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Former Coca-Cola VP of Global Affairs & President of Atlanta City Council |
They need to challenge everyone to go get rape kits and provide as much evidence as possible so that there is more than just an allegation, if its real. They also need to warn the liars that they will stand against them as they seek justice for the liars victims just as much as the rape victims. This actually increases the voice of the real victims and makes the liars think twice about spewing false allegations.
Black men tend to be the ones that go down the most for false allegations of sexual assault, while the highest percentage of actual culprits walk away. Most of those culprits are non-Black people. I didn't say men, because the number of non-Black women committing acts of rape are surely higher than the number actual sexual assaults committed by some Black men.
I don't stand with these Black men, as mentioned before, I still don't stand with them but they usually always get locked up. Even the innocent Black men get locked up, so that's not a challenge to pull off. I bring all this up, because Lisa Borders stepped down from her position recently and she wasn't specific on why.

Come to find out, her "family concerns" involve her son and him being accused of sexual assault. She left the organization for her son, she hired Kevin Spacey's lawyer for her son, but bullshit allegations got backed and pushed by members of Time's Up and MeToo against Black men. Don't wait until its your son to believe that women have the ability to lie. Two non-Sistas leading organizations that target Black men with charges while giving White men a slap on the wrist. I don't even think White women have gotten a tisk tisk. Now karma has thrown Lisa's son under the same damn bus she was driving. Even if he's innocent, I have nothing to say if he had nothing to say against this organization or MeToo. I don't care if she stepped down, she's still a hypocrite.
There is a lesson to learn from this, because there are serpents among us who are anti-Black man, anti-Black woman, or anti-Black in general. They often forget to realize that they're related to Black people, and most of the time they love them dearly. Karma throws their loved ones on that same anti-Black sword they wield against the rest of us. If this is you, you may want to put that sword down before someone you love gets cut.
I'm just throwing this out there, but Lisa Borders was also the President of the WNBA. This is the league that a straight Black woman and former WNBA player had to deal with toxic lesbian culture. How often do you hear that used in the media? Lisa Borders wasn't happy about that, and I doubt she investigated the allegations.
Candice Wiggins had this to say:

"It was my way to illustrate the isolation that I felt personally," Wiggins said. "I felt like the 2 percent versus the 98 percent. It felt that way to me. And it's not just the players. It was the coaches. It was the leaders."
I don't know about you, but when I hear "conformist" in a place running on toxic lesbianism, I think of a place that may have players turning other players out. This came out in 2017, and may explain why women aren't on the chopping block.