comes to non-Black people. Big difference. All of a sudden, just like the non-Black people, they know what to do to step in and save the day for people who don't stand with you and I.
Don't forget Black Lives Matter and its funder, George Soros. Straight Black men don't matter, but those like Philando Castille are USED for their narratives that focus first and foremost on people who live life promoting who they want to sleep with of the same sex. That's not effective and does nothing for a true Black empowerment agenda. Don't forget the Latin American network Univision, and they're anti-straight Black male site "The Root". They work overtime, and they supposedly stand for Black people, but the agenda looks somewhat similar to BLM's doesn't it? There are others, but you get the idea, and this doesn't even account for the on-air coons (whether they be non-African American or not).
If your Black associates are on the bandwagon for everyone, leave them where they stand. You're welcome to tell them why or just leave them scratching their head, but regardless of that, the loudest thing talking should be your actions. Time to replace these people, and that includes the fake Black leaders. Speaking of bandwagons, don't join in on that "Make America Care Again" bs, because that doesn't apply to Black people. If you believe if does, you're only fooling yourself. This slogan popped up for illegal immigrants, not you. There was even push back for "Black Lives Matter" and that stemmed from unjustified killings of Black people, that's why I'm disappointed that its a trojan horse for something else.