Monday, February 25, 2019

Kamala Harris's Father

This post isn't specifically focused on Kamala's father, but there is something to learn from his recent disapproval of his pathetic daughter.

Kamala Harris and Willie Brown
Kamala Harris took the stereotypical assumptions to a point that even her father couldn't stomach. She slipped up trying to appeal to the material-minded among us, by dropping a stereotype specifically about Jamaicans. Kamala Harris categorized Jamaican's as weed smokers. I guess Black people are the same and do the exact same things according to skinfolk like her, but it went too far when she threw that stereotype on her heritage.

I'm not coming at Kamala's father, but just like he couldn't take it when she dropped that on Jamaicans, ADOS should be doing the exact same thing. Take a look at previous posts about what Black people shouldn't allow, it's essential to the base we're building because these people like to play games with our lives and our needs.

Are your needs to survive nothing more than a game for their enjoyment? I doubt it, but its necessary to get on the same page regarding essentials so that it's well known that we don't play that shit. At all.

She's not clever, really look at Kamala, she practices what she's taught not tactics that she has formulated herself or learned from others to use as tools in her arsenal. She seems like she's good at doing what she's told, and she gets rewarded for it. Even if the reward is by way of fucking Black people over. That's usually how it goes when someone is "game" for standing with White Supremacy. 

The snakes among us are going hard for this woman and they're getting low down and dirty with it, insulting the rest of us because those intelligent enough to seek tangibles want what we're owed. Kamala moved forward into positions of power by riding ole' Willie Brown as a form of transportation, and Bill Cosby's ex-lawyer Monique Pressley saw fit to say that a brotha was slut shaming her for pointing that out.

Never ride for someone only for them to give you their ass to kiss when its time to repay the favor. Never. You're called a friend, a Black leader, and everything else when you're being a full fledged coon for White Supremacy. The moment you even think about seeking benefits for ADOS, you become a bot, because its imperative to them to discredit anything you say. That's a cointelpro tactic. You have to realize that when you assist non-Black people, especially against AmericanDOS, that's in vain. They don't give a damn about anything beyond what will keep us down, and Kamala is no different. If we get a bigger crumb, everyone else gets a wedding cake and the tangibles to own a bakery.

They're proudly working with these White Supremacists for those crumbs. A lot of shit they're saying lands in that same boat, trying to make a mockery of ADOS seeking tangibles. No one should be offended by what we seek, but White Supremacists and their minions always do. They've encountered a different group of ADOS, the ones checking cards and credibility. I keep saying it, if they act like enemies, treat their asses like enemies. No gray area, and NO FORGIVENESS. It's time that more of us get like Kamala's dad and accept nothing when it comes to disrespecting ADOS, even if he didn't do that for ADOS. Jews don't play that shit, LGBT doesn't either. Doesn't hurt to take notes, even if we aren't on the same page as these other groups.

If someone feels that you're a bot for seeking reparations, thats an enemy.

If someone feels that you're being divisive for seeking reparations and things carved out for ADOS, thats an enemy.

We have yet to mention anything about people being burned alive, lynching them, bringing slavery back for those who did the same to our people, experimentations or none of the shit that's STILL going on. They have a problem with us seeking better for ourselves. Don't get it fucked up, look at all the fighting we've done for other Black people of the diaspora, and non-Black people. We've put in work, check the fucking resume and run defense for what we're going after. For real for real. I know some do, but there are too many working against ADOS and others watching them do it.

Kamala Harris' dad called her out and denounced her ass. If thats what it takes in your immediate family, then so be it. Every potential minion among us must be called out for their treachery, and if you have to cut their ass off, it may be to your benefit. I practice what I preach, I've been there and done that. You can't build a stable base on sand, and these untrustworthy snakes are just that.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Time's up for the President and CEO of TimesUp

Former Coca-Cola VP of Global Affairs
& President of Atlanta City Council 
Lisa Borders, may not be someone that you're familiar with by name, but she was the President and CEO of TimesUp. This group is similar to MeToo, focusing on sexual assault. These groups would be fine, if it weren't for their blind acceptance of allegations regarding sexual assault. As I've mentioned on twitter, there are two types of victims. There are rapists and rape victims/survivors, but there are also liars and victims of false allegations. In both instances, the culprits should pay, but usually the liars don't.

They need to challenge everyone to go get rape kits and provide as much evidence as possible so that there is more than just an allegation, if its real. They also need to warn the liars that they will stand against them as they seek justice for the liars victims just as much as the rape victims. This actually increases the voice of the real victims and makes the liars think twice about spewing false allegations.

