When it comes to "The Hate That Hate Produces" crowd, they will do any and everything to prevent White Supremacists from suffering the consequences of "their" actions.
They want "them" to get away with crime. They don't want them to be held accountable, they label grown rusty ass non-Black adults as children. It doesn't matter if you're 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years someone's senior. If they're old enough to know better, and they're legally an adult, they don't deserve that "child" title. A 14-year-old Black child won't even get that title. They're ready to lock them up and try them as "adults".
It's time that you say "Game Over", don't turn the other cheek. Don't go high when they go low unless its to deliver a knock out punch in the name of self defense. You see, the game is for you not to do to them what they do to you, but those are the people the bad things usually happen too. Again, remember which route Dylann Roof chose to go. He was afraid of Black people ready and willing to defend themselves, so he went after the soft targets.
My post looking down on forgiveness for these monsters still holds true. When you forgive, all you do is tighten your own noose, because they go harder when there are no consequences. They go harder when you go on TV talking about forgiveness.
Are Feminists on TV promoting forgiveness for "Toxic Masculinity"?
Is the LGBT community on TV promoting forgiveness for "Homophobia"?
Is the Jewish community on TV promoting forgiveness for "Antisemitism"?
Are Illegal Immigrants on TV promoting forgiveness for "Deportation"?
Are White people on TV promoting forgiveness for "9-11"?
Hell no. They NEVER FORGET, ever. None of these people are approached about it either, but Black people are. The boy attacked by Theresa Klein, was traumatized and the White media didn't try to understand that, they were busy trying to get him to forgive. All of this shit is deliberate, you have to see that. It only tightens the noose, it never loosens it and they want to feel safe while tightening it. You might get someone saying that "forgiveness isn't for the person who did it, its for you", but my response remains the same, do it in private. Don't go on TV in front of the masses in order to be one of the many dumb asses lining up to reinforce White Supremacy. Again, that only tightens the noose on Black people. If you just have to forgive, do it in private. The fools hellbent on forgiving, are the reason defense isn't always swift. Why should it be when the effort some of us put forth gets shitted on by someone ready to forgive at a moments notice?
That little boy had it right the first time, but his mammy forced him to forgive. They brought them on national TV for that, no one else mentioned above. None of Cosby's lying ass accusers, no Holocaust survivors seeking to forgive Hitler, no Pulse survivors or their families for the shooter, no Parkland survivors. The list goes on, and you really have to see it for what it is.
They want you to forgive, but if the show were on the other foot, it would be a firestorm of slander by that same exact media outlet and mirrored by others. You don't even have to be guilty of anything, they've pulled off hit pieces on Black victims.
They have these fake Black leaders they deploy to forgive White Supremacists by way of the fake White media programs too. How many pastors have you seen standing their ass in front of the camera trying to place words in the rest of our mouths? You have Black entertainers out here doing the same thing, along with their fellow scum like Corey Booker forgiving Black-face. The White media is a non-stop drum beat always slithering around to find the serpents among us who can be the voice they need as fake proof that Black people forgive. These serpents must be ostracized, they shouldn't have room to slither as a result of their betrayal.
Floyd Mayweather didn't have to comment on Cucci (Gucci), but he proudly did it anyway to give a middle finger to Black people. On top of that, the coon showed you who he sides with as he slithered his ass into a Gucci store. His ass should be off limits because you see how little he cares. Floyd doesn't care and no excuses will change that about him. To hell with his boxing matches or anything else he pumps out for Black people to popularize for his White fans.
The same applies to Kodak Black who came out of poverty with Black support, but this isn't that coons first rodeo. Remember he has a similar mindset to the late Stephon Clark in regards to Black women. Notice, I don't have a damn thing to say about who's sleeping with who, but I will point out the efforts serpents put forth to spite Black people. So if you're sleeping with someone of a different race, its not my business, that's on you, but its on if you think that you need to put down Black women or men as a result of sleeping with a non-Black person. So knowing Kodak's mindset, I don't know why he'd be embraced anyway, but to defend Black-face should be an immediate indication that its time to cut him off.
I'm not a huge fan of the Breakfast Club, but this video contains voice recordings from these two coons. As you hear, the radio hosts are talking about how long they will boycott and someone mentioning more exclusivity. Why are all these multimillionaires talking about not doing or having a limited time boycott instead of elevating Black fashion designers with a Black owned brand? Gotta switch up that consumer mindset. Luckily these people aren't required for business development.
We have the power to ostracize these serpents trying to go against Black people, and it must be exercised. These serpents need to fear the consequences of their tongue.
White Supremacy won't face consequences as much as it should with these people in the way. They're thinking about protecting their money, even if they could say "No comment" and go about their way. They want to make sure its out there that they side with White Supremacy, they don't give a damn about tightening the noose around the necks of the rest of us. They have that "I'm not Black, i'm OJ" mindset without saying it. So don't hesitate to treat them like the enemies they are.