I had to highlight that because too many Black people live in denial. No matter how hard Terry Crews, Don Lemon, or any of the other anti-Black clowns try to go after us, they're still targets.
This God damned White Supremacist was ready to kill any Black man in sight after a female he knows said that she was raped by a "Black person". That vague description. Anyone can say that, and as a matter of fact it has been said and continues to be said by way of false allegations. I'd be asking for the results of a rape kit with all the lies going around.
Regardless of what you read above, Liam Neeson wasn't going off of a description of someone to kill who happened to be Black. This White Supremacist was looking to get into it with any Black man in sight so that he could kill them with a club he had. He walked around for a straight week looking to take any of us out. He claims he's ashamed of it and feels horrible now, but I wouldn't trust him. Him getting close to any of us should be considered a threat, period.
An attack can conjure emotions, but it wasn't about the alleged rapist at that point. The White media took the liberty to mention how he feels now about his actions, but you know they run defense for non-Black people when the target is Black people. The White media also aimed to gain sympathy for Liam by mentioning that he's in mourning over a nephew that passed away. They don't give a damn about any our loved ones if a Black person did something, and its no excuse for them either.
Don't be one of those Black people supposedly trying to bridge all races of people by way of using this to open up a conversation. What conversation is there to have? It's same old conversation, pulled out whenever a White Supremacist needs cover from the punishment they're due. I see posts making fun of Liam, but this is really no laughing matter, taking one of our lives is no laughing matter so making light of it makes me look at certain people with a side eye.
Forgive him not, and you never know if he truly feels better today because he found a victim to kill yesterday. White culprits have been known to get away with all sorts of evildoing, and murder is one of them. Just imagine him killing a Black man and a race soldier in blue steps in to help him clean up the scene. If someone drops a clue that they're willing to do harm to you or even kill you, don't take it with a grain of salt or make excuses because you may fall victim to your own rationalization.

I have to mention Michelle Rodriguez in this post. I was done, but after she said what she said I had to come back and update it. Michelle Rodriguez who lucked up with her role in Fast & The Furious, pulled an excuse out of her ass for Liam Neeson. I posted on Twitter about it. She said that he couldn't be racist because of the way he kissed, Viola Davis. The way he kissed Viola Davis, a Black woman. Viola was even gushing over that scene with him and some of us had to get in her ass, but Michelle Rodriguez is clearly overlooking the fact that slave owners forcibly kissed Black women on the plantation. This included little Black girls, boys, men and i'll go as far as to say babies because it happens now. So with little to no laws for White people in the past, you know some definitely raped Black babies too. Look at who this non-White woman sided with. How often do you see this? Just observe. How many non-Black minorities play DEVIL's advocate for people who are clearly racists?
This man was talking about taking the life of a Black man, which could've been Viola Davis' husband or someone else she loves and Michelle Rodriguez saw fit to defend him. Think about it. Now her ass is apologizing to protect her career, not because she cares, she meant what she said before but the backlash is making her say otherwise. She apologizes for the insensitive way she defended Liam Neeson. That doesn't mean she doesn't defend him, she's just trying to get the heat off her ass about the way she defended him. Bitch please.