Black men tend to be the ones that go down the most for false allegations of sexual assault, while the highest percentage of actual culprits walk away. Most of those culprits are non-Black people. I didn't say men, because the number of non-Black women committing acts of rape are surely higher than the number actual sexual assaults committed by some Black men.

I don't stand with these Black men, as mentioned before, I still don't stand with them but they usually always get locked up. Even the innocent Black men get locked up, so that's not a challenge to pull off. I bring all this up, because Lisa Borders stepped down from her position recently and she wasn't specific on why.

Come to find out, her "family concerns" involve her son and him being accused of sexual assault. She left the organization for her son, she hired Kevin Spacey's lawyer for her son, but bullshit allegations got backed and pushed by members of Time's Up and MeToo against Black men. Don't wait until its your son to believe that women have the ability to lie. Two non-Sistas leading organizations that target Black men with charges while giving White men a slap on the wrist. I don't even think White women have gotten a tisk tisk. Now karma has thrown Lisa's son under the same damn bus she was driving. Even if he's innocent, I have nothing to say if he had nothing to say against this organization or MeToo. I don't care if she stepped down, she's still a hypocrite.

There is a lesson to learn from this, because there are serpents among us who are anti-Black man, anti-Black woman, or anti-Black in general. They often forget to realize that they're related to Black people, and most of the time they love them dearly. Karma throws their loved ones on that same anti-Black sword they wield against the rest of us. If this is you, you may want to put that sword down before someone you love gets cut.

I'm just throwing this out there, but Lisa Borders was also the President of the WNBA. This is the league that a straight Black woman and former WNBA player had to deal with toxic lesbian culture. How often do you hear that used in the media? Lisa Borders wasn't happy about that, and I doubt she investigated the allegations. 

Candice Wiggins had this to say:
"Me being heterosexual and straight, and being vocal in my identity as a straight woman, was huge," Wiggins said in the Union-Tribune. "I would say 98 percent of the women in the WNBA are gay women. It was a conformist type of place. There was a whole different set of rules they [the other players] could apply."
"It was my way to illustrate the isolation that I felt personally," Wiggins said. "I felt like the 2 percent versus the 98 percent. It felt that way to me. And it's not just the players. It was the coaches. It was the leaders."

I don't know about you, but when I hear "conformist" in a place running on toxic lesbianism, I think of a place that may have players turning other players out. This came out in 2017, and may explain why women aren't on the chopping block.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

This Black History Month

I'm going to go ahead and jump into this by saying, do your research on the people claiming to be down for Black people. Especially those claiming to be for the betterment of African Americans (American Descendants of Slaves or ADOS). I know that's not the starting point for our existence, but we have to be specific in order to avoid falling to someone's anti-Black agenda.

There are a number of terms used to try and rope ADOS into agendas, and the results remain the same. They always seem to benefit non-Black people, especially ADOS. Remember, there were skinfolk out here calling us bots and trolls to silence us. They don't want Black people to fight for ourselves, they're trying to protect their massa and its sickening.

Getting this specific doesn't put a small on the face of every Black person, because they're out for anti-ADOS agendas. When Black comes up, minorities have to come up. When Black comes up, LGBT has to come up. They expedite laws for these people using us.

That should infuriate the fuck out of you. Kamala Harris comes around us dancing, Corey Booker slithers his bald headed back stabbing ass around also to try and use Black people and they're nothing but enemies. They're appointed to get other groups into positions to further leech off of ADOS. They don't want us to receive reparations in the first place, but if we do, they want every non-ADOS and their mother to get a cut.

A lot of these frauds are appointed as fake Black leaders and pathetic excuses for the Black media in order to get in the way of our progression. I've mentioned this in the past. White Supremacy doesn't want you or I anywhere beyond struggling from paycheck to paycheck or going from one hand out to the next, and these God damned serpents are out here to play their part in that agenda. Too many of these churches are in that exact same boat. They take what resources you have in order to maintain hope under White Supremacy that some of the same pastors go on TV to protect. They don't go on TV for your betterment, they go on TV to seek forgiveness for your tormentors. Notice that?

They want us in squalor, unable to step forward for our betterment. They want White Supremacy reinforced, along with its subgroups like the Feminist and LGBT movements. It's obvious when a situation that's clearly race related, gets shifted into a topic of LGBT. I'm talking about the Jussie Smollett situation, whether its a hoax or not look at how the serpents shifted it. They want to get in the way of what should be helping us, by helping someone else. They're trying to shift anything we go through, into an LGBT issue, and there are too many gay Black men and women ready to play their part. They're disrespecting Black people, whether you're straight or gay.

Black History Month should be a reminder to tighten up, remember who you are, and remember what the agenda should always be. Don't buy the agenda Swollen Martin and his comrades are selling, because they want to be the best and brightest Black people under White Supremacy. That gets us no where except the same place we don't want to be. It's February 2019, do you want to continuously be on the bottom missing out of what we're owed by our tormentors?

They have the money for bullshit, so they have the money for reparations. Anyone claiming to be a Brotha or Sistas of the diaspora cannot also be naysayers. If they aren't pro-reparations for ADOS, they're anti-ADOS. Our reparations are our business, the ones who feel like they're being left out need to see what they can get from the people who owe them. Other than that, they don't have the right to speak down on what we should get. Do your research on those claiming to be down for Black people because some of them are actually here to ensure our downfall. That's why I pray nothing but the worst on the lives White Supremacists and their anti-Black minions. Know who these people are so you aren't following the wrong people, while also familiarizing yourself with the Brothas and Sistas like myself who fight alongside you in the present.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

No Forgiveness for White Supremacy

When it comes to "The Hate That Hate Produces" crowd, they will do any and everything to prevent White Supremacists from suffering the consequences of "their" actions.

They want "them" to get away with crime. They don't want them to be held accountable, they label grown rusty ass non-Black adults as children. It doesn't matter if you're 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years someone's senior. If they're old enough to know better, and they're legally an adult, they don't deserve that "child" title. A 14-year-old Black child won't even get that title. They're ready to lock them up and try them as "adults".

It's time that you say "Game Over", don't turn the other cheek. Don't go high when they go low unless its to deliver a knock out punch in the name of self defense. You see, the game is for you not to do to them what they do to you, but those are the people the bad things usually happen too. Again, remember which route Dylann Roof chose to go. He was afraid of Black people ready and willing to defend themselves, so he went after the soft targets.

My post looking down on forgiveness for these monsters still holds true. When you forgive, all you do is tighten your own noose, because they go harder when there are no consequences. They go harder when you go on TV talking about forgiveness.

Are Feminists on TV promoting forgiveness for "Toxic Masculinity"?

Is the LGBT community on TV promoting forgiveness for "Homophobia"?

Is the Jewish community on TV promoting forgiveness for "Antisemitism"?

Are Illegal Immigrants on TV promoting forgiveness for "Deportation"?

Are White people on TV promoting forgiveness for "9-11"?

Hell no. They NEVER FORGET, ever. None of these people are approached about it either, but Black people are. The boy attacked by Theresa Klein, was traumatized and the White media didn't try to understand that, they were busy trying to get him to forgive. All of this shit is deliberate, you have to see that. It only tightens the noose, it never loosens it and they want to feel safe while tightening it. You might get someone saying that "forgiveness isn't for the person who did it, its for you", but my response remains the same, do it in private. Don't go on TV in front of the masses in order to be one of the many dumb asses lining up to reinforce White Supremacy. Again, that only tightens the noose on Black people. If you just have to forgive, do it in private. The fools hellbent on forgiving, are the reason defense isn't always swift. Why should it be when the effort some of us put forth gets shitted on by someone ready to forgive at a moments notice?

That little boy had it right the first time, but his mammy forced him to forgive. They brought them on national TV for that, no one else mentioned above. None of Cosby's lying ass accusers, no Holocaust survivors seeking to forgive Hitler, no Pulse survivors or their families for the shooter, no Parkland survivors. The list goes on, and you really have to see it for what it is.

They want you to forgive, but if the show were on the other foot, it would be a firestorm of slander by that same exact media outlet and mirrored by others. You don't even have to be guilty of anything, they've pulled off hit pieces on Black victims.

They have these fake Black leaders they deploy to forgive White Supremacists by way of the fake White media programs too. How many pastors have you seen standing their ass in front of the camera trying to place words in the rest of our mouths? You have Black entertainers out here doing the same thing, along with their fellow scum like Corey Booker forgiving Black-face. The White media is a non-stop drum beat always slithering around to find the serpents among us who can be the voice they need as fake proof that Black people forgive. These serpents must be ostracized, they shouldn't have room to slither as a result of their betrayal.

Floyd Mayweather didn't have to comment on Cucci (Gucci), but he proudly did it anyway to give a middle finger to Black people. On top of that, the coon showed you who he sides with as he slithered his ass into a Gucci store. His ass should be off limits because you see how little he cares. Floyd doesn't care and no excuses will change that about him. To hell with his boxing matches or anything else he pumps out for Black people to popularize for his White fans.

The same applies to Kodak Black who came out of poverty with Black support, but this isn't that coons first rodeo. Remember he has a similar mindset to the late Stephon Clark in regards to Black women. Notice, I don't have a damn thing to say about who's sleeping with who, but I will point out the efforts serpents put forth to spite Black people. So if you're sleeping with someone of a different race, its not my business, that's on you, but its on if you think that you need to put down Black women or men as a result of sleeping with a non-Black person. So knowing Kodak's mindset, I don't know why he'd be embraced anyway, but to defend Black-face should be an immediate indication that its time to cut him off.

I'm not a huge fan of the Breakfast Club, but this video contains voice recordings from these two coons. As you hear, the radio hosts are talking about how long they will boycott and someone mentioning more exclusivity. Why are all these multimillionaires talking about not doing or having a limited time boycott instead of elevating Black fashion designers with a Black owned brand? Gotta switch up that consumer mindset. Luckily these people aren't required for business development.

We have the power to ostracize these serpents trying to go against Black people, and it must be exercised. These serpents need to fear the consequences of their tongue.

White Supremacy won't face consequences as much as it should with these people in the way. They're thinking about protecting their money, even if they could say "No comment" and go about their way. They want to make sure its out there that they side with White Supremacy, they don't give a damn about tightening the noose around the necks of the rest of us. They have that "I'm not Black, i'm OJ" mindset without saying it. So don't hesitate to treat them like the enemies they are.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Prime Example: Liam Neeson

Image result for liam neesonRecently reports went out that actor, Liam Neeson was in the mood to kill some Black bastards. Specifically Black men. I pointed out the fact that it wasn't just straight Black men, that the coons and other off-codes go after. That includes gay Black men, transsexual Black men, Black teenage males, and also the Black Lesbian studs out there who look more manly than some men.

I had to highlight that because too many Black people live in denial. No matter how hard Terry Crews, Don Lemon, or any of the other anti-Black clowns try to go after us, they're still targets.

This God damned White Supremacist was ready to kill any Black man in sight after a female he knows said that she was raped by a "Black person". That vague description. Anyone can say that, and as a matter of fact it has been said and continues to be said by way of false allegations. I'd be asking for the results of a rape kit with all the lies going around.

Regardless of what you read above, Liam Neeson wasn't going off of a description of someone to kill who happened to be Black. This White Supremacist was looking to get into it with any Black man in sight so that he could kill them with a club he had. He walked around for a straight week looking to take any of us out. He claims he's ashamed of it and feels horrible now, but I wouldn't trust him. Him getting close to any of us should be considered a threat, period.

An attack can conjure emotions, but it wasn't about the alleged rapist at that point. The White media took the liberty to mention how he feels now about his actions, but you know they run defense for non-Black people when the target is Black people. The White media also aimed to gain sympathy for Liam by mentioning that he's in mourning over a nephew that passed away. They don't give a damn about any our loved ones if a Black person did something, and its no excuse for them either.

Don't be one of those Black people supposedly trying to bridge all races of people by way of using this to open up a conversation. What conversation is there to have? It's same old conversation, pulled out whenever a White Supremacist needs cover from the punishment they're due. I see posts making fun of Liam, but this is really no laughing matter, taking one of our lives is no laughing matter so making light of it makes me look at certain people with a side eye.

Forgive him not, and you never know if he truly feels better today because he found a victim to kill yesterday. White culprits have been known to get away with all sorts of evildoing, and murder is one of them. Just imagine him killing a Black man and a race soldier in blue steps in to help him clean up the scene. If someone drops a clue that they're willing to do harm to you or even kill you, don't take it with a grain of salt or make excuses because you may fall victim to your own rationalization.

Image result for michelle rodriguez old

I have to mention Michelle Rodriguez in this post. I was done, but after she said what she said I had to come back and update it. Michelle Rodriguez who lucked up with her role in Fast & The Furious, pulled an excuse out of her ass for Liam Neeson. I posted on Twitter about it. She said that he couldn't be racist because of the way he kissed, Viola Davis. The way he kissed Viola Davis, a Black woman. Viola was even gushing over that scene with him and some of us had to get in her ass, but  Michelle Rodriguez is clearly overlooking the fact that slave owners forcibly kissed Black women on the plantation. This included little Black girls, boys, men and i'll go as far as to say babies because it happens now. So with little to no laws for White people in the past, you know some definitely raped Black babies too. Look at who this non-White woman sided with. How often do you see this? Just observe. How many non-Black minorities play DEVIL's advocate for people who are clearly racists?

This man was talking about taking the life of a Black man, which could've been Viola Davis' husband or someone else she loves and Michelle Rodriguez saw fit to defend him. Think about it. Now her ass is apologizing to protect her career, not because she cares, she meant what she said before but the backlash is making her say otherwise. She apologizes for the insensitive way she defended Liam Neeson. That doesn't mean she doesn't defend him, she's just trying to get the heat off her ass about the way she defended him. Bitch please.